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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Mytre. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, diciembre 26, 2015

Suzanne Lie - The Ascension of Arcturus Part 3 and The Tenth Veil of Illusion - 12-26-15

The Ascension of Arcturus - Part 3

From Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension
Book 2


The Formless Ones in both the planetary atmosphere and the planetary core, as well as the Portal Openers, knew that the time was nigh for the completion of the planetary cycle. The plants and animals did not need to understand what was happening, as they lived in unity with the planet and accepted whatever planetary event occurred. Only the Lost Ones were left uninformed that the transmutation of every molecule of form was imminent.

However, the Lost Ones could FEEL that a great change was commencing. Since their separate God had told them that there was a beginning, there would need to be an ending. Hence, the only possible scenario they could believe was that the END was nigh. Since the Lost Ones were incapable of accepting an unknown event, they could only believe that the end of the world was near.

domingo, septiembre 06, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Creating Multidimensional Thought-forms by Mytre, The Pleiadian - 9-6-15

Free download of “Back to the Future, A review of 2012 Ascension Articles”

Back To The Future

Creating Multidimensional Thought-forms
and Energy Fields for Gaia’s Ascension

Mytre, the Pleiadian

Dear volunteers to take an earth vessel, we want you to know that we, your galactic and celestial family, are here. We are here on Earth, but we resonate to a slightly higher frequency pattern that humanity. This frequency pattern serves as a camouflage so that we can walk freely through your habitat zone without being seen.

However, if you expand your innate multidimensional consciousness into the resonance of the fifth dimension, you can close your physical eyes and look through your Third Eye. When you “look” through your Third Eye you will have an awareness of our presence.

In other words, those who can expanded their consciousness, and hence their perceptions, into the frequency of the fifth dimension can perceive our presence. At first you will only perceive us as wavering energy fields because it will take a bit of your “time” to remember how to accept the fifth dimension into your perceptual field.

lunes, octubre 06, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Entering The Violet Fire – Arcturians, Mytria & Your Inner SELF – 6 October 2014

SuzanneLieGreetings, We are the Arcturians,
We have returned to assist your journey into the Violet Fire of the Central Sun. You take this journey to assist you to discover NOW of the core of your essence. This Core Essence is a component of ALL that has been and will ALWAYS be. You Inner Core Essence emanates the MISSION that has brought you to Gaia for
the final act of “The Grand Illusion.”
Feel your self on the verge of the unknown. All that you have perceived as your self has become extinct and “out of date.”
What you once feared is now only a shadow, but there is newness in life that threatens to ignite our “fear of the unknown.”

viernes, enero 17, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Transmissions From Our Higher SELF – Transmissions From Mytre – 17 January 2014

SuzanneLieI was editing book 3 of the Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension when I came on this section that was written in the spring of 2013. It seems so appropriate for today that I wanted to post it again. If you read it before, please read it again, as I made a lot of changes.
Transmissions From Mytre
         Since Sandy and I had the discussion about our dreams, we have become much more aware of Mytre’s presence. In fact, we have been meditating together and asking me for guidance. The response to our guidance is that Mytre has been speaking through me, while Sandy takes notes on her computer. Fortunately, she is a very fast typist, as Mytre has been sending us amazing information. Mytre’s primary guidance has been to offer us ways to better remember our visits to the Ship.

domingo, agosto 25, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Return To SELF – Recognition – 25 August 2013

The following night was a full moon and we were each very busy connecting our Lightbody with the illusions of our physical form. We would maintain the appearance of our physical forms until all the members of our community were able to fully integrate their brain with their multidimensional mind and flash into their Lightbody. The challenge we were facing was to gather together our ever-expanding group in unity consciousness.

lunes, agosto 19, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Ascension – Part 3 – Recalibrating Brain To Multidimensional Mind – 19 August 2013

The evening meetings with the Arcturian and Elohim Alycone have been very successful. Almost everyone comes to these meetings, bringing their children who appear to understand every word. The children have no resistance to perceiving and accepting their new life and often play with light beings that only those who have calibrated to their expanded senses can perceive.
In fact, on day three desperate sets of parents came to me telling me their children were missing. However, the children were standing right next to them in their lightbodies trying to get their parents attention. I instructed the children to lower their frequency by pretending to be something that was solid.

martes, julio 30, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Ascension – Part 3 – Journey To A Future Timeline – 30 July 2013

I am determined to release all the fear and conflict of our old third dimensional reality of separation, power-over others and the resulting wars. I can clearly understand why we were given the challenge of having an old enemy within the midst of our ascended world. However, this situation has created a huge challenge for me, who have obviously become the leader.
With the expanded perceptions of my Lightbody I can hear the whisper of fear regarding Franquoix, as well as fear’s best friend prejudice, move through the hearts and minds of our community. I know from my time studies with the Arcturian that it is one thing to move into the fifth dimension and quite another to stay there.

miércoles, marzo 20, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party – Part 1 – 20 March 2013
I will leave the story of dear Almon for now to return to our landing on ascending Earth. When the Arcturian said that “we” would experience the ascension of either Earth or our Pleiadian world and then the other, I did not realize that the “we” would be Mytre’s parallel self of Almon. Mytre and I are both unclear as to how realities float and intermingle throughout differing timelines. I am sorry to leave Almon in this precarious situation, but to my awareness within this NOW I do not know what did/will happen to him.

Since Mytre and I are still on the edge of time, there is no sequence to the manner in which we share our story. The timing of each episode of our storyline is floating through various timelines. Since our ascension experience on our Pleiadian planet is quite different from the timeline of Earth’s ascension process, all structure and function of time is gone to our awareness. Fortunately, Mytre and I did recover an embedded message from our final journey with our dear Arcturian friend. We share it with you now:

“Being a Master of your thoughts and emotions is the most important thing that you can do while on this mission to Earth. Remember that Earth is in the midst of transition into a Golden Age. Hence, the energetic field surrounding that planet is alive with creative power. This Golden Age will usher Earth into being a fifth dimensional being where every thought and emotion will instantly become manifest. In fact, the primary version of Earth is actually in the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. On the other hand, some of the versions of Earth are still in the third dimension, and some are still in the Lower Astral Plane.

“Because Gaia, the consciousness of Earth, is returning to Her multidimensional SELF, and because Her human residents still resonate to so many different frequencies, Earth has many versions. From our Arcturian perspective, we see Earth in what you would call slow motion. From this viewpoint we can see all the differing frequency expressions within the NOW. In other words, we see the physical version and all the versions of fourth dimensional Earth connected by shadow images.