Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maryann Rada. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maryann Rada. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, diciembre 03, 2015

Maryann Rada - In Response to the Climate of Change - December 3, 2015

Change is upon you already. The soothing words of learned men can do nothing to alter the course of destiny. While world events rage in defiance against the inevitable rebirthing of planetary sentience, still the steady pace of change advances, unabated, unfathomable, undaunted by the trembling voices and bold pronouncements of those who would deem themselves its managers. Yes, it is about to turn in the direction of abrupt shifting and kneeling desperation, but desolation, desecration of the Earth is not within the scope of destiny’s lens. Kinetics of change notwithstanding, you are on a path of return to the origin from which you spring. Your truth is emerging. Your humanity is awakening. It is a time for every eye to open to the light of divinity in all things. This is separate from religion, yet envelops every mode of thought regarding who you are, what your planet is, and where the arrow of time is taking the moment from now into the future. This is a time for you to recognize in each other the answers that you seek from within yourselves, not to look to an outside source, not even to take what we say as the absolute truth apart from anything you have as your own truth. For the truth is, we are not separate from you, only in time and dimension. As you settle into the future, so too will you settle into a new reality, from which our eventual meeting will be.

jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Maryann Rada - Giving Your Past a Look and Saying Goodbye: Rachelle

Maryann Rada - Never a Time for Making Believe - November 19, 2015

Lyran channeling

Be free in the way you hold your thoughts about the world and the way it will become what it is to be. The processes that are underway are being monitored by interstellar beings whose soul purpose is to facilitate the self-sustaining transformation of worlds. The planet you inhabit is undergoing changes to the inner framework of sentient reflexive understanding of itself as a planetary being. What this means is that planets are self-aware to varying degrees, as are humans, and Earth is coming into an enhanced level of understanding of itself. This requires review of experience and dispensing with extraneous data. What is left after clearing planetary memory forms the basis from which the new understanding of itself can build anew.

jueves, octubre 22, 2015

Maryann Rada - The Time of Transformation Is Now! - October 22, 2015

Now is the time of transformation you have long anticipated. How well you weather the intensity of change depends on many factors, and each person participating in Earth’s transformation will have an experience uniquely coordinated by the needs of soul learning, the individual mission of life, and choice. While some are bearing unspeakable pain, this is not to say the choice was for pain. In most cases, the choice is to serve, to perfect, to bear witness to free will, or to find knowledge that serves the soul’s evolution. Whatever the experience you find yourself in, the truth is, you are embarking on a vastly profound transformation. In many ways, you will emerge from this brief but intense episode changed.

sábado, septiembre 19, 2015

Maryann Rada - Anica of the League of Light - The Time of Your Great New Beginning Is Now - Sep19, 2015


To say that you are without help in this time of change is to deny the truth of our existence. We of the lighted realms of life have far more to do in your world than to sit at the sideline and cheer you on as you work your way through the progressive levels of awakening yet before you. You who have been doing the hard work and those who have found their way along the energetic lines the pathmakers have cleared will hear some new information very soon about the help poised to present itself. Be aware of the movements toward clarity and follow the way well-lit that leads to the heart’s knowing. It is there that our voices arise with your own. It is there where you will recognize yourself and it is from there that you will take your new form as people of light. When you emerge from your planetary heart center, which is within every being of Earth, you will be as if transformed.

sábado, junio 13, 2015

Maryann Rada - Generally Speaking, This Is the Shift - Jun 13, 2015

global intelligence
The new world is a thing of the past. The next world is one that has not yet been imagined, even by the best of minds, for the world of now is steeped in pain and traumatized, shattered and fragmented and seeking integration with itself. You are each coming into wholeness, step by step, and you will achieve it as you progress in the mindfulness of who you are, by paying attention to what appears in your field of vision and your subconscious thoughts surfacing in dreams and waking epiphanies. However, you have not yet brought yourselves together as a people in the way that a clear picture and understanding of what the world could be can be clearly perceived. We would like to take a few moments of your time to bring you a bit closer to that understanding, and do it in such a way that the words we impart may sustain a trajectory in the direction of planetary oneness of intent for the race you belong to, which is evolving from human into something altogether new. We have been in a place similar to yours in our history, so we know whereof we speak, and beg just a small indulgence of time to weave our tale to your maximum collective benefit. We begin.

