Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Yeshua. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Yeshua. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, noviembre 04, 2020

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - Helping Others - November 4, 2020

Dear friends,

I am so happy that today we have again come together to celebrate the new era. It is no longer something that lies far ahead in the future. It is something which is growing under your feet and blossoming, here and now. A new consciousness, a new knowing is being born in the world. This has to do with the budding energy of the heart in many people, and you are the pioneers, the trailblazers. You are the ones who are the first to carry the seed within you and to plant it on Earth.

martes, noviembre 03, 2020

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua and Mary Magdalene - Embrace Your Divinity - November 3, 2020

Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Yeshua. I AM Mary Magdalene. Together we embrace you with Eternal Love and Respect.

This is a time of all times; this is a time of all measures to bring you once again to your true form and true life. We beseech you to not focus on all the feelings of fear and concern as you watch and experience the dismantling, the destruction, and the chaos.

lunes, septiembre 28, 2020

Lee Carroll - Historias Privadas – Canalizar - Marilyn Harper - Sep 24, 2020

Historias Privadas – Canalizar – Conversación de Lee Carroll y Marilyn Harper
Canalizaciones: Kryon por Lee Carroll – Adironnda y Yeshua por Marilyn Harper

Lee: Hola a todos, soy Lee Carroll, estamos emitiendo otro programa llamado Streaming with Lee (transmisión virtual con Lee), este es un programa gratuito, y es algo que realmente disfruto, porque ahora conversaré con Marilyn Harper y esto es libre para todos, entre Marilyn y yo. Vamos a conversar sobre la canalización.

Streaming with Lee - Marilyn Harper

martes, septiembre 22, 2020

Jim Self - Unifying Your Bodies - Part 2 - September 14, 2020

Jim: How does the interface occur between the Higher Self and the Sacred Heart space? There appears to be a different or new understanding in that space.

Yeshua: Yes, there is. It has to do with the causal body. The causal body is one of the interface mechanisms that brings the non-physical, high frequency range of Soul Spirit down through the bodies. That is what the difference is. It is in the state of consciousness. Now, when we speak of consciousness, it has a different context to it. We are entering a realm here of consciousness that is experiential. And, it’s very difficult to translate that experience of higher states of consciousness into a language that is very dense and cannot accommodate the experience.

jueves, septiembre 17, 2020

Jim Self - Unifying Your Bodies - Part 1 - Sep 17, 2020

Yeshua: You have come far with us over the last several years of your time. You have studied. You have practiced. You have experienced. The time now to begin to open your consciousness a little further is very, very much at this moment. You have opened the door into this New Era. You have also opened the door into a new state of conscious awareness. One that you could not have stepped into in the old third dimensional paradigm.

jueves, mayo 21, 2020

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua and Mary Magdalene - Divine Love Empowerment - May 20, 2020

Audio Recording:


Greetings and Blessings Dear Ones. I AM Yeshua.

I bring you good tidings and encouragement in these challenging times. For you knew all this that you are experiencing would all be so, and that you are eternally equipped to face and resolve whatever you are handed and presented with in these trying times, and always.

viernes, abril 24, 2020

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua and Mary Magdalene - “Back to Your Core” - April 24, 2020

Greetings Beloveds,

In these changing, tumultuous times, it is important that you not forget your Core, your Life, your abiding Life Force: Divine Love. Please remember to always access the Love within, the connection to your Soul and to your Eternal Life.

domingo, marzo 22, 2020

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua and Mary Magdalene - “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” - March 22, 2020

Dearest Beloveds,

New Earth is Revealing Herself with all the Shifts taking place in this Now.

Hold the energy of Cooperation, Harmony, Love and Peace in your Hearts as the World (and Collective) takes a pause and flows further into her Divine place of Love, Neutrality, Peace and Harmony.

miércoles, enero 08, 2020

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - You are Becoming a Teacher - January 8, 2020

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. My heart is filled with joy from sharing this day with you. It is like a meeting with old friends. We are connected from the heart and we share a mission. I want you to recognize me as your brother, as an equal and a friend.

martes, diciembre 24, 2019

James Gilliland - The Latest from ECETI - Christmas Message - Dec 24, 2019

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland

ECETI Christmas Message

We are living in exciting times. The previous evening 31 ships flew over ECETI, it was quite a welcoming party. I managed to get most of them on film. They each powered up over the house then phased out. They were Pleiadian followed by a massive Orion Council of Light ship. The planetary liberation is in full swing. What better time than Christmas when people’s hearts are open and receptive. Not every spiritual experience is an angel or ascended master. There are whole civilizations of beings living in what many would term Buddha or Christ consciousness. Some are physical, yet the

James McConnell - Yeshua and OWS - December 22, 2019

Yeshua (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Yeshua. I come now at this time, in this moment of peace of oneness, your Christmas season, your holiday season.

