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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Almas. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, agosto 15, 2024

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a María - El poder del alma

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a María

Queridos amigos, os saludo. Soy María.

Desde nuestro lado, somos plenamente conscientes de lo pesada y densa que puede pareceros a veces la realidad de la Tierra. Pero sabed que estamos con vosotros y nos acercamos lo más posible para apoyaros. Sentid nuestra energía en esta sala. Sentid que hay una cierta ligereza que quiere llegar a vosotros, así que permitidlo. Vengo con el mismo número de niños a mi lado que personas hay aquí presentes. Estos son niños que representan vuestra energía. En cada uno de vosotros vive un niño; son vuestra esencia más original; contienen algo de vuestra inspiración más profunda. Mirarlos a mi alrededor, sonriendo, bailando, alegres.

sábado, noviembre 25, 2023

Shelly Dressel - Goddess of Creation - Conversation with Your Soul - Nov 5, 2023

This meditation came at the perfect time! We have now become accustomed to the higher frequency in many different ways. This channel gives you a chance to experience these frequencies and learn how to work with them.

In the beginning, the Goddess speaks about the collective consciousness and people’s empathic abilities. She states that everyone is empathic to a degree, it is about how much they pay attention to what is around them. The collective consciousness has undergone a massive transition over the past five to seven years and is much more in alignment with the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. The last equinox was the collapse of the third dimension, so that is no longer supported. We need to learn how to work with these energies so that they can support us.

martes, julio 11, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary - The Power of the Soul - July 10, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary

Dear friends, I greet you. I am Mary.

On our side, we are fully aware of how heavy and dense reality on Earth can appear to you at times. But know that we are with you and come as near to you as possible in order to support you. Feel our energy in this room. Feel there is a certain lightness that wants to come to you, so allow it. I come with the same number of children at my side as there are people present here. These are children who represent your energy. In each one of you lives a child; it is your most original essence; it holds something of your deepest inspiration. See them around me, smiling, dancing about, merry.

jueves, mayo 07, 2020


Querida Familia,

Comparto, con gran amor, este ejercicio sanador para trabajar con nuestros fragmentos álmicos perdidos, por así llamarlo, en estos momentos en los que una maravillosa luna llena en uno de los signos mas sanadores, nos ayuda en nuestro proceso único de sanación.

martes, septiembre 03, 2019

Teri Wade - Souls and the incarnation process... - Sep 3, 2019

Souls and the incarnation process...

We are all souls but some of you are more in tune with your memories of that eternal life brought on by many incarnations.

A soul is the real you, your eternal self, your higher self. We’ve all heard the saying before…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are a spiritual being having a human experience.”