Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal del León. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal del León. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, agosto 03, 2022

Natalia Alba - We are already feeling the intensity of the Lion's Gate portal on 8/8 - Aug 4, 2022

Beloved Ones,

We are already feeling the intensity of the Lion's Gate portal on 8/8, as never before. A portal of expansion and conscious creation in which our intentional focus is pivotal to manifesting the desired outcomes.

A gateway that is supported by other planetary forces coming from the energies coming from the Sun in Leo, together with the New Moon, triple conjunction, Mercury, and Ceres in this same sign. Very potent energies that depending on where we are will help us to burn/dissolve the ego, or to show us where we are still governed by it.

lunes, agosto 01, 2022

Celia Fenn - Así que... el alboroto en este momento es acerca de la conjunción astrológica de Urano, Marte y Nodo Norte en Tauro - Julio 31, 2022

Así que... el alboroto en este momento es acerca de la conjunción astrológica de Urano, Marte y Nodo Norte en Tauro, ocurriendo hoy 31 de julio, al mismo tiempo que las energías de la Puerta de los Leones.

Lo que eso significa es que hay mucha energía poderosa alrededor de los temas del hogar (ya sea tu hogar o el planeta) y las finanzas que realmente se están volviendo intensas en este momento. El nodo norte significa el destino de tu alma en la Tierra, lo que significa que cualquier problema que se acerque ahora tiene un impacto muy profundo en quién y qué eres.


domingo, julio 31, 2022

Aurora Ray - Opening Of The Lions Gate Portal - July 31, 2022

Opening Of The Lions Gate Portal

Now is a time of great evolution—a time when you can make the greatest shifts. You've been bidding your whole life to be here now, and here you are.

In today's post, we will talk about how the Lions Gate can help humanity upgrade our DNA.

This is a powerful series of light codes that are coming together, and this applies not only to you but also to those around you.

Natalia Alba - As we enter into the month of August the energies from the Lions Gate will intensify - July 31, 2022


Beloved Ones,

As we enter into the month of August the energies from the Lions Gate will intensify, and many will begin to feel the impact they have on our bodies, especially if you are one working with DNA rehabilitation and other evolved ascension work, as consciously aligning with them, learning how to direct the energies properly into specific parts of our bodies, is how we create the physical shift required for us to transform ourselves.

Celia Fenn - So... the buzz right now is about the Uranus, Mars and North Node astrological conjunction in Taurus - July 31, 2022


So... the buzz right now is about the Uranus, Mars and North Node astrological conjunction in Taurus, happening today 31st July, at the same time as the Lions Gate energies.

What that means is that there is a lot of powerful energy around the issues of home (whether it be your home or the Planet) and finances that is really becoming intense right now. The North Node signifies the destiny of your soul on Earth, which means that whatever issues are coming up now have a very deep impact on who and what you are.

jueves, julio 28, 2022

Celia Fenn - Luna nueva en Leo: 28 de julio - Julio 28, 2022

Luna nueva en Leo: 28 de julio

Hoy es la Luna Nueva bajo el signo del León/León.

Mientras entramos en el poderoso vórtice de la Puerta anual de los Leones, la Luna Nueva nos invita a ser amables con nosotros mismos en este momento.


Estar en el vacío por un tiempo.

¡Y planta las semillas de lo nuevo!

Qué vas a crear en este ciclo de Creatividad y Manifestación.

Este es el momento en que activas al mago dentro y agitas tu varita mágica y dices:

"¡Yo creo! Y así es"

¡Que todas tus creaciones te traigan alegría!

Celia Fenn - New Moon in Leo : July 28th - July 28, 2022

New Moon in Leo : July 28th

Today is the New Moon under the sign of the Lion/Lionness.

As we enter the powerful vortex of the annual Lions Gate, the New Moon invites us to be gentle with ourselves at this time.


Be in the void for a while.

And plant the seeds of the New!

What will you create in this cycle of Creativity and Manifestation.

This is the moment when you activate the Magician within and wave your Magic Wand and say:

"I create! And so it is"

May all your creations bring you joy!

miércoles, julio 27, 2022

Celia Fenn - Here is something interesting to consider - July 27, 2022

Here is something interesting to consider.

Comet Neowise,( image captured when it was in Earth transit in July 2020.) The Comet is still visible from Earth and is still sending Galactic frequencies).

Comets, as visitors from the Solar system and further, always bring "exotic" vibrations and frequencies to the Earth.

lunes, julio 25, 2022

Celia Fenn - July 25th 2022

July 25th 2022

The Day Out of Time.

A Magical celebration of potential and possibility.

It is the zero point moment between two cycles when all is possible and it is up to us to play with the magic and decide what we want to create.

Not just in our personal lives but also for the Earth and the Galaxy.

We are multi-dimensional Cosmic Beings of Light and our Nature is to Create and Evolve through creation.

Take this day to rest, relax and celebrate.

Tomorrow begins the New Cycle as we begin to move into the Lions Gate Portal!

This is the deep in breath before we begin to move out into another cycle of Creation.

Have a Magical Day!

Portal image by Rosa-Maria Marquez

viernes, julio 22, 2022

Celia Fenn - Today and tomorrow the Sun moves into Leo - July 22, 2022


Today and tomorrow the Sun moves into Leo.

We are moving away from the softer energies of Cancer and into the fiery roar of the Lion.

Expect fire "works" from this point! (And this means from the Sun too. Keep an eye on those sunspots and Solar Flares).

