Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Selacia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Selacia. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, agosto 08, 2021

Selacia - COMO NAVEGAR LOS FINALES NO DESEADOS - Oportunidad en un Final - - Agosto 1, 2021

Traducción Alicia Virelli
Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:

Nuestros ciclos de vida están marcados por comienzos y finales. Desde nuestra primera respiración cuando comenzamos nuestra vida hasta nuestro último aliento cuando partimos, experimentamos innumerables ciclos de cambio. Esto es cierto a nivel muy personal y también se relaciona con los otros y situaciones en nuestras vidas.

A menudo damos la bienvenida a un nuevo ciclo con su promesa de novedad y deleite. No obstante cuando un ciclo termina, podemos sentirnos desorientados, confundidos o incluso extremadamente tristes o enojados. Continúen leyendo para obtener sugerencias sobre cómo navegar por los finales no deseados.‎

viernes, agosto 06, 2021

Selacia - The Gift of Waiting -Powerful Moon Process- - Aug 6, 2021

Do you ever feel like you're waiting - for something to manifest, for something to end, or to meet someone important to your future? The waiting can feel like a painful and unmanageable void. Sometimes it can feel like punishment, your ego convincing you that you aren't enough or that you can't have what you want. Continue reading to understand the gift of waiting, and how to manage the void while you wait.

martes, julio 13, 2021

Selacia - CONFÍEN EN SUS SENTIMIENTOS - Conéctense con su Yo Superior Más Grande- - Julio 5, 2021

Traducción Alicia Virelli
Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:


Estar vivos ahora puede inspirarnos a ser mejores versiones de nosotros mismos y a expandir nuestra visión de cómo prestamos servicio en el mundo. Para manifestar nuestras inspiraciones en la realidad física debemos confiar en nuestra sabiduría interior y luego tomar medidas para transformarnos. Suena fácil. En la práctica puede ser un desafío. Continúen leyendo para saber cómo navegar este acertijo.

lunes, julio 05, 2021

Selacia - Trusting Your Feelings -Connect with Your Larger Self- - July 5, 2021

Being alive now can inspire us to be better versions of ourselves and to expand our view of how we serve in the world. To manifest our inspirations into physical reality, we must trust our inner wisdom, then take steps to transform ourselves. Sounds easy. In practice, it can be challenging. Continue reading to know how to navigate this conundrum.


We are naturally intuitive beings from birth. As children, and even in the womb, we can sense our environment and intuit things. We house within ourselves both a divine feminine and divine masculine. It is the feminine aspect we tap for flashes of insight and a knowing of how to proceed in life. That feminine side of us is always there, regardless of whether we are female or male.

martes, junio 29, 2021

Selacia - Son las pequeñas cosas - Signos de Transformación- - Junio 25, 2021

Traducción Alicia Virelli -
Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Ahora en MeWe

Cuando la vida parece incierta, ingobernable o simplemente demasiado para procesar, restablezcan su enfoque en las pequeñas cosas. Por cierto son las pequeñas cosas de la vida las que a menudo brindan los momentos necesarios de alegría y significado. También son las pequeñas cosas las que nos dan contexto para nuestro éxito. Continúen leyendo para comprender cómo esto se aplica a sus vidas diarias y cómo los ayuda a evolucionar espiritualmente.

viernes, junio 25, 2021

Selacia - It's The Little Things -Transformational Signs- - June 25, 2021


When life seems uncertain, unmanageable, or simply too much to process - reset your focus to the little things. Indeed it's the little things in life that often bring needed moments of joy and meaning. It's the little things, too, that give us context for our success. Continue reading to understand how this applies in your everyday life and helps you evolve spiritually.


We are living in a construction zone on Earth as our world is being remade from the ground up. Navigating these moments is no simple task. On any given day, we likely have both new opportunities and challenges unlike those we had before.

miércoles, junio 16, 2021

Selacia - Honoring the Divine Feminine -Solstice Rebirth- - June 16, 2021

The June 20 solstice is an opportunity for a rebirth, one that honors the divine feminine in all beings. Indeed, an essential part of our mandate in the 2020s is to anchor this vital energy on the Earth and facilitate its active expression. Continue reading to know what this means in your life and how you can prepare for solstice.