sábado, abril 18, 2015

Maryann Rada - Renegade Throughts – The Game Is About to Change – 2-2-15

The Game Is About To Change
Is there enough time to do the things your soul set out for you when you first decided to enter into the game of life on Earth? Or will the system implode and take with it the semblance of reality you have come to know and, to varying extents, love? Only if you decide to let go of some of the ideas you have accumulated about who you are and what you’re about. You see, every one of you has a role to fulfill and to tell you the truth, many of you have forgotten the main point of your journey here. Despite your high attainments in consciousness, awareness, interdimensional telekinesis of thoughtforms, and what have you, you have perhaps lost the thread on the sole purpose of your soul plan: Find love everywhere and beam it back to source. If you can still find time to do that, you’ve got it made. No other deadlines need apply.

sábado, enero 17, 2015

Maryann Rada - Justice Comes to Rest Within: Isis Soul Collective - Jan 17, 2015

Dear people of a changing Earth, we of the soul collective of Isis have been watching with great interest the dramas that have been performed upon the matrix-screen of your reality. We have seen behind the screen into the secret movements and motivations of the unfolding scenarios, and we have peered into the lines of time’s portals to see what you have set in store for yourselves, as a collective of souls. What we have seen is this: Justice moves with purpose.

sábado, abril 19, 2014

Maryann Rada - Another Friend Is Coming to Visit - April 19, 2014

Semjase here. The last thing you might expect to hear from us is mention of the Anunnaki. Now that I have mentioned it, let’s consider the significance of that word in light of your planetary history and some of the information we have shared with you about the general bend of time lenses that are in operation now. Remembering may come more easily now that you are in a core shift of planetary energetics. The next few days will bring this more into focus.

martes, abril 01, 2014

Maryann Rada - A Kind of Reassurance and a Question for You - Apr 1, 2014

mirror of recognition
Somebody left the door unlocked after everyone was in, and what do you think happened? Lots of doom came blowing in, and with it, some not-too-savory characters came in to see what could be done to fatten their bellies. I am, of course, speaking figuratively about your early history and the demonic source of trouble that planted itself amid the seeds of love’s garden. Over the course of millennia, you came to realize your space was shared by shadows, but the weeds had by that time established themselves firmly in the matrix of your reality. The time has come for kings to move aside, for Nature to right wrongs, and for you to see what is meant by “global awakening.”
War will only be part of the equation. There will also be many reality shifters related to unseen factors, such as social upheaval, natural course of Earth becoming unstable, and quite a lot of earthquakes cropping up. Nothing like the kind of scale you’ve seen before will you see soon. When things start moving, they keep moving. Now, let us tell you a little about the next phase of your planet’s reality shifting into a new dimensional weave. It will put things in perspective.

sábado, marzo 22, 2014

Maryann Rada - Making Time for Yourself - March 22, 2014

Yanking the mask off the face of the faceless ones is no small feat. They are purposely difficult to see and can put any argument ahead of any attempt to point them out as perpetrators of any universal no-no. When you are stomping out fires and dealing with lost planes, you don’t have a lot of mental space to awaken yourself to the kind of nefarious doings of an invisible elite. This has been your story until now. We are not saying that the elite will bend down to let you take off their masks, but we are saying that the masks will fall, one by one, as conditions merit. You will merely be witnesses to the unveiling. You are about to see a long-awaited turn of events as the next thing takes the world’s attention.

jueves, marzo 13, 2014

Maryann Rada - Lock Was Broken on the Time Machine: Now Is Here - March 13, 2014

Do you anticipate some sort of collapse and inevitability regarding your planet’s movement into a more enlightened state of being? You are already seeing the foundations shake. Soon everything will shift into a more comfortable arrangement for your own movement into a state of transformed being. When the last domino falls, in the game of winner-take-all, when the last card is traded by mercenary hands, you will know the movement is in full swing. At that point, we will be able to communicate more directly with you as a people fully awakening en masse. At that point, you will be able to hear what we have been unable to disclose except in carefully worded literary works such as this one you are reading now.

