Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, noviembre 24, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Separation is unreal, and has not and never will occur - Nov 24, 2022

As you wait most expectantly, and filled with excitement for the grand awakening, it is essential that you continue to visit the holy inner sanctuaries deep within yourselves every day to reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises. You are all Love incarnate, but for the most part you become so busy with your daily human lives, and distracted from the reality of who you truly are by the stress of those daily lives as humans, that you remain in your illusory or dream-like state of unawareness of your authentic nature. The world of form seems very real, because this was your intention when you built it, and this is indeed very confusing for you as you live within it today.

jueves, noviembre 10, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Every one of you is an absolutely indispensable master craftsman - Nov 10, 2022

Good day to you all, and, despite any worries or anxieties you may be feeling, it is a very good day. Humanity is awakening rapidly, the main event is very close now, and, of course, there is only Now! Yes, I and many others have told you that again and again to assist you to come to an awareness of the unreality of time. In fact your most recent science has come to the realization that time is flexible and variable, changeable, and therefore unreal, even though it continues to seemingly flow from the past through the present to the future. And as you can choose to be aware that there is only now, you are, therefore, always in the now; you may remember the past and dream of or dread the future, but you always do that now. When you allow yourselves to accept that, then fears and anxieties for the future, and anger and resentment about the past become less intense. The story, dream, or game of life in form will unfold as you collectively intend it to, so engage positively, lovingly, and compassionately with your hearts, minds and thoughts, and bring into the dream a world that aligns with those most powerful thoughts, and create a worldwide life of form now that honors and respects all.

viernes, octubre 14, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Your awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed - Oct 14, 2022

As you await humanity’s collective awakening with eager anticipation, practice being in the ‘now’ as frequently as you can during the day and allow yourselves to enjoy the moments as they unfold. Doing this is very healing for you if you are dealing with trauma that you are in the process of releasing. You have all suffered trauma, and for each of you it has been personal, very intense, and has probably stirred up old emotions you had forgotten or did not even know were within you. Do not attempt to diminish those feelings by comparing what you have experienced to the experiences of other far more horrifically traumatized people you know of or who you have read about. YOUR experience, whatever may have caused it, was intensely traumatic for YOU, so honor and congratulate yourself for dealing with it as you did, knowing and acknowledging that how you dealt with it while it was ongoing was perfect for You. When you do that you will feel great relief as your hurt inner child finally realizes that it is being seen, heard, and, most of all, loved. Your nature, as you well know, is Love. But the majority of you, while in human form, have never received that Love. Yes, your care-givers when you were small, friends, intimate partners, even your own children, have said they love you, and have, to the best of their abilities, offered you love, but it has nearly always been conditional! Love is NEVER conditional. As humans in form only a tiny minority of you have truly received love from someone else.

sábado, octubre 01, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You are Divine - Oct 1, 2022

We, your individual support teams in the non-physical realms, are with each one of you constantly, in every moment, offering you love and comfort if you choose to open yourselves to receive it from us. You are never alone, even when it perhaps feels to you that you are alone, or even abandoned. You have all experienced trauma during infancy and childhood, which has often left enormous emotional scars. Those traumas have passed, they are over, but when you revisit them – retelling yourselves your (hi)stories – you bring the resultant emotions into the present with almost as much intensity as you felt at the time that they happened; you bring the dead back to life! Mostly, of course, you had to shut them down back then, bury them below the level of your conscious awareness because it was not safe, and far too emotionally painful for you to express them. Now, if you are triggered and unexpected and powerful emotions arise, instead of attempting either to once again shut them down, block them – because you perhaps believe that they are a sign of weakness, inadequacy, or unworthiness! – or identify and analyze them, just let yourselves feel them and allow them to flow. This greatly assists you in releasing them, and in releasing and reducing the almost volcanically explosive emotional pressure within yourselves, enormous pressure that you have blocked from your awareness, and then you will find yourselves relaxing – abdomen, shoulders, throat and neck – it will feel as though a great weight has been lifted off you – a a a . . . aah! What a wonderful relief.

domingo, septiembre 25, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You are the beloved children of God, forever inseparably in Her Presence - Sep 25, 2022

