Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Andromedanos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Andromedanos. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, abril 06, 2017



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Beloved Brothers and Sisters!

We are coming from far it seems, but in truth we are very close to you, because we are one at Heart. We share the Presence of the One That is the Truth of all That exists.

As your friends we wish to let you know that you are not alone in the increasing turmoil on your planet that experiences presently the most intense battle between opposite forces, the forces of light and the forces of dark. If you allow, we are here to provide for you a heart-space of equanimity and inner freedom, and making it as such easier for you to find that space, if you would enjoy our friendship.

viernes, febrero 17, 2017

Natalie Glasson - The Andromedans - Aligning Yourself with Your Ascension - 17th February 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 17th February 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Andromedans, come forth with an important message and reminder to share with you. We are overseeing and supporting your ascension at this time as are many light beings on the inner planes. We wish to support you in moving in harmony, as one with the ascension energies and waves anchoring into the Earth, your being and throughout the coming year. When you are in harmony with the shifts taking place on the inner planes, Earth and within your being, you are able to move through aspects and steps of your ascension with ease and perfection. It is only when you are not aligned with the ascension transitions taking place within and around you that you may find your ascension a turbulent journey. We, the Andromedans, are present for you to call upon in order to receive guidance, inspiration and understanding so that you can remain in harmony with your own ascension and that of the Earth.

lunes, enero 16, 2017

Anna Merkaba - Magenta Star Astral Chakra Activation – The Ankh Key – Starseeds – Andromeda - January 16, 2017

Greetings Everyone! I hope that all of you are doing phenomenally well and that this year has started off beautifully for you. The channeling that you are about to hear is talking about something very interesting, the effects of the latest energy influx on STARSEEDS and the color MAGENTA.
There’s a lot that I wish to share with you. In this message I will talk about the color Magenta and what it means. The Magenta, Soul Star, Astral Chakra, 8th chakra or Alto Chakra as it is sometimes called. I will also talk about the Sacral Chakra and the reason that you may be feeling various changes relating to sex and intimacy at this time. How the color Magenta can help you. The ANKH key and why it is important at this time. I will also share an etheric seal with you to help balance out your sacral charka and a musical Soul Star Chakra Attunement created with the 528 HZ Miracle Healing Frequencies, to the help you to balance, activate and connect to your own Soul Star Chakra! As you can see there’s a lot that I wish to share with you today, before I do so however, here is a channeling that I have received from the Andromedian Counsel of Light

viernes, diciembre 16, 2016

Natalie Glasson - The Andromedans - Fulfilling Your Needs with the Intentions of Your Soul - 16th December 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Andromedans, come forth as a reflection of the truth that exists within your being. We honour your existence upon the Earth, wishing to add our energy and support to all that you create. Allow yourself to accept our light as it flows forth to you with love and blessings.

miércoles, septiembre 28, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - the Andromedans – New Earth is Freedom - September 28, 2016

Our dear brothers and sisters on planet earth. We are communicating with you today to share some more details with you on what you will be experiencing on planet earth soon as you move higher in your energetic frequency and as you are getting in alignment with the heightened frequencies on the planet. Many of you are ready now to hear this message. Many of you are experiencing the first big shifts in reality now after the deep cleansing in September. This will still be ongoing until everyone who has decided to ascend while being in a human body has been mentally, emotionally and physically completely cleansed and healed, and the body has been upgraded to a crystalline, less dense and more flexible, lighter structure.

viernes, septiembre 02, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - Andromedans - New Earth is approaching fast -

Ware in exciting times. Everything is accelerating, can you feel it? This may seem exhausting and too much to take, but this is really a reward. As a collective you have managed to shift energies so quickly, that you have decided to move into a faster timeline than planned. We, your brothers and sisters, are observing what is going on on planet earth with pride. Ascension is happening even faster than planned, in terms of linear time. At the same time, linear time is dissolving, that is why you often feel completely lost in time and space and everything seems to happen simultaneously in one moment, followed by a feeling of nothing happening at all the next. You are realigning to the new environment and the laws of the fifth dimension. Any scheduling, planning ahead and keeping appointments can feel very uncomfortable.

