Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Méline Lafont. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Méline Lafont. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, marzo 07, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Maturity Phase, Solar Template, embodiment and March energies - March 7, 2016

Blessings Love Tribe, 

Since we have entered the maturity phase a lot of things are being asked of us while being bombarded by tons of energy blasts from the Solar System as well as from our SUN. The inner Sun, which we recognize as the Solar Christ within, is being amplified within its activation on a Solar level as to where we are embodying each level of this Christed Over soul step by step.

As we are now the mature grounded conduits, the Christed morphogenetic fields of the inner Sun as well as from the Solar Sun as the Solar Christed level are blending in spectacular ways. All we are to find is the inner Sun template while diving in a deepened level of our awakening ascension.

lunes, febrero 15, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont - Lord Merlín y los Tsolianos Galácticos - Derrumbe de la 3D a nivel físico, ¡Están entrando ENORMES Ondas Universales! - Feb 11, 2016

Querida Tribu del Amor: ¡La 3D y todo lo relacionado con las cosas materiales se están derrumbando sobre sí mismas!
En ocasiones hemos estado conscientes de ello y de que hemos empezado a ser testigos de lo mismo con nuestros propios ojos.
Es con el fin de ayudarnos a todos a desapegarnos de la materia y a no depender de ella, para aventurarnos en nuestro interior.
Nos hemos estado preparando para esto largo tiempo, y hemos hablado de ello largamente; lo han estado oyéndolo por tanto tiempo. . . . . y bueno, ¡aquí está! Los primeros efectos tangibles se están presentando a sí mismos!

Crédito de imagen: Derecho de Autor: Science Photo Library
Un hermoso pero retador concepto cuando se vuelve efectivamente así. En 2 semanas durante este retrógrado de Mercurio 5 de mis aparatos dejaron de funcionar completamente: mi impresora, 2 reproductores de DVD, mi teléfono, y mi secadora, y ahora mi coche se han estropeado dos veces en esta semana, y esta vez parece ser que probablemente no se pueda reparar y tenga que comprar uno nuevo. Así que aquí ESTOY en este Ahora, habiendo sido colocada en la quietud y la perspectiva de la frecuencia del punto de vista cero para ver todo y no hacer nada al respecto en este momento.

domingo, febrero 14, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain ~ Manifestation - Feb 14, 2016

Greetings, Saint Germain here.

Let us speak about manifestation.

So, how come that you are seemingly always awaiting things for you to come and to be manifested? Because you are expecting things to happen in the future rather than in the present. So you wait and you await, focusing on and occupying your minds with the thought that it will happen in your future now. So you bring your focus to this future present in such a way that you forget to see what is there in the now and what is already unfolding in this now.

All things always linger in the now moment and being in every now moment aligns you with the greater potential of all. It also allows for all to emerge and be in this potent momentum and present itself to you as your own creation vortex. But then, you simply allow yourself to experience the delay of it because you wait for it as if it is still to come while it is already here in the now. So you delay your own creation in that sense by focusing on your timelines as if it is only there in the future.

lunes, enero 11, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont - Reminder and Reflection of the Moment from the Tsolians -January 11, 2016

Picture credit: Dark_matter_stride_by_tchaikovsky

Note from Méline: This is a message that may have to been read a few times to truly absorb this in our being. If you find it too hard to take in or understand, I advice to let it be for a while until you are ready to grasp this better on another now moment. Who are the Tsolians? see their first two messages here:

It is time that we speak and elaborate more, further and deeper on the truth of your existence. We do not speak about the human existence but of that of your Spirit, which you call Essence, Self or Higher Self. Existence is a word on its own, unique in its way and so broad in its meaning. It consists of all that IS and simultaneously it can be a unique and single word on its own.

viernes, enero 01, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The review of 2015 and ignition of 2016 - Jan 1, 2016

Credit: artist unknow

Precious hearts and Love Tribe,

It has been a powerful year of change, transformation and release. The month of December alone implied the most intense and profound process of release so far, especially on the emotional level.
I, personally, have seen many things erupting from my subconscious levels to present themselves onto my current reality. And they have been powerful and clear to say the least! Things I thought that I had released and healed a long time ago came up again which made me think that this is a repetitive cycle. The first reaction initially was to push these away and say: “no, not again! This has been done ages ago.” But as persisting as these emotions were, it became clear to me very quickly that I had to take a closer look and embrace them to be able and release some more.