All are One, there is only One. You, each and every one of you are One with the One. It is that simple. The divisiveness and separation that you experience as humans in form is extremely confusing for you because, for the brief moment that you spend in form, experiencing the pain and suffering of separation, that state of separation appears to your human senses to be very Real. It is NOT! Reality is One, and the sense of separation that you are all experiencing is completely unreal.

sábado, septiembre 10, 2022

John Smallman - Jesús - It is utterly impossible to be separated from Source - Sep 10, 2022

We are all one, and yet as humans in form that is not what you experience, and the reason for this is that you made a collective choice and decision to construct an unreal environment in which to experience the unreal, the impossible – separation from Source. And that is what you are experiencing, each one of you by your own individual choices because, by choosing to engage with unreality, you insisted on experiencing the individuality of separation instead of the unity of Oneness. And that choice remains an insane illusion. It is utterly impossible to be separated from Source, there is nowhere to separate to. It is a little like very small children putting their hands in front of their faces and thinking that you can no longer see them! God sees you, knows you, and is with you in every moment because you and He are One. You cannot hide from Him, although you can pretend to yourselves that you are separated from Him. Your awakening is about ceasing to pretend, it is the removing of your hands from in front of your faces, and delighting once more at being in His totally loving Presence. God IS Love and therefore so are each and every one of you because you live in eternal unchanging Oneness with Him.

lunes, agosto 29, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment - Aug 29, 2022


You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging. Therefore there is nothing you can do to alter this divine truth. As you live your human lives you frequently experience doubts about God’s love for you because, from early infancy, you have all experienced some, or maybe much, shaming and punishment by those who were responsible for your well-being, and having naturally assumed that those who are caring for you are good, you therefore concluded (in very early life!) that there must be something wrong with you. This sense of not being good enough, of being unworthy, is very deeply ingrained, and I want to help you to dissolve every aspect of it so that you can come to a deep understanding of its total invalidity, as you awaken to the realization of God’s infinite and eternal Love for you, Love without bounds or conditions of any kind. What God creates is unchangeably perfect. He created you and He wants you to know this eternal truth about yourselves.

In fact, deep within yourselves you do know this, and your awakening is about coming to full and constant awareness of this divine and unalterable truth, thus constantly feeling, experiencing, and delighting in the supreme joy of knowing yourselves as you truly are – eternally, inseparably, and most deeply in LOVE with God. Knowing yourselves as God knows you! And knowing that this is His Will and yours. You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment, aware and fully engaged in the endless expansion of the Vastness that is Love. That state of being, your natural and original state, is eternal and unchanging, and you are awakening into full awareness of it.

To be fully aware, fully conscious, fully alive is God’s Will for you, and as you are eternally One with God it is also your will. You cannot not awaken, sleep is a very temporary and unreal break away from your natural state of being, a state of forgetting your true divine nature, it does not serve you, and so you will let it go.

Before you incarnated for this present lifetime you were fully aware and fully enjoying the oneness of Love that you are within the Presence that is God. And you also knew, having most courageously and enthusiastically volunteered to be physically present as humans in form to assist in humanity’s grand awakening, that this present human life experience would be very demanding and might also involve much pain and suffering. And yet you incarnated – most willingly! Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms you are most highly honored . . . and rightly so! Please start honoring yourselves, it is the Will of God that you do so, that you honor Her divine creation.

Call on us – me, saints, loved ones, who are always watching over you – for help and comfort whenever you doubt yourselves. As a well-known saying states: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” And you are far tougher and more powerful than you can possibly conceive of when you use only your human intellects to understand what life as a human is all about. Just remember that you are never alone!

When you take your daily quiet time to commune with us, allow yourselves to just relax into your holy inner sanctuaries without expectations. Allowing is essential. Allowing is surrendering to the energy field of Love within which you are always present, even though you can hardly feel its Presence embracing you. When you do this you will find your worries and anxieties reducing in intensity or even evaporating while you rest there. You do need to do this at least once daily, more often if you can spare the time, because doing so refuels your human energy fields, and then you find within yourselves the intuitive sense, the inner knowing that all is as it should be, and that you are where you are meant to be, doing and being the energy field of Love that is enthusiastically encouraging humanity’s awakening and bringing it to fruition.

