Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Morya. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Morya. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, julio 04, 2013

El Morya ~ The Ascension process of the Descending of the Masters in you all ~ as channeled by Méline Lafont

Master El  Morya
Greetings  everyone. My most respectful salutations from the highest frequency of my being, I Am Master El Morya.
The  collective of the Ascended Masters, all of them, descended into a frequency making it possible for you to meet us in your Being as the real connection can now become fact in a conscious way. You will find us in the exact same locations as where you dwell yourself and where you sense an uplifting feeling of energy,  an uplifting effect of Love in an aspect of the Light. We, as Masters, ground the Light in a thorough way by descending in someone’s consciousness and his/her  incarnation in order to not only connect with the soul but also to see ourselves reflected in all the Love that someone is in his/her personal reality.

martes, julio 02, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: Allow and Accept All Aspects of Your Journey - July 2, 2013 exercising each day patience, faith and trust you are creating a firm grip on your relationship with God even in the miniscule of ways. Part of your journey dear ones is learning to allow others to be who they are and accept them for their differences.  
When entering the practice of allowing people to be who they are and accepting them with the same unconditional love you would easily give to any other does require a conscious effort that at first is deliberate. When you purposely stop looking at people and situations without trying to fix them, and just to see them, as they are; your level of awareness skyrockets dear ones. You are able to see each person more deeply; you can see their humanness without judgment or criticism because you are allowing yourself to see them as you see your Self.

martes, junio 25, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: Hope Makes the Impossible Possible - Weekly Message - June 24 – July 01, 2013 has always been an essential player on this journey you have embarked upon, even though Hope and Faith have been a challenge for many to maintain in all situations. Hope is defined as a desire or a need that is complemented by the expectation of a belief in regards to fulfilling a task or the potential of an outcome of certain events. Hope is also positive.
It means when you add Hope you are indicating a part of you believes in the success of the outcome. It is important to understand, Hope is more than your desire for something to come true. Hope doesn’t ever work alone. In order for Hope to work successfully, it is accompanied by Belief and Faith in the possibility of a favourable outcome.

miércoles, junio 12, 2013

Konstantinos-Sharing of some experiences, drawings, photos and a message from El Morya - June 7, 2013

[Hello friends. It's been since May 1st 2013 that I had a channeled communication with other forms of conciousness. I'm back again after almost a month to share some experiences that include connections and a channeled connection that was very strong to me and I have to say, I have missed that feeling. Let's begin then.
On May 3rd 2013, as I was walking outside, I suddenly found myself  in a kind of an ecstasy situation and to be more exact,  I found myself in what seemed to be a translucent full of  light colors space that seemed like a room. I instantly felt that this was the interior of a space ship. Then, a gentle being that seemed like a male appeared in front of me but his legs had a smoke like form but he didn't seem like a hologram. It was like he had just manifested. I was sitting down on a translucent seat and behind that gentle being, who by the way had a warm smile all the time, there was a kind of hologram device because out of it appeared three pictures with a diagram like appearance. The being told me through telepathy, that these diagrams were showing the vitamin differences between the healthy and not so healthy foods. Then without even noticing, I was back outside where I was walking..

miércoles, mayo 22, 2013

Maestros Ascendidos - Tu Trayectoria Empática – El Morya – Julie Miller - 1 al 7-01-2013

guía-orientación-errores-periodistas- dos

1 al 7-01-2013

Cada querido ser ha estado en condiciones en las que ha habido terribles malentendidos, uno u otro estuvieron involucrados en el diálogo donde se sintieron malentendidos, a veces ambos se sintieron así.

A medida que salen de dichas situaciones ustedes se sienten confundidos y desconcertados sobre lo que acaba de suceder.

Pudieran preguntarse si es posible que sus intenciones hayan sido malentendidas. Y muchas veces, queridos míos, lo que nosotros escuchamos con frecuencia es: “¿qué es lo que hice?”

Pudieran preguntarse: “¿por qué no entiende [la otra persona] lo que estoy tratando de comunicar?”

jueves, mayo 16, 2013

El Morya- Aprovechen el poder positivo de sus palabras – por Julie Miller - Mayo 7, 2013

El poder de la Palabra dos

del 7 al 14 -05-2013 

07 de mayo 2013

Por ahora, queridos míos deben ser muy conscientes del enorme poder detrás de lo que hablan e incluso de sus palabras escritas.

Las personas son en extremo receptivas o bien se inspiran o desalientan tan sólo con las palabras que ustedes eligen para expresarse.

Y si ustedes están vocalizando estas palabras, cómo el tono y volumen de todo proporciona información tácita de que muchos son capaces de recibirlo.

Hemos sido testigos que muchos de ustedes son a la vez representantes de palabras de aliento y los receptores de palabras que inspiración y son ricas de sabiduría, y también hemos visto muchos de ustedes expresarse de una manera condescendiente, o recibido palabras que lograron disolver a través de su espíritu lleno de luz muy rápidamente.

martes, abril 23, 2013

El Morya ~La Ascensón trae consigo cambios globales ~ canalizado por Méline Lafont - Abril 21, 2013

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Copyright © fotografía de Méline Lafont: Nueva Zelanda

El Morya: Como prenda de mi agradecimiento los tranquilizaré sobre los nuevos cambios energéticos ocurriendo en el planeta Tierra.

Hay mucho sucediendo en estos momentos y los nuevos brotes sobrepasan sus tocones forzando su camino de salida a través de los suelos de la tierra para traer maravillosos frutos por los que han laborado tan arduamente.

Se ha forjado un gran espacio para renovaciones y enriquecimientos masivos a fin de obtener un cambio planetario hacia la Luz.

Una resplandeciente esfera de Luz dorada brilla sobre ustedes ahora y permite que sus asombrosas energías desciendan a este regio valle donde durante siglos la oscuridad ha gobernado suprema.

domingo, abril 21, 2013

Meline Lafont: El Morya – Ascension Brings Along Her Gobal Changes
As a token of my appreciation I will put your mind at ease with the new energetic changes occuring on Planet Earth. There’s a lot impending at this moment and the new sprouts outgrow their stump forcing their way through the soils of the earth to bring forth marvellous fruits for which you have toiled so hard.
Much room has been made for massive renewals and enrichments in order to obtain a planetary shift into the Light. The shimmering sphere of golden Light shines down on you now and lets her astonishing energies descent in this regal valley where for centuries the dark has ruled supremely. The light is offered to you to enable you to see again in the dark nooks and crannies of your Being and of your planetary Being so a thorough approach and a resolute presence of the Light can be made possible.