As this has been going on for over 3 weeks now and is still going on at present I have quickly understood that these were parts and bits coming from the subconscious mind that I was not aware of they were still lingering there at all. And furthermore, they needed to be reviewed, embraced and released for good. This is what this emotional shift was all about in the month of December: to release deeper embedded layers of the old you. As a matter of fact I personally felt this to be a final cleansing of ALL old parts of SELF. I instinctively knew and felt, right from the start, that I will not be the same person anymore than I was before. I mean, this goes so deep that nothing of the old will remain present. It feels to me like a resurrection into a whole other level of being and frequency while burning all bridges behind me. There is no way of going back and continue holding certain views and parts of the Self.

martes, diciembre 15, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Recuerdo y Reflexión del Momento por el Colectivo de los Delfines

Translation by Gloria Mühlebach

Hola, Preciosos Seres:

Somos el Colectivo de los Delfines y venimos hoy a hablarles de un asunto que crea muchas preguntas entre ustedes. Nos estamos refiriendo a la vida que van a llevar cuando este Mundo ilusorio de la tercera dimensión haya llegado a un fin. Nos referimos a la vida en las dimensiones más elevadas, y más específicamente a los Mundos de la Luz. Como su propio proceso de Ascensión se acerca rápidamente, es hora de que levantemos el velo que los mantiene en ignorancia por lo menos un poquito para que vislumbren este maravilloso mundo. El mundo en su tercera dimensión frecuencial cesará de existir, y llegará pronto a un fin.

lunes, diciembre 14, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ 12:12 Golden Gateway ~ Solar Christ consciousness, resurrection phase, closure

Blessings Love Tribe

We are in for another form of manifested creation through the potential of the 12:12 Gateway. For a few days now I have been seeing the first glimpses of that gateway which is a Golden Light entering our spheres and our consciousness. A welcomed gift many will appreciate and so will it inspire many of the Love Tribe to continue and hold on to their mission.

The Love Tribe has been going through phases of waking up to certain illusions which have been strongly held before and so a new phase of clarity will show you the way as the Golden Light enters in a new format during the 12:12 gateway.

martes, diciembre 08, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Reminder and Reflection of the moment from the Dolphin Collective - Dec 8, 2015

Hello Lovely Ones,

We are the Dolphin Collective and we come forward today to discuss an issue that raises a lot of questions among you. We refer to the life you will lead after this illusory 3rd Dimensional World is over ; we refer to the life in the Higher Dimensions and more specifically in the Lightworlds. As your own Ascension process approaches rapidly it is high time that we at least lift the veil, that keeps you in ignorance, a bit so you get a glimpse of this wonderful world. The world in its 3rd Dimensional Frequency will cease to exist and be no more. This climax of illusion means its demise and it will end soon. The moment you complete your own Ascension process, you will be in for a most wonderful world. One you have never experienced before; even the most exquisite paradise on Earth pales by comparison. A world filled with magic and fairytale scenes would be an accurate description. You will find yourselves in a self-created world where all and everyone will walk hand in hand and be united with each other. The greatest trump of this world is its harmony and all will come to pass instantly. Imagine that we, the dolphins, are swimming with you side by side in a beautiful lightfilled clear blue ocean. We are eager to explore this world with you to guide you through each and every magical scene. So let’s start, are you ready? Let’s go!

jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont - AA Gabriel - Divine unity and intent - 19/11/2015

Source picture

AA Gabriel channeled through Méline Portia Lafont 19/11/2015

My beautiful hearts,

There is a higher frequency merging going on through you all to facilitate the merging of the new earth templates within your frequencies of Earth. What has to come about are fantastic calibrations of the new earth template with the ancient templates of New Lemuria. What is being formed is an organization of Light with Source activation frequencies that move beyond your control. These Source activations are frequencies of light which implement your human consciousness with the Divine Source of All That Is on a most highest and refined energy level ever seen and experienced by human hearts.

viernes, noviembre 06, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Saint Germain ~ EL Patrón Divino Humano - Nov 3, 2015

Translation spanish by Gloria Mühlebach <3 br="">

Saludos en el momento más refinado de esta trayectoria de Ascensión. La razón por la cual ESTOY llamando a este momento el momento más refinado de todos es porque ustedes se están integrando con sus Yos, y están también integrando la unión con sus parejas Sagradas y partes del Yo.