Yes, humanity is awakening, and you are doing enormously important work in ensuring that it comes to its most wonderful fruition. Do NOT doubt yourselves, or your purpose. You are all – absolutely NO exceptions – making a massive contribution to this divine plan. It could not be happening without even one of you. You are each essential and unbreakable links in the divine chain of the awakening process.

Doing is a human activity that has been very helpful for you as you have been living your lives in the illusory state you constructed to experience separation. It has enormously expedited your spiritual evolution as you have evolved in form and thus come to a greater understanding of what your purpose is as a human – remembering who you really are.

Being is your natural state where your thoughts are instantly implemented. Thought is what creates, there is no doing – no hard work – involved. Thoughts are choices you make to share and extend the infinite energy field of Love in which you all participate in every moment of your eternal existence. They are harmonious cooperative events that bring intense joy to all involved as they burst into bloom. They are not extremely difficult intellectual exercises like those that humans work with to concoct new consumer devices, or that help scientists, through reasoning, to more fully understand your material environment, and, perhaps, attempt to control it. Thoughts flow beautifully for the greater glory of God.

So I confirm, humanity is awakening, and all of you are making it happen. Keep resetting your amazing and most powerful intent to bring that awakening into being by . . . Being! Being is totally natural, and as you become more accustomed to just allowing yourselves to be, your peace and contentment will effervesce.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

jueves, agosto 11, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You are doing what you incarnated to do, you are Being - Aug 11, 2022

As you have been told so often: “There is only One!” This is an impossible concept for you to understand as humans in form, living in an unreal dream/nightmare environment that appears to you to be intensely and unalterably real, firm, and solid. But it is true, and at the depths of your being, behind the veil or mist that you have placed between your true or higher selves and your egos, you do know and can access this divine truth. Take time out at least once daily and set the intent very firmly and positively to access this deep and true inner knowing, and then relax totally – without expectation – thus allowing your higher selves to reveal themselves to you through your inner knowing, your divinely given intuition.

sábado, julio 16, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Awaken now into the Love that you are - July 16, 2022

Humanity is on a roll! The collective awakening process, in which you are all fully engaged, is moving along quite beautifully, as is to be expected because it is God’s divine will. The chaos and confusion planet-wide are themselves signs of your awakening as people start to become more fully aware of the corruption and dishonesty that has always been an aspect of the illusion that is life in form. The illusion was constructed to experience a sense of freedom, and was established to allow an ‘apparent’ movement away from Love, and for each individual to live without consideration for others if he so chose. Those in families and tribes did support each other, but could also be banished if their behavior was judged unacceptable for whatever reason. Thus it became necessary to consider individual survival above all other human needs. The realization that All are One was forgotten, hidden from awareness, and the human life being lived was understood to be a one time event that had to be used to the full in order to make the most of the seemingly limited resources available for the individual during the few years of a human life span.

lunes, junio 27, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You are to awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself - June 27, 2022

We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love. All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One. There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING!

jueves, junio 02, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - No one needs to seek Love - June 2, 2022

To awaken is your destiny because, being One with Source – being fully aware in complete conscious wakefulness in every moment – is your constant state. As humans in form it is difficult for you to conceive of such a state, because you are almost constantly being distracted by your worldly concerns and interests. They are, of course, totally appropriate while you are in form as they assist you in maintaining your physical well-being. However, you do not need to spend almost all your waking hours focused on those concerns and issues, whereas you do need to spend quiet time every day connecting with Source, by sitting peacefully as you invite Love into your hearts to embrace you and reinvigorate your energy fields. There is still a lot of ‘stuff’ arising planet-wide that takes a heavy toll on everyone in form, so resting and recuperating deep within yourselves daily is essential, otherwise it becomes very difficult for you to share and extend to humanity the love that each one of you is, and which is your reason for being incarnate at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – TO AWAKEN!

lunes, mayo 16, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - There are no accidents, every event and experience has a purpose - May 16, 2022

Humanity has entered the final stages of the collective awakening process. You have all done incredible work, both individually and collectively, to bring this about, and you are about to be enormously honored for the work you have been doing, absolutely vital work that only you could do. All are One, so every individual thought or intention to be only loving at all times combines with those of all others with the same intent, vastly and purposefully intensifying the final stages of your collective awakening process. Do not doubt the immense power of your individual intentions to be only loving, because they are massive, being completely integrated with and in alignment with God’s Will.

domingo, abril 10, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You all dearly desire to honor and love God. - Apr 10, 2022

Lovewards is the way forward. You all know that Love is the only Reality, the only way that relationships can grow and evolve, and you all want Love in your lives. But you often do not trust yourselves, mainly because of traumas experienced in childhood, or traumas from past lives as humans, and that lack of trust shows up in yourselves as guilt, shame, unworthiness, and other invalid beliefs you cling to as a result, and then you indulge in further meaningless negative self-assessments as you compare yourselves to others.

