Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Doonan. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Doonan. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, noviembre 06, 2014

Karen Dover - “Acceptance” in TRUTH in order to release ALL - November 6, 2014

Many of you have contacted me commenting that despite being in creation mode that the outer waking reality appears to remain almost solid and asking why this is. Part of the process of moving into fluidity is that of “acceptance”.  Now acceptance is not giving up, it is not stating “okay, I accept the outer waking reality and can do nothing to change it”.  What I mean by acceptance is to look at the outer waking reality and see it as it is in TRUTH, that is not what you want to see, but what is there in front /around you.  Only by working from this picture, can you change the picture, indeed ACCEPTANCE is a major key in working to create your own reality.

martes, noviembre 04, 2014

Karen Dover - “Delayed” reality and the ability to BE in TRUTH - November 4, 2014

Much like the stars that appear in the sky above your head the outer waking reality that is your human life experience is not what it appears to be. This may come as no surprise to you as you work your way through the denser frequencies and begin to work with the higher, more expansive and lighter frequencies.  What I mean by the statement is that just like the stars in the sky there is a “delay” in the decoding of the frequencies that are then turned into your human life experience.  (Stars appear to be in the sky but you do not see them as they are, you seem them as they were, the speed of light is the delay to your human eyes).

domingo, noviembre 02, 2014

Karen Dover - Moving into Creation in TRUTH – expanding out of the VOID - November 2, 2014

BookCoverImage truth codes
For many of you the past few linear days may have seen you release a lot of what you may be referencing as “baggage”.  This is a necessary part of the transformation and transition process. The balancing of your INNER SELF is now fully under way and the RESETTING of your energy signature to one of FLUIDITY in motion is now expanding. With this comes intense creative energetic frequencies, for in order to create the life of your dreams in TRUTH you must CREATE and become fluid.  So at this time you may be full of energy, many of you may not fully comprehend how to work with this energy and this is also part of the transitional process, for under the old 3D earth created construct your were TAUGHT how to live in said construct. Now you are asked to become as a child and PLAY and CREATE in fluidity.

viernes, octubre 31, 2014

Karen Dover - Release of the “pain” frequencies from the human vehicle in TRUTH - October 31, 2014
For many of you at this time this may be an intense restructuring period in relation to your human vehicle. The energies are intensifying to help release the imprints from your CELLULAR STRUCTURE. This is not the same as releasing the frequencies at an energetic level and may have taken many of you by surprise. The human vehicle has been TAUGHT to keep tight hold of various frequencies and these were used to define your human life experience in human form upon this planet. A bit like a template they worked to hold you statically whilst you cross-referenced your human life experience with said template.

miércoles, octubre 29, 2014

Karen Dover - Walking through the veils of illusion in TRUTH - October 29, 2014
As the energies now begin to expand and to deepen the human life experience is one that is becoming richer and richer at all moments of all moments. Many of you may now be anchoring just how amazing the human life experience is in relation to the DEPTH of experience that can be experienced at any one moment. It is to be remembered that your human vehicle is upgrading and shifting NATURALLY through this process, the challenge if you will is to allow the upgrading and the shifting that is unfolding through you, around you and within you.  The universe is by DESIGN and the human vehicle is a miracle in itself, it has merely been kept in a lower vibrational frequency, so when it begins to work with and to decode the higher dimensional frequencies it will automatically and NATURALLY begin its own evolution process.

lunes, octubre 27, 2014

Karen Dover - Finding Balance as you “let go” of the old 3D earth created construct in TRUTH - October 27, 2014
For many of you “today” may have reached your consciousness in a huge wave, many of you may feel slightly off balance, weepy, extremely emotional or extremely tired. The energies are peaking today in response to the New Earth heightened energies that are now flooding across the planet. I have been guided to pre-record tonight’s scheduled LIVESTREAM session and this will be available to view from 10pm CT (USA).
It is important to realise that you are at all moments releasing the tight grip that the old 3D earth has on your human vehicle. As the outer waking reality begins to take on a more fluid dynamic this may trigger you at deepening levels, hence the creation of the 7 day “TRUTH Codes- Finding Peace within” sessions.  It is important during this time of major transformation that you are able to reach deep into your heart space and to calm the storm that may begin to try to take anchor there.

sábado, octubre 25, 2014

Karen Dover - The “Design” of the Universe and how it affects the “NOW” moment - October 25, 2014

Many of you have asked me the difference between the old 3D Earth created construct and the New Earth, how can the universe be by DESIGN when creation is personal and unique?  It is the human logical mind which may take you to the assumption that you need only illuminate the DESIGN and you have found your path.  This is not TRUTH and is not supported within the New Earth frequencies.
Imagine that you have been kept in a little box and placed on a beautiful piece of fabric, the fabric is fluid , always moving and shifting, however within the little box that you have been placed within the fabric remains static and does not move. This imagery will show you the difference between working with the DESIGN of the universe and being in the old 3D earth created construct.

