Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ailia Mira. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ailia Mira. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, septiembre 18, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Sep 18, 2022

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

We begin now, with an energy infusion. We invite you to receive. If you welcome this support, please say, “Yes.”

We encircle you now, in light, infusing this field of co-creation and connection, collaboration and evolutionary activation with golden angelic light, and the activation codes and templates of the ascended planetary field.

jueves, agosto 18, 2022

Ailia Mira -- Allow Yourself to Be Lifted - August 18, 2022

Dearest Ones,

We greet you in love.

We are HERE for you.

We say this often. Lately.
We mean it. We are here for you!

Call upon us whenever you like. We are happy to connect.

The inner space within each of you now is being refined. The inner light is expanding and you’ve felt the brilliance of it, the intensity of it, which is quite different than what you’ve known before. Let your heart soften and open now. We shall speak.

martes, agosto 02, 2022

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Open To Your Multidimensional Lineage and Function As An Embodied Wholeness - August 2, 2022

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

We open up to this accelerating field that is your experience, for your world and your energy and expanding and accelerating.

The Lion’s Gate alignment, on 8/8 and this month of August together empower vast new potentials for humanity. You can feel this, we know. For the energy is already streaming into your world and affecting you, your bodies, and awareness, and with this, your emotions and your physical body are experiencing (and you feel through these modalities), the integration of this energy.

domingo, julio 24, 2022

Ailia Mira - The Promise of These Times Lies Within - July 24, 2022

Divine Ones,

The inner light grows and grows and each of you is rearranging, energetically, and cellularly. The incoming frequencies of this time in particular, offer to each of you, key templates of light that are beneficial and powerful. Use these energies and your inner knowing, to create a new way of being. Trust in your Divine Self. Call upon all that you are and invite that Greater Being that is your wholeness, to infuse you, embody more fully in you and light the way home.

lunes, julio 04, 2022

Ailia Mira - Remaking a world is no small thing - July 2, 2022

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

It is an amazing and expansive time for you, in your world. Light is infusing everyone and everything with new potentials. The planetary field itself is ascending into higher expression and taking all life that wishes to go forward, with. Offering energetic frequencies and support to embody higher light.

In the non-physical you have many allies, and so many are paying attention to your world and infusing the sphere with grace and love, so that this might be a sweet and beautiful time of change as much as possible, that there might be gentleness and trust.

jueves, junio 16, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Solstice Energies & The Ongoing Expansion - June 16, 2022

Divine Ones,

Living now, on Earth is an expanding experience. New frequencies of light, new templates of what can be received as perception, idea and experience, are flowing into your planetary field and accessible to you, through resonance.

The inner fields of light, are also expanding. Bringing you into greater resonance with your vaster wholeness a field of infinite light. Your own field opens up as you are in a more open relationship to your embodied experience.

martes, junio 14, 2022

Ailia Mira - Ascension Notes ~ June 14, 2022

What I am feeling now, is to encourage

Begin now.

Live as you want to live.

As you mean to live.

Step into it. Claim it by being it. Assume you’ll be supported.

Support and abundance belong to us all. Open to it. Create ways to receive.

miércoles, junio 08, 2022

Ailia Mira - Expanding Energetically - June 7, 2022

Ascension Notes ~ June 7, 2022
by Ailia Mira

There is a lot of realigning going on.

Many of us have experienced a lot of expansion and an increase in coherence. This may make it clearer to you what really matters. It may also make you want to say, "No," to some things that you used to do, and enjoy, simply because you're now focused on something different.

Also? You may find that all that self-love practice has taken root more than you realized, and you're now available for something different -- your standards have changed.

jueves, mayo 12, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Welcoming what's happening now - May 12, 2022


Welcoming what's happening now.

New Message Channeled by Ailia Mira
Tuesday | May 10, 2022


Greetings Divine Ones,

Everything arises from the Infinite Oneness. All Life has One Source. Creation is drawing all Life into higher expression and reunions in consciousness.

We remind you that this is happening to you, to your world, too. Not because you don’t know this, or have forgotten, but to give you strength and help you to focus and live in ways that support you now, and support you in embodying higher light.

All Life on Earth is moving into new expression and as it does, you too, are being drawn in this energy momentum, into new and highest expression. The solar activity has been high lately and this, along with the Eclipse Portal is also helping to usher you into a new way of being, and knowing yourself and All Life.

The inner changes you feel, may initially be disorienting. Things may feel stuck, or “on hold,” and yet they are, in truth, simply evolving and when change is underway, this change needs to be integrated and anchor in. New energy templates, codes within you being activated both by the incoming energy and by your new states of being, that bring online new capacities, are all altering your Life-form and how you experience yourself as consciousness. Welcome this, consciously. This will help you. It will give you a sense of understanding and inner peace. That which is obsolete, which no longer is aligned with you and who you are becoming, is also in a change-process; one in which energy reorganizes and returns to infinite formless energy as potential.

You are being lifted into higher expression, as you intend this, as you open to this, as you surrender to Divine Order and higher will and as you allow yourself to be guided from within.

