Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Areon. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Areon. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, octubre 05, 2017

Jamye Price - Areon - Authenticity - Oct 5, 2017

Blessed Beings, as always it is a precious and powerful moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes Life. It is your awareness that brings the energy of the world into you, and the energy of you into the world.

Your unique perspective touches all that you experience. Your unique flow changes the flow of the world around you. As a species you are becoming more and more conscious of your interaction with the subtle realm. You have always been and will always be communicating with the subtle realm.

jueves, agosto 03, 2017

Jamye Price - Areon - Divine Communication - Aug 3, 2017

Blessed Beings, we spoke recently of prayer because prayer is a quiet space of communication with the subtle realm. Whether you pray to God, to the universe, to love, or to your higher self; you are in communication with the subtle realm. You are in communication with your higher self and the divinity that is within you and All Life.

Often prayer has been formed as a request. You are experiencing something in the physical realm, desiring change, and prayer is the aspect of requesting to the Divine for change. You are seeking change and improvement in the physical realm.

What you are learning on a deep level is that this power is within you. You are God in human form, you are the universe in human form, you are Love in human form. That is this physical experience. This is a core truth that is easily understood with your heart—divinity is within you and All Life.

domingo, junio 25, 2017

Jamye Price - El Poder De La Oración, Jamye Price - 11-05-2017

Benditos Seres: Como siempre, éste es un momento precioso cuando nos encontramos en su conciencia. La conciencia es la que trae una gran fuerza y enfoque a la vida. Es tan sutil que su poder es pasado de largo a menudo. Sin embargo, esa sutilidad sirve al continuo fortalecimiento de su conciencia.

Su conciencia es la que los conecta con el mundo exterior y les permite interactuar con él desde su interior. Entonces es cuando empiezan a cambiar cómo los está afectando el mundo exterior y cómo ustedes lo están afectando.

jueves, mayo 11, 2017

Jamye Price - The Power of Prayer - May 11, 2017

Blessed Beings, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is awareness that brings great force and focus to life. It is so subtle that its power is often overlooked. However, that subtlety serves your continued strengthening of your awareness.

It is your awareness that connects you with the external world and allows you to interact with it from within. You then begin to shift how the external world is affecting you and how you are affecting the external world.

Your awareness creates change within. You then begin to emanate out new information that has been shaped by you. You are at an exciting point in your evolution where you are increasingly evolving into more conscious interaction with the subtle realm. Prayer is an important part of this interaction.

jueves, mayo 04, 2017

Jamye Price - Empowered Choice - May 4, 2017

Blessed Being, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. We know you throughout time, and we know your uniqueness in form. This Earth journey that you are evolving through in form is natural to you. You are embarking upon it because it is one that you, as one focused on positive evolution, have a unique experience with.

You have evolved your consciousness throughout the universe, the dimensions, the realities of consciousness and you have created an Akashic access to potentials that could benefit this reality. Your evolutionary experience offers potential here on Earth that is on one hand, a natural evolution; and on another hand, an assisted progression.

lunes, mayo 01, 2017

Jamye Price - Areón - El Catalizador de la Compasión - 20-04-2017

The Catalyst of Compassion


Bendito Ser: Como siempre, es un momento precioso cuando nos encontramos en tu conciencia. Tu conciencia es un mecanismo de la vida fluyendo, y cuando la Vida interactúa con tu conciencia ella es moldeada así como el vidrio moldea el agua. La Vida es moldeada por tu conciencia. Cada gota crea un poderoso océano. Al estar consciente y observando la Vida ella es moldeada por tí. ¿Cuáles futuros potenciales estás ofreciendo a la Vida con tu conciencia?

Al observar la vida, ya sea la tuya o la experiencia de otro, se vuelve importante para tí ser capaz de encontrar tu conexión con un sentimiento de seguridad, un sentimiento de un potencial. Ėse es el poderoso cambio que te están ofreciendo estos tiempos. Es un cambio que ocurre dentro de tí primero, y luego se conecta afuera con la vida.

sábado, abril 22, 2017

Jamye Price - The Catalyst of Compassion - Apr 20, 2017

Blessed Being, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. Your awareness is a mechanism of life flowing, and as Life interacts with your awareness, it is shaped as a glass shapes water. Life is shaped by your awareness. Each drop creates a mighty ocean. As you are aware and observing, Life is being shaped by you. What potential futures are you offering to Life with your awareness?

As you observe life, whether it’s your own or another’s experience; it becomes important for you to be able to find your connection to a feeling of safety, a feeling of a potential. That is the powerful change that these times are offering. It is a change that occurs within you first, then connects out to life.

jueves, abril 06, 2017

Jamye Price - Areon - The Evolution of Connection - Apr 6, 2017

As always, it is a special moment when we meet in your awareness. Your awareness is unique in all of time and space. There is no other you experiencing this exact experience in all of the universe. You are that unique.

What you bring to Earth is something that is absolutely unique throughout the universe. You are changing this experience and interacting in ways that are coming more to the forefront of your awareness. This is what this time is about, that you become more aware of all that you are. The uniqueness that you are emanating on to the earth plane is profound. 

miércoles, marzo 22, 2017

Jamye Price - Tranquilidad y Movimiento - Marzo 9, 2017

A medida que empiezas a elegir más lo que estás creando, muy frecuentemente empiezas a notar cuánto está fuera de tu control.
Observas todo lo que tú (y la humanidad) están experimentando y reconoces la falta de control, lo cual te deja confundido sobre qué puedes controlar en realidad.
Deseamos darte algunas áreas de enfoque sobre este impulso básico de buscar el control a fin de que puedas empezar a moldear tu mundo interno y sentir más del progreso de la creatividad y empoderamiento creciendo dentro de ti.

jueves, enero 19, 2017

Jamye Price - The Lyran Council of Time-Aeon - Transformation - January 19, 2017

Blessed beings, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness for it is your awareness that brings life to form. You are constantly changing. This is an exciting tipping point of this time.

Your awareness is being utilized by you more consciously to shift your experience. Therefore, change occurs more easily and rapidly. You are beginning to resonate with this pace of change and what seems fast moving now will soon become a natural pace for you. You will feel more at ease with your change.

It is your perception of your challenges and your capability to adapt easily to change that makes a difference in this flow.