[I AM] Not coming because this was my time of birth. You are not celebrating my birth those two thousand years ago. You are celebrating the birth of the Christ Consciousness within all. Whether it is this time of year, or another time of the year, whenever it is, it is all about a celebration of the Light, a celebration of love, of higher consciousness here on the planet. Of bringing the Christ Consciousness down to this planet, anchoring it here, holding it here, and then spreading it with good cheer amongst all of your brothers and sisters. That all of your brothers and sisters across the planet, whether it is this day, or your 25th of December, or in the Spring of each year, whenever it is, can celebrate the rising of the Christ Energy amongst all of you and within all of you.

miércoles, diciembre 11, 2019

James and JoAnna McConnell - Yeshua and OWS -Reigniting the flame within - December 1, 2019

YESHUA (Channeled by James McConnell)

Yes, I am Yeshua.

I often come as my Higher Self, Sananda. But this time we chose that I would come to be with you, because of that which is approaching in your next Advance (Ancient Awakenings Retreat in the Mountains). Your next gathering together of old souls coming back together again and reuniting and reigniting the flame within all of you.

miércoles, noviembre 27, 2019

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Garden of Eden - November, 2019

Dear friends,

I greet you all from the heart of the Christ energy. I speak from the Christ energy that moves within you and takes you into a different kind of reality, into a field of collective consciousness that differs from the current consciousness on Earth.

jueves, septiembre 05, 2019

James McConnell - YESHUA/SANANDA and OWS - August 18th, 2019

YESHUA/SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Yeshua Sananda. I come as both, here today, to be with you. To share. To experience your love. Your love that is transcending the universe, now.

For as one said earlier: you have no idea who you are at this point yet. Many have shared this with you at various times, attempted to bring this understanding to you. Not to raise your ego, but to raise your consciousness. For as you raise your consciousness, that part of your ego that is the love part of your ego, raises also. And the lower part of your ego falls behind; not to be lost, but to be overcome, to be overshadowed, overlighted. And that is what you are doing now. As you are moving into this first wave of ascension.

domingo, mayo 19, 2019

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - A New Day - May 19, 2019

image credit:


Dear Sweet Beings,

This is a new day. Yes, it is a new day every day for you, but I am referring to a New Day, brought in by the New Light … Always and forever spiraling into higher vibration and frequency and allowing you to reach higher and higher dimensions.

miércoles, febrero 27, 2019

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - “The Core of your Transformation is Divine Love” - Feb 25, 2019

Hello Everyone! I’ve missed you all. Thank you for your patience while I have been away from public channeling…I am so happy to offer you this channeling from Yeshua today…Blessings and Love to All ~ Fran

image credit:

Message from Yeshua:

Greetings Beloveds,

Deep inside you is transformation, of a kind and form and manner not witnessed or experienced ever. It has the quality of complete annihilation at times of all you once stood for, of all you have identified yourself with. It is a refinement and yet sometimes subtle remaking of everything you once knew. It plunges deep into your psyche and your knowing and your awareness like never before.

viernes, enero 04, 2019

James McConnell - Yeshua and One Who Serves - Yeshua's Annual Christmas Message - Dec 23, 2018

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZon December 23, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

YESHUA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Yeshua. It is wonderful to be with you here on this day, this time that is approaching now which you call your Christmas holiday.

What indeed is Christmas? Is it a celebration of my birth, those 2000-plus years ago? Or is it so much more than that? And as many of you ask that question within yourself, you already know the answer. For many across the planet celebrate as this is a celebration of my birth. But is it a celebration of my birth, as Yeshua, or is it a celebration of the birth of the Christ consciousness within each and every one of us? That, my friends, is the answer.

martes, diciembre 25, 2018

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - Bow Deeply to Yourself

Dear friends, beautiful children of humanity,

I am Jeshua, your brother and friend. I am with you; I hold your hand. I have also traveled the path you are on and I have known the depths of despair, intense sadness, and nostalgia for Home. I know you inwardly, because you are my loved ones, my family. I welcome you here and now.