Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Lenguaje de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Lenguaje de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, septiembre 26, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Returning To Our Innate Light Language- - September 26, 2019


The Core of Light Language is That
Pictures say WORDS and Words show PICTURES
There are pictures of reality all around us that are “saying” words, and words that are “creating” pictures in our hearts and minds. As these words and pictures join within our heart and mind, they offer us a deeper awareness of the world around us. 

sábado, septiembre 21, 2019


(Dear Readers, I will be giving this picture away page by page via my blog.  I hope you enjoy it. Below is the first page of my newest book:  PICTURES AND WORDS. 

I will be presenting it one page at a time.)
Pictures mean different things to different people. Therefore, we all would enjoy reading other peoples comments about how they experience each section.

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Reading Light Language. The Shift is NOW - September 4, 2019

Reading Light Language
The Shift is NOW
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Can you comment on the vision I had of a huge whale with wings who was deep inside the ocean?
Dearest Suzille,
We are happy to answer these questions for you and for your readers. Our message begins with, “The shift is NOW, but you can only perceive it when your consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond.” 

viernes, julio 20, 2018

Sandra Walter - Lyran Lightship: Blessing and Activation - Jul 20, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The Lyrans are Feline BEings from the Vega star system, where the original experiments for creating a Divine HUman DNA template began. They have been a consistent part of my journey, and were the first to show me interdimensional stargates. Sometimes they are referred to as white lion BEings, since they have white hair and have a very regal lion-like appearance.

sábado, septiembre 30, 2017

Shekina Rose - The Blue Ray Hermit Shell: The Blue Ray Transformers Why We Need our Alone Time for Ground Zero. We need to be with the Trees - September 30, 2017

The Blue Ray Hermit Shell: The Blue Ray Transformers Why We Need our Alone Time for Ground Zero. We need to be with the Trees.

Are you From the Blue Ray? The Ultra Sensive Empath Starbeing

Your connection with Gaia is essential in feeling her response within you that empowers your spirit deeply. It is an empathic exchange that recharges, balances and stabilizes your energy field. If you have been exposed to many energies, overwhelmed or fatigued the is where it can be released, recalibrated and made sense within your energy field.