Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, diciembre 24, 2017

James Tyberonn - Seasons Greetings ! Love, Peace & Joy to All - Dec 24, 2017

In This Holiday Edition of the Earth-Keeper Chronicles:

A Loving Message From Anne & Tyb
Ten 'Past-Life' Incarnations of Jesus
The Solstice - Horus & Jesus

Dear Family !! We wish you ALL every happiness this Holiday Season with health & joy in the New Year. We sincerely thank each of you from our hearts for your wonderful friendship & love.

viernes, diciembre 01, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Master Jesus - Transformation and the Seat of Your Perceptions - Dec 1, 2017

Beloved souls upon the Earth, journeying through illusion and truth to recognise the magnificence within your being. I honour you now and give my thanks for your presence upon the Earth. I am overjoyed by every challenge you move through awakening more light into your being; I am delighted by every realisation that dawns, bringing you back to your centre. This is a time of wonderment upon the Earth as you move from one period of existence to a new period of truly living as your essence. The entire perspective of humanity is changing. What was thought to be known as true is no longer, change is present, and a new way of seeing and thinking is manifesting. I, Master Jesus, experienced a similar period of transformation upon the Earth during my lifetime. It is wonderful to experience because the shift occurs within your being and can be witnessed within others, it is akin to being at t he very core of transformation, a magical process indeed.

miércoles, julio 12, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - Who or What Is The Soul? - July 12, 2017

Dear people, I am Jeshua, your friend. I am with you during this moment as a brother. Accept my companionship, my presence, for I am not far away. I want to caress your heart with my hand to remind you of who you are and of the unity that binds us together. 

Greet me in return; open your heart to me. I am a messenger of the Oneness and I kneel down before you because you are my brother or sister, and I see in you an equal, a soul mate.

jueves, julio 06, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Spiritual Meaning of Life on Earth - July 6, 2017

Dear like-minded friends,

I am Jeshua speaking. You are my brothers and sisters. I join you here as an equal, not as one who is exalted above you, but as a friend, a comrade. Feel the common source through which we are connected. Feel the life flow between us, the connection that heals and sets us free.

jueves, enero 19, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Eternal Light of the Universe - January 19, 2017

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua speaking. I love you all deeply. Please feel my energy around you as I greet each of you – I honor you deeply. As you open your heart to me, remember that I am there inside it. When you recognize me at your deepest level, you recognize your own essence, which is of the purest light. You are eternal light and this is what the universe is made of. Some of you see this light shining from my eyes or from another teacher’s eyes, but I am here to remind you that this light is yours, as well. It is my deepest desire that you see and experience your own greatness and inner light. This is what will change the world, which is in need of change. You are here to make a difference, but you can only do so when you truly trust who you are. This can be a difficult thing if you are raised with ideas that tell you that you are not good as you are. For many of you, your natural life and knowingness, your intuition, becomes veiled as you advance through childhood.

viernes, diciembre 23, 2016

Natalie Glasson - A Gathering with Mary Magdalene and Jesus - A Glimpse into the Past by Maryham - 23rd December 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

As I viewed the scene before me, my heart glowed with such delight; I felt as if a golden well of light had awoken within the core of my soul overflowing into my entire being. My body shimmered and pulsated in rhythm with the light unfolding. As if reflecting the truth emerging within my being a blazing fire had been created in the centre of our gathering. Friends, family, and members of the Essene community sat in a large circle around the fire. Everyone was busy talking, sharing, laughing and expressing their truth, the atmosphere was lively as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon surrounding us in a darkness which seemed to only enhance the love present within our community.

sábado, octubre 08, 2016

Dianne Robbins - Journey of Your Soul - October 8, 2016

I am Jesus, here to take you on a journey of your soul. You will be traveling along with me as we embark on this excursion. You won’t need to take anything along, except your thoughts and feelings, for all else will be left behind. We will be taking a long broad road that will lead out to the nethermost reaches of time and space. This road is filled with both obstacles and enlightenment for your growth and evolvement. As we travel along this road, we find many crevices along the path, and many smooth areas. With our wisdom we avoid the pitfalls. We travel through them as if they are glass. We travel around them as we circumnavigate our way around through life, using all we’ve learned to guide us.

jueves, septiembre 03, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - OF RELIGION, JESUS SANANDA - Sept 3, 2015

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz 
Beloved Ones, 

of the religion, of the religions I speak to you now, 
I am JESUS SANANDA and whose actions as Joshua 
ben Joseph are recognized in connection with 
«religion and faith».