The 5th dimension in the physical is all about living in complete freedom, oneness, authenticity and unconditional love. Structures are ending. Structures are what kept you in 3D. Routines, habits, recurring appointments, time tables – they are all ending. You are adapting to New Earth. As the new chosen timeline accelerates, a lot of people feel even more intensified emotional breakouts, mental spiralling and heavy physical body pain. The linear time slot to go through healing and releasing is compressed even more, so are the wave patterns used to do the purging.

viernes, junio 10, 2016

Natalie Glasson - the Andromedans - Enhancing Your Connections with Self and Others - 10th June 2016

It is with love, truth and blessings, we the Andromedans come forth to greet you. The love we share to you is not greater than any other love within the universe of the Creator; it is simply an expression of the Creator. We love you deeply and wish you to know within your mind and heart that we are present to support you in your present and coming stages of ascension.

A question you might wish to ask yourself when connecting with all different types of souls and beings of the Earthly reality and the inner planes reality could be, ‘Am I allowing myself to recognise the true source and essence within each being, connection and experience?’ This question invites you to realise that there are so many levels of connection and communication. When you connect with a soul/ person you may only allow yourself to connect on a superficial level because of inner fears of receiving the Creator or a feeling of being unworthy. You may find yourself distracted by the reactions of your mind, emotions and personality when creating and recognising connections with others or even the Creator. The question we have shared with you encourages you to contemplate what a true connection or a source to source experience is, why it is important and what stops you f rom recognising the true essence of the Creator in all souls, situations and experiences.

domingo, mayo 22, 2016

Natalie Glasson - the Andromedans - The Road Less Travelled- Observing Full Being Transformation

Christ Consciousness and Star Light Merge to Create Powerful Transformations

Recording from Chalice Well, Glastonbury, UK

For many years Natalie has conducted Christ Consciousness workshops at the Chalice Well in Glastonbury the Heart Chakra of the Earth. This has built a powerful foundation and energy whirlwind of Christ Light which is the Love of the Creator in action. Now it is time to access and use this great volume of Christ Love to act as a fuel and battery for creating full being transformations within your being while supporting the manifestation of the Era of Love upon the Earth.

viernes, abril 29, 2016

Natalie Glasson - Saint Germain and the Andromedans - Supporting Transformation Cycles - 28th April 2016

It is with a focus upon high frequencies of transformation that we, Saint Germain and the Andromedans, join our energy and consciousness together to be of service to you.

Have you noticed that with your continued focus upon receiving love, embodying love and expressing love that you are experiencing a constant process of transformation? Love transforms your being by encouraging you to let go of all forms of illusion you are holding onto to reveal the greater light, truth and love within your being. While the letting go of illusion through spiritual practices and physical circumstances can be challenging it is often more challenging to allow yourself to realise the truth arising once the illusion has been dissolved. Often it is the process of embodying the realisations within which can create inner resistance. The easiest way to allow processes of love, transformation, the release of illusions and the gathering of truth to take place is through acceptance and surrendering. When you accept that as a being you are constantly transforming and that transfor mation is a natural pathway for you then you begin to realise that every experience in your reality is to support your transformation. From a seemingly negative experience to a blissful experience, all are arriving in your reality with divine timing to allow your inner transformation and blossoming to take place. This also encourages you to realise there is a purpose for every situation and experience. It is the same for circumstances worldwide, all are opportunities for humanity to transform, to truly begin to embody love. When you have the focus of receiving, embodying and expressing love, even when you are achieving this it is only a focus or an intention. In order for you to truly embody love there is a need to release that which hinders the love labelled transformation and dissolving illusions. Then the truth which already exists within you will manifest thus the desire for embodiment becomes the experiences of embodiment from the truth within.

viernes, enero 29, 2016

Natalie Glasson - The Magic of the Flower of Life by the Andromedans - 29th January 2016

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 29th January 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