Sí, la unificación del Patrón Divino Humano ha comenzado a fluir con mayor rapidez dentro de sus mentes, su mundo y sus realidades porque hay un gran ímpetu de un grado exponencial a ser mejorado a través de y por sus Seres de radiante Amor. Dealguna manera sus muebles han sido sustituidos por otros y ustedes están avanzandoadelante ahora hacia un nuevo mundo, al tiempo que asimilan los Patrones Divinos detransformación, elevación, resurrección, unidad Divina e inmortalidad..

viernes, octubre 30, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain ~ The Divine Human Blueprint October 30, 2015

Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont

Greetings in the most refined moment of this Ascension journey. Why AM I calling this moment the most refined moment of all is because you are ingraining yourselves into your Selves as well as ingraining the union with your Sacred partners and parts of Self.

Yes the unification of the Divine Human Blueprint has begun to stream more rapidly within your minds, your world and realities because a grand momentum of exponential degree is there to be enhanced through and by your Beings of Love radiance. Your furniture has somehow been replaced by new ones and you are stepping forth into a new world now while assimilating the Divine Templates of transformation, elevation, resurrection, Divine unity and immortality.

jueves, octubre 22, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Recordatorio y Reflexión del momento, por el Arcángel Metatrón ~ Guardianes y Mostradores de la Puerta - Oct 19, 2015


Translation by Gloria Mühlebach <3 font="" thank="" you="">


Es particularmente importante estar abierto para cada faceta de este proceso Divino, así
como estar conscientes de que todo está bien. Tienen que entregarse aceptando plenamente a fin de permitir que el proceso se despliegue; tienen que atreverse a dejar ir, especialmente los patrones de pensamiento y la mente, o de otro modo podrían obstruir el flujo y causar algún tipo de incomodidad.

Los trabajadores que están presentes en la Tierra para asentar esas energías y quienes operan como canalizadores durante este proceso pudieran esperar las energías más intensas a fin de pasarlas al colectivo de la humanidad y a la Tierra Madre. Ellos son los portadores de las nuevas energías y ésa es su misión. Es sumamente importante para ellos abrirse a estas energías y aceptarlas; en eso tienen que trabajar y enfocarse.

miércoles, septiembre 30, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Blood Moon aftermath and a message from Merlin - Sept. 30, 2015

How was your experience of the Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse?! We have received a beautiful opportunity to align ourselves with higher volumes of Divinity to embody. And what a momentum it has been so far... filled with still lingering equinox blessings and a deliberate Cosmic wave which has swamped the Earth with a Magical storm of Bliss, fulfillment, equilibrium and alignment which on itself has created a new doorway towards the essential energy of creation: the marriage between matter and antimatter and the merging of the Feminine and Masculine to create a rebirth. This rebirth has been created by all of you on a whole new and other level than was the case prior to that. It continues and is endless.

domingo, septiembre 27, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Pleiadians ~ The Blood Moon portal transmission - September 27, 2015

Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Awaken Spirit from Within

The Blood Moon portal transmission

Audio Version free to download HERE
Voice and chanting by Méline Lafont
Music by Michael Hammer ~ Ancient days ~

Created and facilitated by the Pleiadian constellation of Light and conveyed through the heart vehicle of Méline Portia Lafont

We are gathering here in this momentum to come forth in unity. Unity is what creates this portal to BE in the first place and so do we invite you all to partake in this beautiful co-creation. Beautiful ones, you are all an intrinsic part of the whole gathering forth in unity. As you apply the great Mastery within yourselves you are enlarging a great facilitation for all to convey the Cosmic energies of a super Galactic cluster with ineffable units and eons of Light power to come and be anchored through all of your vehicles of Light.

You lend yourselves to the great wisdom and the eternal light of your Source supreme which is the essential and primordial light and blueprint of your Divine SELF. One lending himself to convey all the powers from within to this collective reality creates a momentum of peace and serenity with the understanding of all creation being a nature of the whole. One on itself can change the whole world, for one represents the complete and whole SELF as in the Oneness of ALL within the Divine Blueprint of its human nature.

viernes, septiembre 11, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Lady Portia ~ Un nuevo comienzo surge de las profundidades de nuestro ser - Sep 8, 2015


Original Source:
Thank you to Gloria Mühlebach for the translation in Spanish!
WebSite :


A medida que continuamos asentándonos en esta base y rejilla de Amor y empatía, de potencial Divino y de creación Dimensional, hay mucho que nuestros seres y corazones están absorbiendo. Las energías están cooperando en un nuevo sistema divino de Alquimia donde todas las bases de los sentimientos y creaciones del corazón son una parte de este nuevo sistema y forman el nuevo sistema llamado Humanidad, Una raza y Un ser. 