Solstice annually in June and December invites us to take a pause, go within, and connect with rebirth energies that can fuel positive momentum and breakthroughs in how we see ourselves. Connecting regularly with an updated vision of ourselves and our potentials is essential for spiritual growth and manifesting our highest purpose in the world.

miércoles, junio 09, 2021

Selacia - Intensity & The Void -Look for Signs- - June 9, 2021

Feeling an extra dose of intensity this week, or perhaps like you're in the void with no reference point? Among the reasons: the June 10 eclipse, Mercury retrograde, and the extra potency experienced during Wesak season. Continue reading for a big picture of these roller-coaster moments and how to manage the intensity.

martes, mayo 18, 2021

Selacia - The Circle of Love -Loss & Heart Opening- - May 18, 2021

Love between close friends and romantic partners evolves in a circle. It's a bit like a dance, the two people over time becoming more bonded and more open with one another. This was always the case, yet in these times of uncertainty and shifting paradigms, the dance can be both more satisfying and more challenging. Continue reading for a big picture view of how this applies in your life.

domingo, mayo 16, 2021

Selacia: - Wesak - Catalizador para nuevos Comienzos -Una Nueva Vision- - Mayo 10, 2021

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Ahora en MeWe

Este Wesak acontece durante una ventana de tiempo única, cuando ustedes y toda la humanidad tienen nuevos potenciales para volver a visualizar qué tipo de mundo desean y qué roles desempeñarán. Continúen leyendo para comprender cómo el Wesak que celebraremos el 15 de mayo puede ser sólo el catalizador necesario para acelerar el despertar y dar a luz un tipo de mundo completamente nuevo basado en el amor. 

lunes, mayo 10, 2021

Selacia - Wesak - Catalyst for New Beginnings -A New Vision- - May 10, 2021

This Wesak occurs during a unique window of time - when you and all of humanity have brand-new potentials to re-envision what kind of world you want - and what roles you will play. Continue reading to understand how the Wesak we celebrate May 15 can be just the catalyst needed to accelerate awakening and birth an entirely new kind of world based on love.

lunes, mayo 03, 2021

Selacia - Keep The Gifts Of Your Experience -Move On With Wisdom- - May 3, 2021

There's an energy of forward movement in the air as some parts of the world begin to turn the corner on the pandemic. If you're like most of us, you've learned a lot this past year, changing many life priorities. These positive shifts are the gifts of our challenging experience. It's vital that we keep these gifts alive as we move forward. Continue reading to better understand what this means on both a personal and collective level.

jueves, abril 22, 2021

Selacia - Imagine You Are Extraordinary -How To See & Tap Your Potentials- - April 22, 2021


Imagine that you are extraordinary! Chances are, given how you were raised or what you experienced in life to date, accepting that you are an extraordinary being may feel like a bit of a stretch. I invite you to set aside your doubts as you continue reading - for I have a purpose in opening your mind at this important juncture.

sábado, abril 10, 2021

Selacia - If The Earth Could Speak -Our Role in What Happens Next- - April 10, 2021



Consider what you might hear in these troubled times if the Earth could speak your language. No doubt, she would have a lot to say - and to ask of us. Indeed the Earth continuously communicates to us - through the weather, other species, the food supply, and climate change. Continue reading to know why it's vital that we listen to her and heed her sage wisdom.


As I wrote about in my 2020 Predictions, climate change is the existential crisis of our time. Our first Earth Day was in April 1970. Humanity has made some progress on climate, but now in 2021 this pivotal issue needs to become a top-priority on the radar of all of us - sirens going off loudly.

sábado, abril 03, 2021

Selacia - Lo bueno, lo malo y lo extraordinario -3 PASOS PARA INSPIRARSE - Marzo 31, 2021

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de 


Estos raros tiempos de transformación personal y social están sacando a la luz tanto la bondad que existe en todos los seres como los aspectos sin curar de la sombra que deben ser revelados, explorados y transformados. Si se siente cansado por el caos y la incertidumbre aparentemente interminables, lo invito a considerar los extraordinarios potenciales disponibles ahora. Continúe leyendo para obtener un antídoto cósmico para aplicar en su vida.

martes, marzo 30, 2021

Selacia - The Good The Bad & The Extraordinary -3 Steps To Get Inspired- - March 30, 2021

These rare times of personal and societal transformation are bringing to light both the goodness existing in all beings and the shadow unhealed aspects that must be revealed, explored and transformed. If you are feeling weary about the seemingly endless chaos and uncertainty, I invite you to consider the extraordinary potentials available now. Continue reading for a cosmic antidote to apply in your life.


We as a collective chose this unique time - long ago - to come together in creating a mega shift in consciousness not possible before. Even if you have heard this before and get what it means, everyday struggles and frustrations with the seemingly slow pace of change can make anyone weary, fed up, and impatient.

