Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Georgi Stankov. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Georgi Stankov. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, diciembre 06, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - The Most Important Message from the Agarthans: We Are Coming ! - December 6, 2014

by Carla Thompson, December 6, 2014
Dear Georgi!
I am thrilled to announce that the Agarthans have visited us this afternoon.  
First, there was a group of young children here in the bedroom, children who were so happy and excited. Then after the computer was glitching on me, I realized that someone was trying to get me to stop working on the computer… and I realized it was the Agarthans!  As soon as I looked up from the screen, I realized the living room was filled with Beings!  Incredible!
I was attuned to the Agarthans all day as I was so drawn to read from  “TELOS: Original Transmissions from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta” by Dianne Robbins. This beautiful book attuned me to their frequency and prepared me to receive the very clear message that follows. This profound message was filled with love and excitement, and love filled the air as Ahnahmar and the High Council of Light of Telos introduced themselves!
Enjoy this message!

sábado, octubre 18, 2014

Georgi Stankov - The Shift Portal of New Moon and Solar Eclipse on October 23, 2014 - October 18, 2014 Stankov, October 18, 2014
There is no doubt in the meantime that the coming new moon and full solar eclipse portal on October 23rd will be very powerful. The Elohim told us in their latest message that the seeding of the new human template on all new 4D and 5D worlds will reach a “lightning speed”at this time and this will cause the big shift to higher dimensions we all are waiting for. It is obvious that the Shift is closely linked to the finalization of the seeding of the new human race. This fact is known only to the PAT group and is not discussed by any other channeling source, because these people are not involved in this process as they will not ascend to 5D and higher.

jueves, octubre 16, 2014

Carla Thompson - The Elohim - Sacred Geometry of the New Human Race - October 16, 2014
The Elohim Confirm the Seeding of the New Human Template on October 12, 2014
channelled by Carla Thompson on October 12, 2014
published on October 16, 2014 in
by Georgi Stankov

As I interpret this message, the Shift of this timeline to the 4D new worlds and our final ascension to the Source and eventual return to 5D and 4D as Logos Gods and Ascended Masters is closely linked to the seeding of all new 4D and lower 5D worlds in the new galaxy with the new template of humanity. It started in the night of October 12, 2014 and will be finished with a “lightning speed” until the new moon and solar eclipse on October 23rd, as the Elohim tell us in this message.
As you may remember, and we have only yesterday discussed it with Carla, the Agarthans told us in May that we shall ascend on a new moon. We related this message to the next new moon on May 29th at that time. While I still believe that this message meant this date for our potential ascension, which was then postponed as reported on this website and confirmed many times also by Jahn’s sources, Carla believes that this message actually means that we shall ascend during a new moon. I don’t mind if this message from the Agarthans was meant this way, as it only increases the chances of our ascension this month.

miércoles, octubre 15, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Short Energy Update – October 15, 2014
by Georgi Stankov
Since the seeding of the new human race during the night of October 12, 2014, we are in a constant, relentless ascension spiral. Since then I am a conduit of massive source energies from the Source without a pause. For the last three days my soul completely retrieved from my physical body to avoid this inhuman effort and I felt personally as if buried alive in this dense matter. She stayed in the HR to prepare the final phase of ascension from there, as this has been revealed to me in the dream state.
Yesterday evening my soul came back all of a sudden, after a powerful invocation by myself and Carla on the beach, when we moved one more time to a much higher timeline and the weather suddenly improved only to deteriorate again in the night and today. When my soul entered again my body, she caused such a sharp nausea that I had to vomit, which never happens to me. Then I felt much better all of a sudden.

jueves, octubre 02, 2014

The Elohim – The Temple of Healing in Lofer, Austria - Georgi Stankov - October 2, 2014

Carla Thompson, October 2, 2014
October 1, 2014
Dear Georgi,
I have received this long message from the Elohim on September 27th and I know you will find it interesting as it concerns the Healing Temple in Lofer, Austria. There is a lot of information within this message that I will have to describe within the message itself, so as to better follow what I/they are trying to impart.
They are stressing once again the importance of using the Gold-Violet flame [and this may be a Violet-Gold flame, depending on the predominant colour for each one of us, and both have the same effect]. As this flame is brought in and flooded into the living Gaia, we are fully contributing to the rectification of the old ways and moving healing energies into the New Earth. The Elohim are repeating this information for a reason, so I am sure it is necessary to share it once again. I have recently received a message from Saint Germain pertaining to the Violet flame, and I will also insert this into this message, so that everyone is current with the information we have been provided.
With love,

viernes, septiembre 19, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Short Energy Update – September 19, 2014

