Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Aisha North. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Aisha North. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, octubre 23, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the October energies - October 23, 2020

Fear not what lies ahead.

The turmoil within you that is reflected without

is merely window dressing.

Your true core is as solid as ever

as is the core of humanity.

lunes, octubre 05, 2020

Aisha North - Message from the October Gathering around the Pond - October 5, 2020


Dear friends! Thank you for this very special Gathering! For me, it took place outdoors. We lit a fire, and brought out our drums. The ceremony started almost an hour before the Gathering itself, the drums wanted to be played almost non stop well into the meditation.

jueves, octubre 01, 2020

Aisha North - Welcome to the October Gathering around the Pond, Sunday October 4 - Oct 1, 2020

Dear friends!
Once again we stand before a vibrant, new month. A month that starts and ends with a full moon. A month where it seems a lot of dust will be kicked up by all those still trying to obscure the light that is already so present on this planet. For the light keeps pouring in, and with it, comes a frequency meant to literally shake up whatever needs to be shifted. I am looking forward to BE with all of you for our Gathering this Sunday. As ONE, we can light up the path for those who have a hard time navigating through all of the chaos and confusion out there:

domingo, septiembre 20, 2020

Aisha North - The drums of time – Equinox message - Sep 20, 2020

 It is written in your bones.

Not as a destiny,
but as a multiple of choices.

Allow it to emerge
in this silent, pregnant pause
between what was and what will be.

domingo, septiembre 13, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - September 13, 2020

Inconspicuous, yet fully present, She emerges.

Robed in verdant green.

Earth. Mother.

A frail shroud of forgetfulness
masks her true identity.

Not yet fully appreciated.

lunes, septiembre 07, 2020

Aisha North - Message from the September Gathering around the Pond - September 7, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters! Thank you all for the energy you brought to yesterday’s Gathering. For me, it was a deeply personal experience as well as a collective one. As I guided us in, I saw us entering the calm waters of the Pond. We drifted slowly down to the bottom. There, in the depths, I saw the whole expanse of the Pond floor covered by immense crystal clusters. They were clear, like perfect quartz crystals, and they were glowing with a whitish light. I heard the word “amplifiers”, and that these crystals would “redistribute” the light that we anchored in. During the meditation, this message came through:

miércoles, septiembre 02, 2020

Aisha North - Welcome to the September Gathering around the Pond, Sunday September 6 - September 2, 2020

Dear friends! We have entered the energies of September, kicking off with the Full Moon. Can you feel the anticipation in the air? The sense of awakening? Here, autumn is slowly moving in, but the energies feel in so many ways like spring. As if so much is waiting – and wanting – to be born. This is also reflected in the message that I received for our upcoming Gathering:

miércoles, agosto 26, 2020

Aisha North - The incoming light - August 26, 2020

Do not take this incoming light lightly.

To some, it may feel like the onslaught of a storm.

But it is a perfect storm.

Destined to bring change where change is needed.

domingo, agosto 16, 2020

Aisha North - Celebrating freedom - August 16, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters!

Exactly nine years ago, on August 16. 2011, I set myself free from my old life. That day, the very first installment of what would expand into The Manuscript of Survival arrived. Very unexpected, to say the least. I had received a number of short channeled messages over a couple of years, but they more or less said the same; they were meant to “prepare me for something important.” At the time, I was a self-employed graphic designer. I remember it was a Monday, and I sat down to work as usual. But I could feel that a message wanted to come through. So I just opened myself to it. And there it was. I just knew it, with all of my heart, that THIS was what I was meant to do. So I sent a message to all of my clients, telling them that I could no longer work for them, because I had just taken on a huge writing assignment.

jueves, julio 30, 2020

Aisha North - Gatherings around the Pond - July 30, 2020

“You are not here

to shrink away from

your own greatness.

You are here to be YOU.

Nothing more.

But also, nothing less.

jueves, julio 16, 2020

jueves, julio 09, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - July 9, 2020

A short update on the energies

A cessation of movement
does not signify a full stop.

Rather, it signals an imminent

breakthrough of the most magnificent magnitude.

jueves, julio 02, 2020

Aisha North - Welcome to the July Gathering around the Pond Sunday July 5 - July 2, 2020

Dear friends!

We have entered the month of July. Can you feel it? To me, it is as if everything and everyone are holding their breath. “Something is afoot” is what I hear when I tune into this silence. What a perfect time to come together for a Gathering around the Pond this upcoming Sunday! Not only will it be just after the time of the Full Moon, we also have a Lunar Eclipse that day. A very potent mix indeed!

jueves, junio 18, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - June 18, 2020

A short update on the energies

The invincibility of light
is filling you up
as the winds of change
continue to blow.

But you will not be swayed from your path.

Because you just know.

jueves, junio 11, 2020

Aisha North - Message from the June Gathering around the Pond - June 11, 2020

Message from the June Gathering around the Pond

Thank you, my dear sisters and brothers of the light, for being part of this Pond and of the Gathering last Sunday. For me, it was a very light-filled and joy-filled experience, especially since I had the opportunity to share it live online. During our meditation, this message came through:

Dear ones, you are shifting time itself.

Like a snake shedding its skin,

you have emerged as brilliantly hued beings of light.

martes, mayo 26, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - May 26, 2020

A short update on the energies

The subtleness of the information
constantly interacting with your field
is a gentle reminder to stay alert
to the tiniest of shifts in your perception.

domingo, mayo 03, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - May 3, 2020

Expressions of life multiply
when you avert your eyes
from the mainstream of information.

Do not believe everything you feel,

as so much of it originates from outside sources.

jueves, abril 23, 2020

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - April 23, 2020

The procession of photonics

is rapidly changing the planet.

Ongoing restructuring will continue

to shake up the collective,

resulting in permanent change.

viernes, abril 17, 2020

Aisha North - A message from Mother Earth - April 17, 2020

Dear friends! This morning, I went down to the beach close to where I live. The sun was out again after days of wild and windy west coast weather, so I relished the chance to be able to sit outside and meditate. While I sat there, I got this message that I wanted to share with all of you. I picked up my phone and made this short

sábado, marzo 28, 2020

Aisha North - Welcome to our first Gathering around the “new” Pond Sunday April 5. 2020 - March 28, 2020

My bright and shiny brothers and sisters! How wonderful it is to see and to feel you all here again around this “timeless Pond” to use your words, dear Stephan. It does feel as if THIS is why we all came to this planet this time around; to hold space for all of the millions of our brothers and sisters who suddenly find themselves in this maelstrom of transformation. Because we KNOW, and we can see through all of the chaos and confusion. So let us continue our “singing, dancing, lighting a fire and having fun” to quote from your share Areeza. Yes, let us do just that! That is how we help to literally lighten the load and the road for all those on this express train of enlightenment.