These ego-driven responses take us out of the drivers seat of our lives and our ability to be powerful changemakers. When our ego has us whine about how bad things are, it tends to lump things together and see our reality as "bad." Have you noticed that, when you temporarily forget your higher wisdom, you label challenges and crisis as bad?

Remember Daily

  • There is no bad.Sometimes what appears as bad is actually a catalyst for self-growth.
  • There is no mega positive personal change possible without your active participation.
  • Rainbows are there, yet you must sometimes walk through the mud to see them and act on them.

A Steady Round of Negative Self-Talk

  • Keeps you small and dis-empowered.
  • Reduces your frequency and manifestation potentials.
  • Keeps you in a rut of complaining that obscures the wise voice of your higher self.

Getting Inspired When You Don't Feel Inspired

We've all been there in 2021 - and perhaps throughout 2020 - since our societal norms began shifting - complaining to ourselves and others about how difficult things are. That whining voice inside becomes addictive the more we allow it to dominate our thoughts and our conversations with others. To be sure, we can sometimes benefit from sharing examples of our struggles with others, especially when we do it in an empowered way vs simply complaining.

The Cosmic Antidote

Regardless of how satisfied or disgruntled you are with the status quo of your life and our world, remember that the antidote is within you. It is purposeful positivity - looking for the good or silver linings in all things.

Sounds easy, yet sometimes it can feel challenging because your ego-dissatisfied self gets more of your attention than your inner wisdom. It can take effort to look for the gems that certainly are there, right in front of you.

3 Steps to Get Inspired

Here are 3 steps that can lift you out of negative self-talk and into empowered inspiration.

  • Invite a tangible knowing of extraordinary moments and potentials. Trust that these indeed exist alongside what you label good or bad situations. Yes, these extraordinary moments and potentials are there, yet you must be alert to them and act upon them. Your action, even if one step or one phone call, catalyzes inspiration and connection with potentials. 
  • Stop comparing. This means comparing yourself with others, with where you are in terms of your goals, and with artificial goals you unknowingly accepted as yours because of outmoded societal ideals. Let those go. Be you - your authentic self - in each moment. No race. No judgement. Be. While this may sound simple, and it is, trust that as you master this, your inspiration will soar so high that it propels you in new, more positive directions while also inspiring others. 
  • Don't wait for someone or something outside of you to "fix" your life - or to make your challenge dissolve. You are the fixer. Yes, others can help guide you to solutions and remind you of your higher calling and path - but only you can do the contemplation and follow-up inner work - taking actions step-by-step that create positive change and inspiration. As you do this, you will model what it means to be extraordinary and catalyze inspiration in others. This can be contagious!

Positive Stories from Real People - The Spiritual Compass to 2021

To follow these ideas I'd like to invite my readers to participate in a new section I'm adding to this year's book - "Positive Stories from Real People". Submissions due by April 15.

To be considered for the "positive stories" section, email me a short paragraph describing one positive development occurring in your life because of our changing norms since 2020. At the end of your paragraph include: your name (preferably full name, but first name and last initial okay), your city, your country. Note: a limited number of submissions will be included and they may be edited for space. Therefore, submit as soon as possible.

Examples of submissions: the joy of having more time with family, the reduced stress of not having to drive long distances to work when you work from home, the things you learned about yourself and your ability to adapt to new things, the joy of reuniting with school classmates or former colleagues you discovered online, the inspiration you felt as you noticed people around you being more compassionate and caring, any benefit or positive life change you associate with adapting to new norms.

The idea is to provide inspiration during these often challenging times when much of our news relates to what needs to be fixed - e.g. injustices, power imbalances, the climate crisis.

Benefits of Creating A Submission

Regardless of whether you submit a positive story - and whether it's selected for inclusion in The Spiritual Compass to 2021 - here are the benefits of creating it now:
As you write your "positive story" your level of inspiration and your frequency is raised.
Writing it down helps you to anchor an energy of positivity, amplifying your inspiration.
Saying the words out loud to yourself is like an elixir of positivity - elevating your focus away from problems.
The act of writing creates a bridge to your higher knowing and reminders of the good existing in this world and within you.

