Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Babaji. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Babaji. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, agosto 30, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - HUMAN BEINGS BECOMING GODS, BABAJI - August 30, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

omnipresent consciousness of Creation.
This is a continuing transmission to yesterday’s 
message (“Preparations for the Final Event”)  
wherein it is important to point to a significant situation.

viernes, agosto 29, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

You are the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Beloved Ones,
Ascension means the greatest effort for all, 
who are participating in it.
Ascension means the greatest happiness for all,
who will see God at the end of the day and will 
recognize themselves as what they are.

jueves, agosto 28, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - In the Ocean of God’s Grace – Part I - August 28, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 20, 2014
first published in English on August 28, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov

This message is an Homage to all of You – the true members of the PAT, the light warriors of the first and the last hours. You are the “Great Ones“! Yes, You are meant by this message. Since you decided in July this year to stay to the very last moment on the ground and help the birthing and ascension of the new Golden Galaxy, you are the “Great Ones”. With this decision you were advanced to the new Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Galaxy with Gaia and its numerous 4D/5D worlds as its focal point.

There were times when there were only a few “Great Ones” as Carla and myself, but this year you have profoundly changed the course of the Ascension process of Gaia with your incredible endeavour and personal achievement beyond the wildest expectations from the higher realms and have endorsed yourselves with the title the “Great Ones of Ascension“.

domingo, agosto 03, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream I: A constantly repeating dream that does not stay 
stuck in my mind. Yet it is the sentence: „Europe is entirely 
captured, which is stuck crystal clear in my mind, 
after I wake up. (End of dream)
Dream II: I see myself with a few human Beings in a 
lifeboat” that crosses the field of debris of the just now 
sinking Titanic. Paradoxically we boat both over and under 
the water at the same time, as I can see the still intact ship 
from the inside and already simultaneously the debris on the 
surface swimming past me. (End of dream)

sábado, junio 07, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - The Birth of the New Logos-Gods of Gaia and Humanity - May 30, 2014

Elohim and Other Messages Since November 28, 2013, the Day of Our Ascension and Return as Logos-Gods of New Gaia
by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, May 30, 2014
By Georgi Stankov
This unique collection of messages, which my dual soul Carla Thompson has received from the highest realms of All-That-Is in the last six most dramatic months in the long history of this planet, is our legacy to humanity as the Logos-Gods of the New Gaia-5 (5D Gaia with a waning current 4D overlay) on the eve of its final ascension to 5D.
Indeed, the planet, on which you now dwell and read this website, has nothing to do with the old earth, even though you may have not noticed any of the profound, global transformations that have taken place since I stopped editing this website and dedicated myself fully to my new mission as Logos-God. Take now a chance to change and expand your narrow point of view.
We are on the eve of the ascension of Gaia and humanity, when the threshold of ascension can be reached any time between now and the summer solstice, even though linear time has already ceased to exist and no exact dates can be given. It is, however, a matter of fact that humanity failed to awaken to the very last moment, notwithstanding our gargantuan efforts and that of a few active light warriors of the first and last hour.
This deplorable fact explains the many prolonged delays in the ascension scenario. Below, you can read why and how all these delays happened and why many corrections and ingenious solutions had to be made by our higher selves in the ascension process in order to avoid the worst case scenario – the complete extinction of this planet.
Our efforts and that of a few active light warriors to ascend Gaia has been, nonetheless, a resounding success. No power in this omniverse can alter this outcome – it is divinely decreed by the Source, whose representatives on earth we are, and assured by us long time ago. Precisely, when we both ascended on November 28, 2013 and returned one more time on a new timeline of Gaia – this one – as Logos-Gods to become the creators and stewards of the new Gaia-5.
Before you challenge this information, ask for clarification from your higher selves and the many fragments of your souls, who have, in the meantime, died as incarnated personalities in the lower timelines of this Gaia-5, so that this upper hologram can finally ascend to the 5th dimension. And please, start thinking finally in a comprehensive multi-dimensional manner, as I have taught you for three years on this website. There will be no individual ascension without a clear mind and only you are responsible for the clarity of your own thoughts and the purity of your feelings.
November 28, 2013, 10:00 a.m. in Lofer, Austria, The Elohim
“The realms of light move with the divine grace of God to hold the perfection of purification for this expression of All-That-Is. We are the Elohim and in this moment we bring great news of joy, of wonder!
Many levels of rapture unfold to embrace this expression, this world you call Gaia, and within her great halls, her story borne of great pain and suffering, very shortly comes to an end, where resolution re-incorporates to her Being, where distinction resumes [where it was once lost to the world].
Begin by re-arranging your light upon the Earth, by re-inventing your creation to reflect the grace and harmony and love from which the Prime Creator chose your path.
Return to the inward focus, do it today! Refrain from speech, social gathering, all inter-action with the world, today! Turn toward your Self! Today is a celebration of You!
Know you are of Divine orientation, that you need only your internal reference points, the points of God alignment, that one can only know from the inner embrace, the inner reflection.”
November 28, 2013   at 2:00 pm,  The Elohim
“Greetings, we are the Elohim,
Humanity shall celebrate its arrival into the New Age of Enlightenment through recognition of its divinity and its pure intent to go within and joyfully embrace All-That-Is, first from the perspective of an individual and then as a collective, as One, within the Unity Field.
As one now brings forth all the inner strength available, the inner strength to embrace equally the Pain of this existence as well as the Rose… the Rose is the salve for the pain. It is the wholeness of this existence that is the pure reflection of the Divine…”
Note (all Carla’s notes below are written for George): This message was not written up initially because as you can see, it is not very clear. I had a severe cc-wave that began during this message, and this was actually following the severe and sudden stabbing pain behind my right eye, you may recall this event. It really is not a significant message in my opinion. However, in my notes I make reference to all the angels being present, at around 4 pm. and in my opinion, this was significant.
November 28, 2013, 8:18 p.m.,  The Elohim
“Welcome!  We are the Elohim!
You have been brought to this place (Lofer, Austria) as a sealed portal, where neither heavy energies, nor stray mal-incarnates shall affect you.
The area of this Gaia holds profound protection for you as Ascended Masters, protection from low frequential adjustments to timelines and dimensions beyond your current location.
Crystalline caves fill these nearby mountains within their cores, and these are interconnected to Gaia’s crystalline grid within which the energies flow. These energies lift Her and all those who have previously followed suggestions to go within. These expressions shall be lifted with Her, as One.
You, as Ascended Masters, are now connected to this sacred crystalline light, as you are fully in your light bodies, your frequencies meld with those of the inner mountains. One supports the other in a symbiosis. You are now experiencing a Unified Field of light gestalt.”
November 29, 1:00 pm,  The Elohim
“Greetings to you, we are the Elohim!
Night turns to day and day to night, as you are caught within the stream of ascension! What is up is really down and what is down is really up.
This is a time of great flux, and a time of great import. Hold the line unto the end!
Everything moves forward, onward and outward as All-That-Is expands itself into conscious awareness.”