domingo, marzo 09, 2014

Maryann Rada - Semjase - When the Tough Get Going - Mar 9, 2014

Light is beginning to show through bigger cracks in the facade of your reality now. More and more, truth will be known. There is no stopping it. There is no denying it. We are not going to let the truth remain guarded for your answer-seeking minds, though there aspects of it that we cannot reveal because of norms of interplanetary diplomacy and your own directive to self-govern. You are about to know the movement toward self-governance but not because we come to save you.
We come to help you understand who you are and to give you a collective wake-up call, but not to take control. You are more than capable of doing what you came to do without our direct involvement. We are available for support and guidance, and we are doing what we are able to behind the scenes, but we will not steal your glory from you. 

viernes, febrero 14, 2014

When the Ships Take the Terrestrial Attention of ManMaryann Rada - Feb 14, 2014

Well, dear human brethren of Earth, we are at a point in your history where we are meant to meet again. What do you suppose will happen in the near future? We are on the viewfinding equipment of many people who point their lenses to the sky, and so are others who are on our vibration, along with other factions who are not. We’re all waiting for the moment of something to present itself to your consciousness, and then we will have the attention of more than we have now. There is nothing to fear in this, for we are not planning to cause any kind of conflict with anyone. If you can remain grounded in the knowingness that you have family lineage outside of your earthly home, you’ll be fine and dandy.
We are not at liberty to say the exact specifics of the coming days of your time, but we are able to tell you that we are on the edge of your visual capacity now. We have been waiting and planning the steps of our imperative to meet with you again, to re-establish open contact, and the door for that is just now creaking open on a planetary scale. Soon you will see the truth of what many have scoffed at as delusional thinking, and feel the satisfaction of knowing your own truth within your embodiment, for the soul knows what time it is even if the mind does not quite register it.

miércoles, noviembre 20, 2013

You Are New Beings in the Making - Maryann Rada - November 20, 2013

cosmic doorway
If there were one way to describe the situation you on the Earth are now in, it might easily be summed up with the thought that you’re in hot water. You have left the time of safe dreams and have entered into the nightmare realm of reality starting to unravel around the edges. Have you seen enough of miracles? Have you seen enough of disasters? We have seen you coming to grips with each in turn, as your world spins in her dance of triumph through the space of rough passage.

viernes, octubre 25, 2013

Theo - Maryann Rada - Rematerializing - October 25, 2013

I am in the now with you. We are all together in the now. The time has arrived, dear friends, for change to show itself on the face of your reality like it has always promised to do. What is it that animates the light that sends the shadows away? It is the light of consciousness. It is the light of your minds and hearts joined together. You have heard this message a million times, so why do we bring it up again? Because, dear friends, now it is taking place on a grand level! It is the time of transforming the matrix of the new reality to fit into a new dimensional arrangement of space and time.

jueves, mayo 02, 2013

FAQ: Frequency Adjustment Questions from the Pleiadian Renegades - May 1,2013
Note: These are the first 5 FAQs in a growing list.
In Case You Were Wondering...
We of the stars you see in your sky have answers to questions some of you might have.

You may want to know a little (or a lot) more about the Pleiadian Renegades, the League of Light, Anica, Nine, or other specific things that haven’t been shown in other writings. Here is a list of some questions you might ask, with answers that may stimulate further thought and deeper understanding. At the most, we hope it opens your mind to the true nature of a universe that has its share of mysteries to one living on Earth, and we are happy to tell what we can to introduce the idea of galactic citizenship and interdimensional friendship in greater detail.
Are you real?
We are a group of people who have the form of what you recognize as human, humanoid, and exotic-looking beings who have existed in various levels of density and dimension for eons longer than the human race on Earth understands their planet to have existed. We are most certainly what you call “real” and have both physical and non-physical forms. The ones who communicate as the Pleiadian Renegades and Anica are as human-looking and alive as you or anyone else walking your planet. Indeed, some of our crew are serving on the surface of Earth now and blend in quite well with the population.