The future of religions is uncertain, because truly:
As soon as mankind awakens, the religions will 
fall into a deep slumber, from which they can 
never awaken on this level of All-that-Is. 

Therefore it is time for you who give form and 
power to the religions to wake up, because the 
form evaporates and the power dries up, like a 
well or a once bubbling fountain dries up.

miércoles, junio 10, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
A man can impossibly sit on two horses or tauten two bows: 
Mt 6:24 (Jesus says): „No one can serve two masters. Either 
you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted
to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God 
and money.“ How to understand this?
Beloved Ones,
The path into the Light is predestined for every human Being 
and it is only a question of the right hour, when a human Being 
decides to enter onto the path of the Light and to lift his life out 
of darkness, in order to fulfill it in God’s Light. As soon as this 
occurs a human Being begins to unconditionally accept everything 
that is. Human Beings cease to hate the one and to love the other; 
also they no longer will frame anybody, because in the process of 
perfection they gradually discard all imaginations. 
Human Beings begin to honor all Life and to accept all aspects 
of the Creator. Nothing will be dismissed, one begins to see, to 
understand and to recognize that everything is a living part of 
Creation, above as well as below, light as well as shadows, 
love and hate.
This access to one’s all-knowing consciousness slowly opens 
in an awakened human Being, because it is one thing to rebuff 
darkness and evil and it is an entirely different thing to respect 
this reality and to accept it in love, in order to dissolve it in this 
love, no matter how much effort it may require.
Such a human Being rebuffs the “lords of darkness”, yet recognizes 
their existence as reality, as a reality, wherefrom a light warrior 
can no longer be reached or captured at the end of time.

Wholly accepting Life 
The words from Jesus state, to accept life in its totality, 
and not to deny any side of the medal, to decline nothing, 
even if it is rejected, not to deny anything, also if the dark 
lords are never invited into the house. 

This is the way in order to overcome the polar world and 
in order to become one with All-That-Is. This is the path 
whereupon life is experienced in its totality.
The possibility of a choice only means that on a certain 
level of life Light or darkness will be rejected, in order to 
gain certain experiences, yet on a higher level of consciousness, 
all is one – one in God. 
It is a question of consciousness, as far as a human Being 
in this seeming contradiction withdraws from the dark on 
the one hand, and yet accepts it on the other hand, 
recognizing its All-That-Is reality. 
Widen your consciousness for this truth, because at the end 
of time all opposites are suspended and all contradictions 
cease to exist.  
I am amongst you, at all times and in Eternity.
I am the servant of all Life.

The Biography of Jesus, Part I (digital) – JAHN J KASSL: 

lunes, junio 08, 2015


Affirmation and Outlook 
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
This message from the year 2011 (Bodhisattva: is today and herewith affirmed! 
Fulfill your assignments on earth, each one where he stands, 
where Heaven has placed him and in a manner and with the 
talents, which he possesses.

miércoles, diciembre 24, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, JESUS CHRIST - Dec 24, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb 

Welcome beloved Child of God and I greet you, 
my Love is with you and all days I accompany you 
wherever you may be. Unfold your wings and experience 
your infinity, here on earth in the eternal Now-Time.

I am Jesus Christ and again I give you a new perspective 
about my life on earth so that you can liberate yourself 
from all the adopted and often inappropriate pictures 
about my life in Jerusalem.

lunes, diciembre 22, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - STIGMATA, JESUS SANANDA - Dec 22, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

The false assumption about my death 
on the cross has dammed up so much 
energy that it had to manifest.
Francesco de Assisi, Theresa of Konnersreuth or Padre Pio have 
taken on the suffering of human Beings and have not confirmed 
my suffering. The universal belief of human Beings found its 
expression in their Stigmata.
Not as a confirmation of my death on the cross but because 
of a false imagination about my death on earth.