lunes, octubre 13, 2014

Karen Dover - Releasing the FEAR of the “unknown” - October 13, 2014
For many of you at this time it may be a time of utter chaos, as the old 3D earth created constructs begin to dissolve there are no reference points that your human logical mind can reach in this frequency and so the human logical mind goes into a panic.  Many of you may have felt the increase in energies over the past few days especially just on or at the full moon.  At a human conscious waking mind level this may play out with roles and patterns being shown for what they are in TRUTH.  The triggering that is done at a human conscious waking mind level may be intense with very physical symptoms that may appear in various forms.
It is to be noted that in order to allow the flow and the movement of the New Earth energies then you must move from being a “solid” to “melting” to “fluidity”. The “solid” form being the static, solid that the old 3D earth created construct teaches you to be in order to be present and live in human form upon this planet.  As this is released then this form moves to “melting” mode, where the energies begin to flow and movement begins to occur. It is in this movement that your deepest fears will begin to surface as you have been taught to hold tightly on to them and to create from WITHIN them.  As they begin to move to the surface you may begin to believe that they are real and that you must “do” something with them.  All you are required to do is to acknowledge them and then to allow them to flow. Attempting to address them or ignore them will see them begin to be “fed” with the very frequencies that you are trying to allow to release and dissolve.

domingo, septiembre 28, 2014

Karen Dover - Lemuria and Atlantis – the distorted contracts coming up for release - September 28, 2014

For many of you the last few linear days may have been like walking through treacle or may have seen you trigger at the least little thing. You may have felt intense anger, intense sadness or a mixture of all different emotions.  There is much talk about the ancient civilisations of both Lemuria and Atlantis and it must be acknowledged that as all is in the NOW moment that these “ancient” civilisations are still active until they are released from your cellular structure fully.
As I stated on ABOUT ONENESS (hosted by Karen Neumann) radio show earlier today the New Earth is NOT about recreating either of these civilisations.   Both ended in devastation and destruction of the Planet Earth and as this is not TRUTH it is not supported.   It is relatively easy to get carried away by the “magick” that was created within these dimensional realities as they play to the EGO which triggers the teachings that were taught to the human race within the old 3D earth created construct.

sábado, septiembre 27, 2014

Karen Dover - Expanding into TRUTH at cellular level - September 27, 2014

As the New Earth now begins to birth into the physical waking reality of what is called the human life experience it is important to remember that you are altering not only your frequency but also your cellular structure. The WAYS in which you are interpreting the frequencies which are then translated into information at a human conscious waking mind level are altering at all moments of all moments.  It may appear that as you look in the mirror each morning that you see the “same” person as you saw last time but this is but an optical illusion that prevents you from consciously acknowledging the vast shifts and changes that you are going through on ALL levels of your human vehicle.

martes, septiembre 23, 2014

Karen Dover - The Release of Constraints - September 23, 2014

Many of you may have experienced an intense equinox with much emotion surfacing which may have floored you.  The distortions that are taught within the old 3D earth created construct are not supported in the New Earth frequency realities. As the planet itself is raising its frequency then the frequencies that no longer resonate within the human vehicle rise to the surface.   It is to be noted that ANY triggers that have appeared for you over the past linear 48 hours are there to HELP you, you can only release that which you can see and acknowledge at a human conscious waking mind level.
There is no more “hiding” any longer, that which no longer serves the human race will be illuminated from within the human race.  From the simplest teaching to the most complex hidden teaching the frequencies are no longer supported therefore rise to the surface to be released. Any attempts at swallowing down said frequencies and “carrying on” will see much frustration and intense emotional pain manifest within you. The emotional pain is there to be released, the human race has been TAUGHT to accept abandonment, betrayal and grief as a “natural” part of being human and as this is not TRUTH it is not supported.

domingo, septiembre 07, 2014

Karen Dover - Desconstruction of the LINEAR concept - September 7, 2014
Many of you at this time may be moving into chaos in relation to the way in which your human life experience is beginning to manifest at a human conscious waking mind level.  Within the old 3D earth created construct you were TAUGHT linear and you referenced your life experience within said CONSTRUCT. As I have blogged repeatedly the linear concept is a CONSTRUCT it is not natural and as such is not supported in the New Earth frequency realities.  Natural JUST IS, it is a state of BEing that is in FLOW with the universal energies, just because something is stated to be natural does not make it so as many of you are now experiencing at a human conscious waking mind level.
Let me explain this further, take “time”, linear time is a CONSTRUCT but time is a NATURAL flow, this may seem at first to contradict itself but there is a space/time continuum that exists, this does not need linear time to work for it JUST IS. At a human conscious waking mind level this sees that the linear 365 days a year in neat little 24 hour constructs is against the natural FLOW of universal energy, time however is TRUTH. The human logical mind may try to teach you that this does not make sense but it has no reference point other than the linear construct that it has been taught, you will find the confirmation to this within the HEART space which is your connection to SOUL. As your SOUL is eternal it can help you confirm that which is out with the reference points of your human logical mind.