 Nature Landscape
by Georgi Stankov
There is a huge energy build-up since three days. This is in preparation for the fall equinox that is promising some huge transformations. Yesterday the energy crescendo reached its preliminary peak for myself in the evening (Western Pacific time). I was retrieved from this reality after the intensity of the waves augmented suddenly and the vibrations were so huge that they seemed to disintegrate my body. For about several hours I did a huge and simultaneous introspection of my whole life and visited at the same time all the places and situations in Europe and now here in Canada that played an important role in my life. It was such a condense retrospection that it almost overwhelmed me, but fortunately my mind was already detached from my physical body and brain and was able to process this huge download of past information without any difficulties.

martes, septiembre 09, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Jahn J Kassl - Sananda - Torchbearers of Triumph - September 9, 2014

by Georgi Stankov">Georgi Stankov

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 1, 2014
first published on September 9, 2014 in
Report I: Since the message “Uplift yourself!” (August 26, 2014) and since I am involved in the events of many 4D worlds, the impression consolidates in me that in the immediate vicinity to our hologram unbelievable discharges must occur. “The impacts come closer all the time” and now I live in this reality on a daily basis and constantly receive messages regarding this. As well as the following:

Dream: I see as “something” enormous rears up behind me. One cannot recognize what it is. “Huge tsunami” or “huge cyclone”, only a regular “huge thunderstorm” has to be excluded, because the world seems to upend itself. The planet sways like a rocking horse, and I experience slight queasiness. A policeman screams in staccato into the megaphone: “Flee, police, nobody can help you!” Thereby I notice that the police behave totally unusual. Normally in the case of a catastrophe, the authorities pacify and tend, in order to avoid a panic, more toward recommending to human Beings to remain in their houses. Yet here they are offensively asked to flee, which makes it clear that any control over this event has slipped away. „Flee, police, nobody can help you!” After I still heard this request a few more times, I wake up in my bed. (End of dream)

lunes, septiembre 08, 2014

The Elohim - The Seeding of the Golden Galaxy - by Carla Thompson, September 8, 2014

Georgi Stankov

Carla received this message from the Elohim two days after we had this remarkable experience in the national park “Burns Bog” on September 4th, about which I reported to you on the next day. I am now happy to present you this message. It describes the extremely complex processes that now take place multidimensionally on many levels and throughout different galaxies in this omniverse. Human words fail to convey this highly dynamic, ever-changing reality of All-That-Is, so that we must put up with simplifications to explain our current experiences as Logos Gods, while we are still trapped in human bodies and rely on a limited, sequentially operating human mind. This should be the epistemological point of departure for you when you read and interpret this message.
I must admit that I did personally experience a deep feeling of satisfaction when Carla first read this message to me as it confirmed everything we perceived intuitively as information from our higher selves when we lifted up together with the group of light warriors of the first and the last hour and now new Logos Gods the new Golden Galaxy to its new place and seeded it for ever on that auspicious day of September the 4th.

sábado, septiembre 06, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - The Ascended Masters - The Day of Days - September 6, 2014
The Ascended Masters
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 29
first published on September 6, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
This very powerful and poetic message would not have been given to Jahn at the end of August if the “The day of days is (not) near.” Anything else would have been a complete lack of psychological understanding on the part of the Ascended masters. Most of its information deals with what this A-Day will bring to us and humanity and should be a basic knowledge to all of you.
However, it also announces several notable phenomena that will herald this event and can be perceived with human senses. I would like to make you aware at this place of these phenomena, so that you can observe them and know in advance when the time of your ascension will arrive:

viernes, septiembre 05, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - In Expectation of Ascension - Babaji - Georgi Stankov - September 5, 2014
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 28, 2014
first published on September 5, 2014 in translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
This message is a brilliant confirmation of all that we have discussed so far on this website and also currently do. The final PAT report testifies this attitude on the eve of our ascension. It has always been my deep conviction that the correct assessment of the nature of space-time is the key to understanding of our multidimensional nature as Creator Gods and the ascension scenario. All my gnostic books depart from the nature of space-time, but also all of my scientific works. There is nothing else in this 3D reality. Space-time is 3D reality and linear time is an illusion – it is also space or distance. Now this cardinal gnostic topic is underlined one more time by Babaji.
What personally impressed me most in this message, is, however, his comment on the lukewarm people:

Georgi Stankov - Energy Update – September 5, 2014
Something spectacular happened yesterday, but I must admit that I do not know exactly yet what it was and hope that the Elohim will give us some more information retrospectively after the process has finished. This is how they always communicate with us. Let me report what we experienced yesterday.
Since early morning, I was in a blissful state due to the fact that we had moved again to a higher timeline and the weather in Vancouver was beautiful again – sunny and warm -, after a week of dwelling on lower, very dense timelines with bad, almost winter-like weather and a lot of rain at the end. I had the feeling since early morning that the veils to the higher dimensions are being lifted and had a very intimate sensation of the new 4D worlds, in particular of the easiness, relaxation and joy of life on these worlds. I had also a very strong connection to the Agarthans from the Inner Earth and the 6D fleet.

jueves, agosto 28, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - In the Ocean of God’s Grace – Part I - August 28, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 20, 2014
first published in English on August 28, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov

This message is an Homage to all of You – the true members of the PAT, the light warriors of the first and the last hours. You are the “Great Ones“! Yes, You are meant by this message. Since you decided in July this year to stay to the very last moment on the ground and help the birthing and ascension of the new Golden Galaxy, you are the “Great Ones”. With this decision you were advanced to the new Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Galaxy with Gaia and its numerous 4D/5D worlds as its focal point.

