To love and be loved is an infinite Precious gift.
If this gift is not nurtured, treasured, and truly honored from deep
within, it will dissipitate and ultimately cause more woundedness.
It is the sublime gift of the first coming together in love, harmony
and union of the Divine Masculine in total balance and bliss with the
Divine Feminine – those moments of Creative Oneness which spans the
whole cosmos and brings wonder and awe.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
So many of you on your planet earth have had times in your life where you feel alone or unloved. It is understandable dear ones. You have been programmed to believe that life must look a certain way, by a certain age, that you must be with certain people, make a certain income, and live a certain way. But in truth, there are just as many "successful" and "love filled" ways to live as they are beings on the planet.
Traducción: Alicia Virelli
La Compañía del Cielo está inundando las capas emocionales y mentales de este Planeta con la profunda Verdad, que este es el momento más crucial, maravilloso y sin precedentes que la Humanidad y la Tierra hayan experimentado alguna vez. Como resultado de este influjo de conocimiento sagrado, que se está filtrando en las mentes conscientes y en los corazones de los millones de personas que están Despertando todos los días, la gente de todo el mundo está sintiendo que su tiempo está al alcance de la mano. La interpretación de lo que significa este Conocimiento Interno depende de cuán Despierto/a está una persona.
It is with the vibration of clarity we greet you, bringing forth clarity to your mental body and entire being. We come forth with great volumes of supreme light to be anchored into your being and creation, please allow yourself to be receptive to our presence and energy.
Clarity is a quality being expressed by the Creator and distributed through us, Saint Germain and Serapis Bey; its purpose is to bring focus and balance to your entire being thus creating peace and harmony within. From such a state, abilities of contemplating expansion and existence beyond the Earth can be more fully obtained. One is able to contemplate beyond illusion, accepting both the truth of the Creator and misconception to form an aligned and truthful awareness to be anchored into the Era of Love. No longer can illusions or misconceptions be tolerated within your being or reality, instead they are required to be accepted without reaction and lovingly discarded when necessary. It is your reactions and responses to illusions and misconceptions which the vibration of clarity wishes to lessen and dissolve within you, thus false impressions will become amusing with very little hold or influen ce upon you.
Traducción: Guadalupe Rodríguez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Muchos hablan de aterrizajes de seres del espacio exterior prontos a suceder, y que alienígenas espaciales se mueven rápidamente alrededor de la tierra esperando que ustedes terrícolas les permitan volverse visibles.
Mientras es verdad que seres de muchos lugares están observando la tierra y sus organismos, los seres que no son de la tierra no tienen necesidad de naves espaciales. Creer que los alienígenas espaciales van a aterrizar en la tierra es un poco como esperar que un caballero medieval en un caballo blanco encuentre el camino a tu corazón.
As always so much is taking place on Earth of which you are not directly aware. The outer signs are around you and in general people sense the changes that are taking place. They may not know what they are at this time but they feel the subtle difference in the energies around you. With them is a feeling of the changes that are verging on manifestation, and felt as being very positive. Matters will continue like this and continue to grow until eventually there will be an upliftment that can be felt. Some will nevertheless be unaware, but those of you who have been working to raise your vibrations will without doubt do so. It may well be your first positive feeling of the changes, and we know that many will feel uplifted by what takes place. They shall continue and there will be no going back to the old lower vibrations.