Karen Doonan - The Thirteen Crystal BEings message to humanity - 7th Sept 14

sábado, septiembre 06, 2014

Karen Dover - Moving into full FLUIDITY at a human conscious waking mind level - September 6, 2014

For many of you the past few days may have seemed tense but in ways that your human logical mind could not fathom. You may have felt intense energetic downloads and ripples of energy but not understood why or their purpose. So much is changing and shifting for the human race but the confusing thing to the human logical mind is that trees still LOOK like trees and cars still LOOK like cars. What is changing of course is the frequency and energetic structure of all that appears in the outer waking reality that you have been taught to reference as your “human life experience”.   It is to be noted that at this time the energies are building to move BOTH the human race and the Planet Earth into full FLUIDITY.  Again this concept is one that the human logical mind will tend to try to filter, after all how can something that APPEARS to be solid be in TRUTH fluid?

miércoles, agosto 13, 2014

Karen Dover - Integrating of INTER dimensionality at human waking level in TRUTH - August 13, 2014

As the energies now expand and continue to expand and deepen many of you may be experiencing the movement into INTER dimensionality.  Full MULTI dimensionality is available in this your human form upon the planet. This is the ability to experience multiple levels of awareness in the NOW moment.  In order to move into INTER dimensionality you must first of all reach a certain frequency level of multi dimensionality for the two are inter dependant.  Both are your NATURAL state and the human vehicle has been upgraded as you move through the transition process to be able to accommodate these.  As I stated in a previous blog originally the human vehicle was equipped to experience both of these but the planet itself was found to become unstable when this was accessed. It is to be noted that the human vehicle and the planet are fully aligned and that one must be in a frequency to support the other.

martes, agosto 12, 2014

Karen Dover - AA Gabriel message to humanity 11th - August 14, 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Gabriel and I am here with you as now step into the LIGHT of TRUTH at a waking human conscious mind level. The outpouring of emotion the necessary release from the lower dimensional frequencies of the old 3D earth construct. I ask for you to align fully with the HEART space for the HEART KNOWS TRUTH and your heart is now calling to you. Do you remember your dreams little ones? do you remember the call of your heart?

lunes, agosto 11, 2014

Karen Dover - Dreaming in the New Earth frequency realities - August 11, 2014

Many of you may at this time may APPEAR to be faced with decisions that are holding you tightly in place. The old 3d earth created reality is based on SACRIFICE, even when it appears to be supportive you are still taught to sacrifice. This is especially deep in relation to love and relationships.  There are many deep teachings in respect of “family” and in respect of the movement between the old 3d earth created construct and the New Earth frequency realities.

jueves, agosto 07, 2014

Karen Dover - AA Gabriel message to humanity 7th August 2014 - August 7, 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Gabriel and I come to guide and to support as the energies now increase and expand.  The old 3D earth created construct now in full disintegration. This will see those who are anchored into the energetic fields of the old 3D earth begin to move into chaos and panic.  I guide for you to understand that connection to SOURCE is vital at all moments and that this is required by your SOUL in order to illuminate the path beneath your feet as this time.
For those who are now fully and physically moving  into position I ask for you to hold the LIGHT of TRUTH and to shine brightly for the illumination of the crumbling old 3D earth created construct is needed in order for clarity of vision at a galactic level. The eggshell is now breaking and you are now free to explore that which was kept hidden from you. I ask for you to understand that ALL in the universe is by DESIGN and the bigger picture that now emerges is one that will show TRUTH TO ALL at ALL levels of their BEing.

Karen Dover - Walking out the rumble of the old 3d earth construct….- August 7, 2014

As many of you are now experiencing the energies of the last linear 24 hours have intensified to incredible levels. The need to find balance and to take guidance from your SOUL now amplifies also.  ( For those of you who require help in doing this I offer this via the RE-ALIGNMENT sessions that can be ordered on the main website).
Symptoms of being out of alignment include dizziness, a sense of feeling “spaced out”, panic, shallow breathing etc.  The human vehicle is reacting to the energetic signature of the death of the old 3d earth created construct.  It is vital to open your heart and to align fully with SOURCE as SOURCE is your energy supply NOT the old 3d earth created construct albeit your are taught from the moment you take your first breath that this is the case.

lunes, agosto 04, 2014

Karen Dover - AA Gabriel- message to humanity 4th August 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that you are referenced at a human conscious waking mind level as AA Gabriel and I come to guide and to support as you now move into the END OF DAYS.  I reference this to you at a human level as the end of the old 3D earth created construct and many of you are now experiencing the shattering of said construct.  ALL THAT IS NOT TRUTH now SHATTERS for it is not supported in the UNIVERSE of 3.