There were times when there were only a few “Great Ones” as Carla and myself, but this year you have profoundly changed the course of the Ascension process of Gaia with your incredible endeavour and personal achievement beyond the wildest expectations from the higher realms and have endorsed yourselves with the title the “Great Ones of Ascension“.

miércoles, agosto 27, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Short Energy Update – August 27, 2014

Georgi Stankov

Yesterday, we experienced a huge interdimensional shift of this uppermost timeline to higher frequencies that has been observed not only by myself, but also by a number of PAT members as they wrote to me . It started in the morning with the classical cc-wave, chills as typical for near-by MPR, severe headache and, what was unusual in my case, with a feeling of high fever, although my temperature was normal, sweating and the general sensation of having a flu.  These symptoms were part of the huge descent of source energy in my field and through it into Gaia and humanity. This can be observed by the predominant pink colour in the sky and in the atmosphere.

I assume that this energetic peak anticipates the coming full moon portal – the last one of the Lion’s gate this summer – on August 31. I always experience such massive “ascension test runs” 3-5 days prior to the opening of the actual cosmic portal.

martes, agosto 26, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Weight of the Last Days - August 26, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 17, 2014
first published in English on August 26, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Truly: Many beings in human gestalt have taken on the guardianship for ascension. This brings with it that they let all suffering flow through their Being, so that it is removed, so that it is released into the Light and is transformed. (see my Announcement as of July 27, 2014, note George)
You are many and there are ever more, who decided for this service, because the energy field of this world must be liberated from pain, from old suffering from the deeply imprinted structures which have disintegrated human souls.

Georgi Stankov - Truth About the Ascension - August 26, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 18, 2014
first published in English on August 26, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
The arrival in eternal Life is pending and is immediately ahead. How often has this already been announced? And therefore this renewed announcement occurs, so that you attain the kingdom of Heaven fulfilled with confidence and carried by divine strength.

Great Light Warriors

A long time ago you, who have gone into the Akashi as the “great light warriors of time”, have prevailed, you have triumphed and yet assignments in this world are still waiting for you.
What do these consist of?

domingo, agosto 03, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Spiritual Truth of End Time – Part II - Conversation with Sananda - Jahn J Kassl - August 3, 2014
Conversation with Sananda
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 22, 2014
first published on August 3, 2014 in

JJK: Today I woke up with a question and this question preoccupies me now in the afternoon: Why do so many wealthy and as rich designated human Beings have an issue with money?

Many are greedy or cannot have enough; some hoard (save) the money and pass on very little, as it does not serve their own benefit. Some human Beings hide their wealth, so that they do not have let go of anything, others preserve it, as if they want to take it with them into Heaven. And foremost: Wealth and abundance obviously are different things? How do they relate to each other? And thereby poverty is also per se not a sign of lack?

Georgi Stankov - An Amazing Archive of the PAT Created by Erik Westhovens - August 3, 2014

Erik Westhovens and Georgi Stankov, August 3, 2014

I have the great pleasure to present you the unique work which our friend Erik Westhovens has accomplished on behalf of the PAT. Throughout the last three years he has created a complete archive of the history of the PAT as presented on this website. He has organized this chronicle in separate volumes in pdf which can be read as books in a chronological manner. Below I have copied the site from his website, where the volumes are didactically arranged. But I would recommend you to use this direct link to his website:

And here is my correspondence with Erik that elucidates the creation of this unique archive on the mission of the PAT, which will be the spiritual foundation for numerous generations of souls on the upper 4D worlds.


Dear George,

Last week (July 22 – 25) I have worked on describing All-That-Is into my own words. In the morning of 22 July I was inspired by my HS to do so. I made a small document only describing the basics of All-That-Is. The document is in my native language (dutch). 

I have shared the document with my parents and friends to start with. I have also published the document on my

When I read your posts it makes perfect sense that we are ascending into higher frequencies, where the Universal Law will be understood and integrated into people’s mind and lives.

In the past I have informed you about the pdf files I make of the PAT website. I have updated the website and pdf files.