The Flower of Life is an ancient sacred geometry symbol and template delivered to humanity from the Universe of the Creator. Often used to represent the connection of all souls within the source of the Creator upon the inner planes, this symbol was given to humanity as a reminder of their inner plane existence and oneness with the Creator. The symbol or template of light reminds humanity of the eternal peace and love between all beings as well as the presence of the Creator within all. Meditating gazing upon or imagining the Flower of Life can bring forth this message and so much more inspiration to awaken your Godly/ Creator remembrance, which is the innocence and truth of your being.

viernes, diciembre 18, 2015

Natalie Glasson - Los Arcturianos - Mariposas de los Seres Estelares - Dic 11,2015

Los Arcturianos extendemos nuestros saludos y amor a todos en la Tierra; estamos compartiendo con ustedes nuestra energía, amor y apoyo a fin de que puedan crear una realidad nacida de una frecuencia del amor más elevada y rápida. Esto es algo que nos entusiasma muchísimo pues el pensamiento de crear una realidad, una civilización y un mundo en armonía resonando con la frecuencia del amor es inmensamente inspiracional, cuando su previa existencia estaba enfocada en la carencia y la separación.
¿Saben cuán inspiradores son ustedes para nosotros, los Arcturianos, como seres en forma humana sobre la Tierra? Quizá no comprendan realmente el mundo que están tratando de crear, la milagrosa trayectoria que están recorriendo, así como la bravura y el coraje que ustedes tienen como individuos. Nosotros, los Arcturianos, estamos verdaderamente admirados de lo que está sucediendo en la Tierra ahora y deseamos prestar un servicio de cualquier modo que sea apropiado.

Natalie Glasson - The Andromedans - Preparation for the Next Stage of Ascension - December 18, 2015

Greetings, love and consciousness we, the Andromedans extend to you in support of your ascension and the valuable period of evolution you are moving through at this time. We have spoken in our previous communication with you about the chaos which is developing or which you may becoming aware of within your being and reality. We shared that the chaos has a purpose of awakening a light explosion within your being creating a powerful healing and awakening of divine consciousness for you to explore in your current reality. The Arcturians shared in their communication with you that we, the Andromedans, are selecting evolved souls who are awake and aware at this time to anchor supreme love through their beings into the Earth to influence and support all of humanity to shift into a vibration of love. With the information of our previous communications in mind we wish to share additional info rmation to support you at this major period of your growth.

lunes, diciembre 07, 2015

Natalie Glasson - Andromedanos - Explosión de Luz Dentro de Ustedes - Nov 27, 2015



Hay frecuencias de luz llenando el aire y la atmósfera, penetrando a través de las dimensiones, la forma, la materia, e inclusive otras vibraciones de luz. A través de la atmósfera avanza un estallido de luz aguardando a penetrar su ser, y no tiene ningún otro propósito más que unirse con la esencia de la humanidad en la Tierra, el núcleo mismo y la constante energía creadora en la humanidad. Muchos de ustedes pueden sentir este estallido de luz acercándose a su ser, están apareciendo ‘espejos’ todo alrededor suyo, y tal vez se sienta como si todo lo que no resuena con la luz estuviera saliendo de su ser, y aunque desea permanecer anclado en él, también desea escapar. Esto pudiera crear un caos en su interior que van a experimentar a diferentes niveles para cada individuo. En el pasado esta luz ha nacido a través del caos, ustedes están avanzando a una experiencia del caos interior despertando para traer y permitir un estallido de luz en su ser.

viernes, noviembre 27, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ Explosion of Light Within by the Andromedans - 27th November 2015

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 27th November 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Frequencies of light fill the air and atmosphere, penetrating through dimensions, form, matter and even other light vibrations. An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being, it has no other purpose but to unite with the essence of humanity upon the Earth; the very core and constant energy of creation within humanity. Many of you can sense this light explosion nearing your being, mirrors are appearing all around you, it may feel that everything that does not resonate with the light is protruding from your being, wishing to remain anchored within your being while also wanting to escape. This may create a chaos within you which will be experienced at different levels for each individual. In the past it has been through chaos that light has been born, again you are moving into an experience of inner chaos awakening to bring forth and allow a n explosion of light into your being.