You are all perfect divine beings because you are all the beloved children of God who created you as eternally perfect expressions of consciousness, of Himself! All conscious sentient beings who exist were created by Mother/Father/God and are eternally present as the most beautiful and harmonious aspects of the One, and are never for even the briefest of moments separated from that One. You are Love, and you are Loved – Now and Always.

domingo, abril 03, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Fear empowers your egos, but Love dissolves fear - Apr 3, 2022

Life is about Love, and nothing else! Yes, I do keep talking about Love, and that’s because all that exists is enfolded most lovingly within It because It is All That Exists. There is not and could not possibly be anything or anywhere else because It is infinitely vast, enveloping all sentient life, all of creation, and thereby satisfying every need and desire, and, of course, all that exists is alive. Every one of God’s infinite number of creations is alive, is sentient, although humanity has chosen to believe that most of the apparently inanimate matter or basic elements which makes up the world of form – in fact the whole universe – is without life, consciousness, or sentience of any kind.

martes, marzo 22, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Large numbers of you do still not believe in your own unchangeable perfection - Mar 22, 2022

As your collective awakening process approaches completion an enormous amount of ‘stuff’ is bursting into the collective consciousness for acknowledgment, thanks, forgiveness, and release. It holds within it many generations worth of resentment, denial, and anger that has been deeply buried because it was too intensely painful to acknowledge either as it was happening or at any time afterwards, up until now. Now the whole human collective is allowing it into awareness, and with it comes much guilt and shame for past long forgotten words and actions.

sábado, marzo 19, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - God/Love/Source never punishes anyone! - March 19, 2022

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are very much aware of your concerns and anxieties as chaos and confusion seem to be escalating on your beautiful planet Earth. DO make a point of starting your day by going deep within yourselves, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and then opening your hearts to Love, which resides there permanently, waiting patiently, ready and most willing to embrace and comfort you when you choose and remember to invite It in.

sábado, febrero 26, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Life is a Miracle, and you are all Alive! - Feb 26, 2022

As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible. Therefore, relax! God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely. You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion, it could or should be unfolding. Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now.

sábado, enero 29, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love - January 29, 2022

The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety. There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully. The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently.

jueves, enero 20, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are - Jan 20, 2022

You – all of humanity – are awakening, there are signs of this all around you, so let go of any doubts or negative judgments about it, and allow yourselves to become aware of these signs. As you do so you further strengthen and empower the flow of Love, the Life Force that enlivens you and your human bodies, as it flows through you and out into the collective energy field of humanity, intensifying everyone’s sense of the imminence of the awakening. To do this, and just this, is why you are presently incarnate as a human on Planet Earth at this precise moment of now. Each one of you made the most positive, personal, and individual choice to be here now. So, now that you are here, allow yourselves to know this, and then at least once daily reset your intent to share and extend the Love that you are to all of humanity, thus gently and compassionately nudging all towards wakefulness.

sábado, enero 08, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - Now is the moment to choose to accept that God’s Love for you is inexhaustible - January 8, 2022

In this new year of 2022 you may expect great and uplifting changes to the way you live on Earth as humans because of your collective awakening. It is to be a year that will inspire and delight all those of you who have been looking forward with great enthusiasm to the awakening, and you will not be disappointed. Your prayers, meditations, and powerfully loving intentions over the last few years are coming to fruition as many, who up until now had totally forgotten that they had a divine purpose on earth as humans, start to seek a spiritual purpose in their lives. This new-found interest in “things spiritual” will surprise and delight them, especially as they discover that they do indeed have a spiritual purpose – their true purpose – and that in this they are not alone!