sábado, diciembre 20, 2014

Hace dos mil años un gran maestro de la humanidad apareció en el mundo. Fue un filósofo, un líder social, un maestro de moral, un reformador religioso y un sanador. Desde un extremo del imperio romano a la otra, donde quiera que iba, honores divinos fueron otorgados en él - por todos, de esclavo a emperador. Era, sin duda, el hombre más grande de su época; y su fecha de nacimiento (4 A.C.) y el período de actividad coincidió exactamente con los del mesías cristiano, salvo que la vida de Apolonio de incesante labor en favor de la humanidad se extendió durante más de un siglo, tiempo durante el cual conserva su salud del cuerpo y brillo de la mente irreprochable por el paso del tiempo. Él era un ejemplo, supremo de la perfección humana - física, mental y espiritualmente.Se llamaba Apolonio de Tiana.

lunes, noviembre 10, 2014

Jesus & Mary Magdalene Were ‘Married With Children,’ Ancient Manuscript Claims – 10 November 2014

Image from
Image from
Jesus was a devoted family man with two kids and Mary Magdalene for his wife, a new history book based on an ancient manuscript claims.
According to the 1,500-year-old text, there was a previously unknown plot on Jesus’s life 13 years prior to the crucifixion. The revelations were made by Professor of Religious Studies at Toronto’s York University, Barrie Wilson, and an Israeli-Canadian historical writer and filmmaker, Simcha Jacobovici.

viernes, junio 20, 2014

On the occasion of the festival of “Corpus Christi”, 
the sacred body and blood of Christ, I have decided 
to publish the chapter “The Holy Grail: End of the search” 
from the book: The Biography of Jesus, volume II.
60 days after Easter Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates 
yearly this High Mass and one remembers the “Blood” 
(day of blood) and the “blood sacrifice” of Christ, whereby 
the crucifixion of Jesus over 2000 years ago is legitimized.

domingo, junio 08, 2014


Introduction to „The Baptism: Initiation by God“

The baptism, like the Church of Rome practices it, 
is the absolute disregard of the free human will!  
Scarcely born, human Beings of this community are forcibly 
monopolized by this significant “initiation” (the first sacrament). 
Unbaptized dead children according to Church doctrine until 2007, 
are “lost souls” and had to stew for eternity in “Pre-Hell” (so called 
Limbo, “place at the edge of hell”), a place between Heaven and Hell. 
Pope Benedict XVI had finally abolished this dogma and dissolved 
Limbo! SPIEGEL ONLINE reported on 4/20/2007: “The Vatican after 
long deliberations finally made up its mind to abolish the idea of 
limbo. The Theologians in the Vatican had reached the conclusion 
that small children, which have not been baptized and died, 
would directly enter into paradise, said the Archbishop of Dijon, 
Roland Minnerath today.” 

miércoles, abril 30, 2014

KAI - Canalización del Maestro Jesús

Amada Familia, en este momento las puertas del corazón se abren para recibir la conexión amorosa con cada ser que se aventura a leer estas líneas y recibir las energías que a través de este canal estamos irradiando.

Continuamos en este recorrido que nos conduce hacia el anclaje de la Conciencia Solar en la Tierra. La Conciencia Solar es la vibración más elevada de la Conciencia Cristica, pues a medida que la Conciencia Solar se manifiesta en el corazón, surge un profundo entendimiento de la conexión eterna que habita dentro de cada ser. La Conexión que unifica y entrelaza a la humanidad con la Tierra y con el cosmos. Conexión que verdaderamente es inevitable pues todo es uno y como tal, la humanidad y la tierra permanecen en sincronía recibiendo la luz galáctica solar.

sábado, abril 19, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Prologue from the book:
„Die Jesus Biografie Part I"

I have come to sow peace, joy and Love.
But what have you made out of it?

Instead of peace there are wars, instead of joy there 
is suffering and instead of Love there is Hate. You were 
deceived generation for generation and you were kept far 
from my true message. Suffering was lifted to a great 
necessity so that human Beings believed that suffering is 
the only way to attain holiness. My death on the cross was 
put in front of your eyes as an example, and your spirituality 
was supposed to find reflection in this suffering.
You were deceived, beloved Mankind.
Thoroughly and knowingly cheated.