Right now, there is no need for you to do anything in particular, for this energy is affecting everyone and every thing. In the same way you experience sunlight each day, as a given, know this is a given too: life is evolving into higher expression in your world and in your species, as it can, and continually. Life as you know it is evolving. This is happening to everyone and every thing.

The collective consciousness is moving into more and more awareness of how interconnected Life is. People are not sure how to proceed with this understanding for initially it often makes many feel more vulnerable. As they begin to realize that those who suffer and struggle are connected to them, they worry about their own lives. What might happen to them. So much of the separation that has been fundamental in your world has expressed as ignoring or looking away from suffering or difficulty because it made people feel safer to not be as aware that difficult and painful experiences were happening to others and could happen to them.

Many people have tried to control their lives to prevent these less desirable experience. Or held the believe that if they are in alignment nothing bad will happen. And so, too sometimes people who aim to deliberately create their lives, have looked away from that which did not feel good to them, when they saw it. Thinking it put them at risk.

Life Itself is shattering these avenues of living because the awareness of Oneness is arising strongly and clearly within ALL. For those who have denied this, and refusing to embrace this, the sense of vulnerability is growing and the sense of needing to take charge, take control and ensure their well being, regardless at times, of others, is also growing. You can see this tension playing out in your world. Some have realized within, the Truth of Oneness and in embracing it, found solidarity, joy, more ease and a sense of belonging. Others sense the momentum of a global consciousness that is opening and elevating and feel afraid because they are not used to living this way. To taking their guidance from within, from knowing. But instead live their lives through using force to achieve the states of being they desire.

In essence this shift in your world is a shift to being inner-oriented and aware of the Unified Wholeness.

The misunderstandings about this arising clarity, are no longer being energized as the foundational belief in separation as a though-form has been dissolved. Like all changes in this free-will zone, human beings can choose to live in the past and perpetuate the belief in separation and the need to protect yourself, view life as limited and feel your own well being is diminished as others have more.

Yet this beliefs is less and less easy to sustain. The world is rising up into new forms of expression and part of that is the incoming, higher light and energy is revealing so much — the immense discord and so much conflict is no longer so well hidden. So much use of force — deceit, lust for power and the desire to control at the expense of others. These ways of living have always been part of your world, but they are less hidden now, for more light and clarity is present and this is continually expanding.

Realize that this clarity and the illumination of suffering, and difficulty are part of the light expanding in your world. Patterns of separation are becoming increasingly visible. This can feel very troubling. Do what you can to see what is being revealed, and know that all of this is actually fueling the evolution of your world and your consciousness. 

Do what you can to see the larger movements in play here.

You can see that in so many ways, the spectrum of human expression is more visible than before to more of you.

We tell you clearly, Beloved Ones: the Divine Oneness will no longer be denied. Humanity has chosen, collectively, at a soul level to ascend into it’s next higher expression — beyond separation and into an awareness of Divine Oneness.

It is not longer working to try and repress people. Information is being shared more readily and more and more people are aware of what goes on with others who live differently or live in different parts of the world. The ability to ignore the human family, ignore the planetary impact of choices, is diminishing.

Even though seeing more of what is rooted in fear, separation, lack and limitation may feel difficult, see this greater awareness and visibility in your world, as progress.

Now we wish to talk a bit about how you might live in this time…

Remember that your own peace lies within. You can assist yourself and the collective at this time, by being peace and being calm and centered. This is not about denying what is going on, or what needs action, or attention. Rather this is about taking care of your mental health, your nervous system, your wellbeing and also, about you being an available conduit for higher light.

Consciousness in your world expands through the integration in form, of higher light. Higher light, higher frequency energy comes into your realm and you experience this as energy input to your human energy system. The planet is also receiving higher light. The precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices and the Eclipse Cycles are all evolutionary in nature; they support and drive the evolution in your world.

Your openness to the incoming higher light and willingness to cultivate a state of centered calm, benefits you and All That Is.

As you dare to focus on doing what you can to honor your well-being. As you pay attention to your needs to rest, hydrate, nourish your body, relax, move, get outside, balance the levels of stress you experience, take breaks and feed yourself with beauty, joy, loving relationships and very importantly, spend some time each day aware of and in nature, you begin to BE in a way that Life Itself can take root and express through you, as you, in new ways.

Your mind and your thoughts are powerful filters for your experience. Opening them up, being willing to see things anew, being willing to recognize the innate divinity even in the most difficult of experiences, or insights and new information, is healing. Your presence can be healing, by simply acknowledging that at the deepest level of experience, Life Is One. God Is All. Divinity is innate and present in everything. Even when it’s denied. Even when it’s ignored. Even when one choose to act at odds with the inner currents of clarity and guidance.

Even in the worst expressions in your world, the energy and the people involved, are emanating from the Infinite Oneness; All Life is One and All Life is Divine.