Dear Erik,

words cannot express how deeply I was moved by what you have done for the PAT. I also showed it to Carla and she was equally deeply moved – speechless, so to say. Our gratitude for you has virtually overwhelmed us. As soon as I recover from this wonderful “shock”, I shall write an article and make all the PAT aware of the archive you have created with such a diligence with all the articles that have appeared on this website.

It is such a great work and I can assure you that you will reap the fruits of this endeavour very soon. As soon as the big change will arrive, and my HS tells me that it will begin immediately after my surgery – that is why I must do it as soon as possible – then this archive will be visited by millions, if not billions of people. 

Your summary of the basic characteristics of All-That-Is is excellent and should be the core knowledge of any enlightened human being, from which they should depart in order to delve deeper into the mysteries of All-That-Is. Unfortunately it is not so and most light workers either do not have this knowledge or are deliberately neglecting it for whatever reason. 

I translated your overview from Dutch into English and then one more time into German with Google Translate and I must say that it is excellently structured, pinpointing in a didactical way the core topics and aspects of any true human Gnosis. I wished I could read it in the original language. But if you may have time to translate it into English, I will publish it with greatest pleasure. We must do this. Of course I and Carla will also do a proof-reading of the manuscript in case it is necessary. But I think that this text must  be published one more time on the PAT website, so that the PAT can read it.

This is a great day for me and I am infinitely thankful to you for this immense work you have done for the cause of the PAT, for the idea of ascension and also for yourself on your way to the higher dimension. I wished other readers would have followed your path.

With Love

The Journey of the Planetary Ascension Team books

Every post of Georgi Stankov with the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team) that are shared on are documented into a book serie. Every ebook can be downloaded for free.
The latest part of the book serie will be regularly updated with the latest posts.

Deel 1 Deel 2 Deel 3 Deel 4
Part I
January 15, 2011
February 16, 2012
download PDF
979 pages - 9.9 MB
Part II
February 18, 2012
July 30, 2012
download PDF
992 pages – 23.2 MB
Part III
July 30, 2012
December 23, 2012
download PDF
950 pages – 16.1 MB
Part IV
December 24, 2012
May 24, 2013
download PDF
1162 pages – 12.7 MB

Deel 5 Deel 6 Deel 7 Deel 0
Part V
May 25, 2013
October 25, 2013
download PDF
1253 pages – 26.6 MB
Part VI
October 26, 2013
May 30, 2014
download PDF
224 pages – 2.6 MB
Part VII
June 13, 2014
July 27, 2014
download PDF
120 pages – 12.9 MB

Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson . Energy Update – August 3, 2014

The MPR Have Commenced on this Uppermost 4D Mother Planet
Georgi Stankov

The magnetic pole reversals (MPR) have commenced on the lowest timelines / holograms of this uppermost 4D mother planet, on which we now dwell, in the night of August 2nd.

I and Carla were fully involved in the triggering of these MPR that caused indescribable shock, pain and suffering of billions of empty, soulless human duplicates on these timelines, as we have personally experienced it in the most depressing and debilitating manner in the last 48 hours. I am sure that all the true PAT members and light warriors of the first and the last hours have made the same experience. We also were witnesses, how this MPR hit one particular lower timeline, which we visited yesterday, before we were rapidly and most dramatically removed to a higher timeline.

sábado, agosto 02, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Spiritual Truth of the End Time – Part I - Jahn J Kassl - Sananda - August 2, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 20, 2014
first published on August 1, 2014 in
translated by Franz

Georgi Stankov

This is an extremely valuable message for all light warriors of the first and the last hours in these last days prior to our ascension. I am amazed how these simple truths presented by Sananda below are not comprehended or grossly misunderstood by all light workers currently. 

Only yesterday, I visited a concert of the spiritual musician and composer from Vancouver Paul Armitage (see videos on YouTube), who is a real genius according to myself and a re-incarnation of the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. The audience consisted entirely of representatives of the New Age scene in Vancouver, if such has ever existed and still exists. The soul emptiness of these people as it emerged in the discussions after the concert was so depressing, just as their views based on the “love and light” illusion. One motto of their discussions was that everything is “neutral” and all good and evil events are alike.

sábado, julio 26, 2014

Georgi Stankov - The Threshold of Confrontation Between Light and Darkness is Reached - July 26, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, July 26, 2014

The last few days were full of massive cleansing of all timelines of Gaia – crucial adjustments and spectacular ascension shifts took place. There were so many processes running simultaneously that it is probably impossible to get a proper overview on them. But there is no doubt that we have just finished one of the most critical phases in the ascension process of the new galaxy and Gaia as its focal point.

During this time we did not receive any information from our sources. The Elohim were waiting for the final result to come up, before they can give us an update. We descended in the last few days to some very lower, dense and dark timelines to cleanse them from all pecuniary and other patterns of separation and duality, which were associated with severe symptoms and inhuman energy intensities. This has been confirmed today by other true members of the PAT.