lunes, marzo 31, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - PERFECT YOURSELF, BABAJI - Mar 31, 2014 - 31. März 2014 - VOLLENDE DICH, BABAJI

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz


Your ascension is based on your unconditional 
commitment to your ascension! Are you ready?
Are you ready with all your heart and out of the depth 
of your soul to leave this level of Being, this familiar 
world, even if it is full of illusions?

domingo, marzo 30, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - THE END OF TIME, BABAJI - Mar 30, 2014 - ENDE DER ZEIT, BABAJI - 30. März 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
transated by Franz 
Who calls on me receives Life.
Who denies me will die another death.
Who sacrifices self will be saved.
Who chooses security,
Will walk toward uncertain times.

jueves, marzo 27, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - IT FULFILLS ITSELF IN THE 9, BABAJI - Mar 27, 2014 - ES ERFÜLLT SICH IN DER 9, BABAJI - 27. März 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Time has run out!
The last deadlines come to a close!
Every deception will be eliminated. 
The full view of the reality of life will raise 
the “Saints of Time” and those, who brought 
great calamities to this world, will be plunged
into their own calamity. 

miércoles, octubre 02, 2013

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - The Final Word on Ascension - A Channeling and a Perspective on the words of Jesus - September 26, 2013

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 26, 2013
Message from light reading
first published in English on September 30, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Who is waiting in the house will be still waiting, who is weeding the weeds on the field will be taken from the field.
I am Babaji
Beloved brother, beloved sister, we all are one. Why then the big differences? Why some will ascend, while others will not? Why there seems to be a double standard, now that the Creator spreads His mercy over the whole world? And why are there differences even among the light warriors that seem like heaven and hell, now that new worlds are created at a stroke and old worlds are dissolved?
Questions upon questions and the answers are missing. So it seems to many who are waiting today and have retreated in their homes, in the hope that the Creator may have mercy on them. Is this the way that you want to go as sovereign beings? Is this the way how you want to be heaved – to return idle back to the kingdom of heaven? No, that will not and can never be the way.

domingo, septiembre 29, 2013

Mensaje de Babaji Canalizado por Jahn J. Kassl el 16 de septiembre de 2013

Canalizado por Jahn J. Kassl el 16 de septiembre de 2013
Traducido del francés al español por Pier Díaz

¡Mis muy queridos, mis niños!

¿A qué esperarse, y cuándo llegará?

Hay que esperar que todos los acontecimientos, y todas las transformaciones profundas, que os llevan al último cambio, en todos los niveles, se efectúen simultáneamente. Muchas opciones fueron apartadas y hoy en día, solo queda una a saber, que toda la transformación planetaria se producirá de una vez.