I look forward to your feedback on this article and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2021. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Copyright by Selacia - Writer & Guide for Awakened Souls at Communication for Transformation * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

lunes, marzo 22, 2021

Selacia - Prepárense para el Equinoccio - Comprensión de este Portal - Marzo 18, 2021

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de


El equinoccio ocurre el 20 de marzo cuando el sol se mueve hacia el signo de Aries. Esto aporta un nivel de energía completamente nuevo para estimular el renacimiento en nuevos territorios. Pueden estar disponibles nuevas oportunidades de vida que antes no eran posibles. Para comprender lo que esto significa en su vida, continúa leyendo.

jueves, marzo 18, 2021

Selacia - Prepare for Equinox -Understanding this Gateway- - March 18, 2021

Prepare for Equinox
-Understanding this Gateway-

by Selacia

Equinox occurs March 20 as the sun moves into the sign of Aries. This brings a whole new level of energy to stimulate rebirth into new territories. New life opportunities not possible before can become available. To understand what this means in your life, continue reading.

lunes, febrero 08, 2021

Selacia - Language of the Heart -Bridge to Understanding- - Feb 8, 2021

Our global society this year continues in an erratic meltdown of outdated structures. The need to find a bridge to understanding each other is essential to moving forward. The bridge we need is within our hearts. Continue reading to grasp the importance of this and what it means in your everyday life.


The entire 2020s will involve an accelerated level of changes on the Earth - including changes we can't even anticipate right now. We are individuals moving through this, yet we also are an intrinsic part of the collective - having on some level "signed up" for this experience to help ourselves and the world rise out of a dark place of fear and into love that can ignite needed transformation. 
The love mentioned here must be unconditional and come from the high or enlightened spiritual heart. This is not everyday love. It's not the kind we were raised with, or that we see expressed today within groups feeling superior to others.

We all carry lifetimes of old wounds that prevent us from fully housing and expressing our innate spiritual heart. We likely don't remember those past wounds, and perhaps our ego-self convinces us that our hearts are fully liberated from conditioning.
Here's the wake-up call: our world can only mirror back to us what we still house within ourselves. 
As you will read about in my new book being prepared now - The Spiritual Compass to 2021 - we have a long history together on this planet. We've had lives when we were relatively selfless and caring, and others when we were narcissistic and abusive. We were destined to be alive now to help facilitate the greatest transformation into higher consciousness humanity will ever witness in a relatively short amount of time. None of us would want to miss this if we truly grasped how significant this is for us and humanity's future.

About The Spiritual Heart

Our spiritual heart is our high enlightened heart - fearless, nonjudgmental, loving unconditionally. It does not take sides. It does not try to prove it's better than anyone else. It is allowing, patient, kind. This part of us - and we all have it inside ourselves - can develop the ability to converse with others having polar-opposite views. There is no need to be right. There is no insisting that the other person change. At our February 13 spiritual heart meditation you will be introduced to this aspect of yourself and feel it tangibly. It is a beautiful experience - genuine, open, able to pivot on a dime as needed.

Language of the Heart

There is a language or communication ability of your spiritual heart. You were born with it this life. If it were not for your conditioning and lack of understanding about how it operates, you could easily access it daily. This high heart has its own language, much different from everyday communications. In a brief process below you can explore creating a heart communication bridge. I suggest working with this ahead of our meditation, and indeed throughout February to help anchor a new self-awareness..

Heart Communication Bridge Process

Experiment daily in applying the following spiritual heart communication principles - in your self-talk, in communications with individuals and groups, and as you ingest information from the outside world. The high heart communicates all the time, even when we're silent and scrolling through our social media news feed. It takes presence and a development of skills noted below to engage with life via your spiritual heart. It takes patience to learn and recognize its subtle voice. Meanwhile, trust that it is there!


Listen more than you talk, listen more deeply than surface appearances, listen with the intent to create a bridge to understanding. It could be your personal understanding of the world. It could involve understanding others. When you listen this way, you are allowing a flow of energy vs putting up a barrier or a prejudice about what you encounter.


Think like a scientist. Be an observer of yourself, others, your world. Observe as though you don't know it all. Observe with playfulness, like an explorer. Observe with the intent to learn something new. Even with things or dynamics you think you understand fully - allow the space within yourself to observe in a brand-new way you haven't done before.


When we pause long enough to self-reflect, we open a door to more self-understanding, less judgement of others, and fewer "re-dos" oftentimes occurring when we act on feelings or thoughts too quickly. Self-reflection gives us the moments we need for optimal responses, and over time fewer reactions.

I look forward to your feedback on this article and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2021. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Copyright by Selacia - a globally known writer, influencer, DNA intuitive healer, and creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

lunes, enero 25, 2021

Selacia - What To Do While You're Waiting -Update Your Life Vision Process- - Jan 25, 2021

by Selacia

This last week of January is filled with amplifying energies and happenstance. In the midst of that, it's natural that you would be assessing your life path forward and often feel like you're waiting for green lights. The waiting can feel frustrating. What do you "do" then while you're waiting? Continue reading for a higher view that helps you make the most of this juncture.