I am finding that after a period of relatively smooth flow in my life, everything is going wrong suddenly! Those Lions are just not settling for second best, and urging us to stand up for ourselves and claim our future!

miércoles, julio 20, 2022

Natalia Alba - As we approach the Galactic New Year on July 26th - July 20, 2022



Beloved Ones,

As we approach the Galactic New Year on July 26th, we will begin to feel the intensity of the fiery Lion's Gate portal, occurring on the 8/8 of August, as never before. A portal of expansion and conscious creation in which our intentional focus is pivotal to manifesting the desired outcomes. A gateway that is supported by other planetary forces coming from the energies coming from the Sun in Leo, together with the New Moon, triple conjunction, Mercury, and Ceres in this same sign. Very potent energies that depending on where we are will help us to burn/dissolve the ego, or to show us where we are still governed by it.

lunes, julio 18, 2022

Celia Fenn - Here is some information on the Lions Gate and the 8 Points of Light in the Sacred Year - July 18, 2022


Here is some information on the Lions Gate and the 8 Points of Light in the Sacred Year:

Ever since we exited the 3rd Dimension and began the Ascension and Transformation process, there has been much talk about Time. We have recognised that Linear Time, the time form associated with the 3rd Dimension, is no longer adequate to describe 5th Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional experience on Earth. Many people point to the “end of time”, as though we will exist in a time free kind of void. However Archangel Michael teaches the concept of the Sacred Year or the Galactic year, in which Time is an aspect of the spiral creative journey of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the Stars.

viernes, julio 15, 2022


Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe


Amada Familia de Luz en la Tierra, ¡ha sido un tiempo de rápido cambio y transición en la Tierra en los últimos seis meses! Desde la Puerta de Acuario en febrero, entraste en un período de frecuencia acelerada y “expansión” personal. Esto se sintió en los grandes cambios del 22 de febrero y el 22 de marzo, así como en los Eclipses y el Equinoccio y el Solsticio, y más recientemente en los Portales 6/6/6 y 7/7.

Cada cambio los ha llevado a una frecuencia más alta y más fina, de modo que están listos para dar un "salto" cuántico mientras transitan por la Puerta de los Leones a fines de julio y agosto. El 8/8 será un momento culminante en el que darás un paso adelante hacia la versión "expandida" de ti mismo.

miércoles, julio 13, 2022


Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe



Amada Familia de Luz en la Tierra, ¡ha sido un tiempo de rápido cambio y transición en la Tierra en los últimos seis meses! Desde la Puerta de Acuario en febrero, entraste en un período de frecuencia acelerada y “expansión” personal. Esto se sintió en los grandes cambios del 22 de febrero y el 22 de marzo, así como en los Eclipses y el Equinoccio y el Solsticio, y más recientemente en los Portales 6/6/6 y 7/7.

Cada cambio los ha llevado a una frecuencia más alta y más fina, de modo que están listos para dar un "salto" cuántico mientras transitan por la Puerta de los Leones a fines de julio y agosto. El 8/8 será un momento culminante en el que darás un paso adelante hacia la versión "expandida" de ti mismo.

martes, julio 12, 2022

Celia Fenn - Luna llena en Capricornio 13 de julio - Julio 12, 2022

Luna llena en Capricornio 13 de julio

La energía realmente está explotando y zumbando en este momento. Estamos en el umbral de la Luna Llena en Capricornio, pero el Sol también está en modo hiper, disparando las erupciones solares de clase C que están dirigidas a la Tierra con la promesa de más por venir, tal vez incluso una poderosa llamarada de clase X.

El tema de esta Luna Llena es la Transformación, sobre todo de estructuras antiguas, en nuestras vidas y como Colectivo.

Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Capricorn July 13th - July 12, 2022

Full Moon in Capricorn July 13th

The energy is really popping and buzzing right now. We are on the threshold of the Full Moon in Capricorn, but the Sun is also in hyper mode, shooting off C Class Solar Flares that are Earth directed with the promise of more to come, perhaps even a powerful X Class Flare.

The theme for this Full Moon is Transformation, especially of old structures, in our lives and as a Collective.

sábado, julio 09, 2022

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michae - Lions Gate 8/8 - July 9, 2022

Channel from Archangel Michael about the Lions Gate 8/8. Posted in entirety as that seems to be the best way these days.


Beloved Light Family on Earth, it has been a time of rapid change and transition on the Earth in the last six months! Since the Aquarius Gate in February, you entered into a period of accelerated frequency and personal “expansion”. This was felt at the big shifts of the 22nd February and the 22nd March, as well as the Eclipses and the Equinox and the Solstice, and more recently the 6/6/6 and 7/7 Portals.

miércoles, julio 06, 2022

Celia Fenn - 7th July : 7/7 Portal - July 7, 2022


7th July : 7/7 Portal

The 7th of July is the powerful 7/7 Portal.

In the Sirian Light Codes this is the Portal of the Spiritual Warrior.

But, because it falls in the feminine sign of Cancer, it shines light on the Divine Feminine Warrior.

The Warrior of the Heart.

The One who is so powerful that even Lions sit at her feet!

domingo, julio 03, 2022

Celia Fenn - July is Sirius Season - July 3, 2022


July is Sirius Season. It is that time of the year when the Sun rises in the sky conjunct Sirius in the Northern hemisphere. It is when Earth has "two suns" a Golden/White Sun and a Blue White Sun (Sirius). It celebrates the close and ancient connection between Earth and the Star Schools of Sirius and the Star Lions and Lionesses. In Ancient Egypt it also celebrated the Rising of the Nile and the beginning of a new cycle of Abundance that was linked to the Sacred River.

For us too, it is a time of the beginning of a new Time Cycle.