En consecuencia, está surgiendo un nuevo comienzo de las profundidades de nuestro ser y sistema que nos están llevando a este hermoso punto de vista donde todo lo visto como una frecuencia Dimensional más baja ya no va a permanecer en nuestra realidad. La dependencia en las formas y sistemas externos seguirá derrumbándose pues solamente existe la independencia del Yo y el ser autónomo y autosuficiente. Las creaciones componen la formación del mundo de uno, y por lo tanto, se requiere una manera más asentada de vivir a fin de poder.crear una experiencia de vida más estable y gozosa. 

jueves, septiembre 10, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Saint Germain ~ Taking matters into your hands and shift! - Sept 10, 2015

My dear friends, 

You call forth the momentum of some grand inner forces to come and play along in your world of existence. It shall be the allowance to be so as you are becoming aware of the indefinite play that is at hand here. Are you seeing the momentum at hand within your hearts? Is it not calling you to join and play along so that you can have a more fulfilling experience of joy and experience the influx of these Cosmic waves of energy?! Is it not that what you all have been joining and doing in groups to come and find what you seek?!

And that is the inner peace that is at hand, a moment of clarity as to where you are defining the natural state of consciousness to be within your own awareness as you experience the full potential of it within that momentum of peace. You see, all that is you comes about and is at hand for you all. This means that there are windows of opportunity which entails the submerging on different planes as to where all that you are has now the free access to join within this Dimension and elevate you into the Spheres and vibrations of the Stars.

domingo, septiembre 06, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Lady Portia ~ A new beginning arises from the depths of our being - Sept 6, 2015

picture source

As we continue to settle in this foundation and in this grid of Love and empathy, of Divine potential and of inter Dimensional creation, a lot is being absorbed by our beings and hearts. The energies are co-operating into a new divine system of Alchemy, where all the foundations of heart based feelings and creations are part of this new system and form the new system called Humanity as One race and One being.

jueves, septiembre 03, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Merlin ~ The Great shift of 2015-2017 for Humanity - Sep 3, 2015

(thank you to Karl Morfett for this pic.)

Question: guidance re the great shift of 2015-2017 for humanity, as our planet/solar system has entered the region of the Milky Way galaxy with the photonic energies ? - end of meta-cycle with return to Atlantis-type "expanded consciousness" ?

Well yes and no to that question. The yes implies a massive shift in consciousness that is beyond the rate you have known in past ancient times so far. This means that the many wars you have created and experienced as a collective Human consciousness will come to end after an explosion of eruptions. These energies will have to end through expression in order to be set free. You cannot shush the inner child wanting to come out, is it not?! It is the same with this mass awakening and shift in consciousness, it will definitely bring about some upheavals and massive eruptions on all levels.

It all has to come out, hmm?! You cannot hold it within you anymore and as everyone is in his/her own reality many time-lines will pass, shift and cross each other on the shared horizon you have in common and that is Earth my friend!

jueves, agosto 20, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Pleiadians ~ You have landed on safe grounds - August 20, 2015

Blessings Beloveds,

We have just passed this MAJOR 8-8-8 portal and we can all agree that this was hitherto BY FAR the MOST intense of all!! What a trip for the physical body it has been! Many emotions erupted during this gateway and I have never seen until now such a powerful effect on everything so far.

The Goddess energies have been representing us on many levels and we are bringing out a strong energy from this Goddess portal. At least for me personally it has been a Goddess Portal on every level and I have experienced lots of sensations in that direction. Will write more soon about this particular passage from my perspective and experiences, but for now I have a message from the Pleiadians for you all.

They have tangibly been surrounding me so as to see them the last hour or so during one of my readings, claiming my attention as it seemingly was of great importance to them. It was worth it because their message is so crystal clear and strong intel !

miércoles, julio 29, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Mary Magdalene ~ Mary Magdalene 8-8-8 Gateway - July 29, 2015

As the Soul of Magdalene re-enters the Spirit of the Goddess through a submerging of infinity law with Unity law, we are witnessing a call for the Goddesses to arise out of the ashes like the phoenix.

Mary Magdalene has been Present deep within and around us these days! How can we not notice her Presence lately as she comes forth with such a power of emergence. WOW to that. Almost during every reading and session, as well as in my personal life, has Magdalene been so present and coming forth in such a strong way. She told me that she is here to call forth the Goddesses of Light and to awaken these in their Human incarnation.