Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Reverso Polo Magnético. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Reverso Polo Magnético. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, febrero 23, 2021

Aluna Ash - The Pole Flip is fusing "Heaven on Earth" - Feb 22, 2021

The Pole Flip is fusing "Heaven on Earth" individually in consciousness and is a literal personal experience that takes shape at all levels including as a cubic reality in physical time- it all comes together at once: out of time, beyond the physical and in time, in the physical...and everything inbetween, the creative building worlds in between. It's above and below, within and without.

sábado, enero 04, 2020

Anna Merkaba - Pleiadean Council of Light - POLE REVERSAL – IMPORTANT MESSAGE -Magnetosphere - January 4, 2020

!VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE! Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! In recent days I’ve been receiving some fantastic channelings from our galactic counterparts. In this channeling Pleiadeans explain what the Pole Reversal that is accelerating, is all about.

miércoles, junio 15, 2016

Lemurian Light Council - Mind blowing information about the actual energies on the planet - June 15, 2016

By Amu Raea


In this article we are going to talk about the cosmic cycles of the planet, the precession of the equinoxes (and the photon belt), the magnetic grid and its energetic points, the nodes and the nulls, we are going to put several pieces of the puzzle together as everything seems to be moving now at god-speed. We recommend that you make sure to understand these concepts first before starting to read this article.

I write this with the mind blowing, going in all directions at the same time. Thoughts about the magnetic stucture of the planet, how it is being manipulated and how we can transform it. All reasons coming together, the pieces of the puzzle are exploding within my mind with vibrating rememberance, creating infinite thoughts flowing like there are tons of ideas on how we can create an entire new reality.

Let me clarify about the cycles and the precession of the equinoxes. Our Solar System, is part of a larger system that is called the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters which are rotating around their Central Star, named Alcyone. Our Planet rotates around the Sun every 365 days, our Sun makes a revolution around Alcyone every 25630 years, and Alcyone makes a revolution around the Center of the Galaxy every 225 Million Years.