In your world, one can ignore this and deny this, but it takes energy and the energy that takes is increasing. People who wish to control their experience, who live in fear and seek power, band together because it is less challenging than to suppress the inner awareness of what is calling them into love, remembering and Truth.

Each person is being impulsed from within by all that they are.

Trust Life to awaken itself and do what you can to be as you are -- a way shower, a truth bearer, a presence of love and wholeness in an awakening world.

We encourage you to withdraw as you need, and take care of yourself each day, opening to the inner planes and feeling your expanding energy and the love and support that are here for you. Revisit your inner connections throughout the day as you need, as you like, as you’re inspired, to continue to be open and available to the incoming templates and stream of higher light.

Gather with others who share your devotion to Truth, to Love, to the Oneness that is All.

Call upon your Angelic, Extraterrestrial and other Families of Light. Acknowledge and connect with the natural world and the particular aspects of Creation which you have natural affinity to and with. Life is ALIVE and knows you. You know what aspects of Life speak to you and give you deep joy and inner peace. Make connecting in these ways a priority, regularly. Be generous with yourself, and let yourself be lifted up by all that makes you heart soar.

Ask for and open to the vast support that is here for you. Choose to deliberately notice, and look for ways you are being supported, held, the path is opened up before, lit up, made graceful and full of possibilities for expanding expression and joy. Express thankfulness for everything — for everything is moving All of Life forward.

You are here now because you chose to be. Trust yourself and All Life.

Have faith and know, All is ONE.

We are with you in solidarity and love!

I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light

 Copyright © AILIA MIRA MEDIA 2010 - 2022 • All Rights Reserved

miércoles, mayo 04, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Rest. Let the inner spark of Life move you. - May 4, 2022

Dear Friends,

As we shared recently, your soul’s highest destiny is being activated by the energy streaming in your world from the Eclipse Cycle. This, like all Eclipse Cycles and the energy they bring, is in support of you, collectively as a species, evolving to your next highest level of expression, and personally, in terms of supporting your evolution of consciousness.

All Life is always moving into higher expression, to the degree it can. Each of you has within you, many different ways you express when you emanate into different realms of expression or participate throughout creation in different ways. As your life unfolds, you are continually opening to new possibilities for participation, expression, and you pick up on these new potentials within. You may perceive this as inner tension, a feeling of a new or stronger desire or idea, it may feel like discord, or a lifting feeling, a sense of how your life could be better, happier, more fulfilling. The discord and tension occurs when what you’re being shown or called toward challenges your self-belief, your sense of freedom, or your sense of your capacity. None of which means that what you want or see, is not for you. Only that there will need to be upgrades to your self-belief, or that you may need to give yourself permission in order to bright forth new ways of being.

lunes, mayo 02, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel MichaelYour Soul’s Highest Path is being activated - May 2, 2022

Message from Archangel Michael

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are here to open up an invitation for us coming together during these amazing times, to co-create, to expand and for you to flow into your own next level expression. For now is a time of new beginnings.

The Eclipse this past Saturday and the second one happening on May 15/16 are activating within each of you your highest potential for being human at this time. Each of you are evolving in consciousness and form and the energy emanating from the planetary alignments during the eclipse is integrating into your bodies and energy fields, changing and activating new templates of energy and light.

domingo, marzo 27, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Infinite Light Knows Itself and Seeks Completion - Mar 27, 2022

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It's really good to be with you.

These days are very challenging. What's going on on the inner planes and what's going on in the out-pictured world seem to be significantly at odds with one another and we feel the questioning, the doubt even, that is arising within you as you contemplate this variance.

jueves, marzo 17, 2022

Ailia Mira - The Galactic Dragons, with Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant LightAll Life is Being Re-Made - March 17, 2022

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It is always wonderful for us to connect to you, with you. Thank you for opening to us.

The light within you grows and grows, expanding and uplifting your presence. You notice this as some tiredness, some emptiness. Some feelings of being rather empty in thought. Ailia thinks this is brain fog (smile) but it is not. It is the fullness of your being coming in and online. And this energy does not have an agenda. Does not have preconceived ideas or ambitions. This energy IS.

lunes, marzo 14, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Angelic Energies Align With Humanity's Choice - Mar 14, 2022

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. The light within you continues to expand and in this expansion you will begin to know yourself in new ways.

Inner evolution will flow into outer expression, expanding your participation in the collective and changing how you know yourself to be. This inner expansion is the presence of Divine Light within you, and the real you -- the true Self, revealing itself and fulfilling itself, within your embodiment.

viernes, marzo 11, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Open to New Ways of Being - Mar 11, 2022

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It is time for us to show you new ways of being. The energy is shifting and we want you to know that new light is informing your cells, the very structure of your body and this light is opening up the avenue to new experience of time and space.

The knowledge of this new inner light is something we invite you to feel for within yourselves. See if when you tune into your own energy system, if you don’t feel an energy, a quality of light, that is more transparent and more etherial. This energy will also feel vast to you. Take a moment now and check-in.

viernes, enero 28, 2022

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - On Devotion-Part of the Live Your Truth Soar Fest - Jan 18, 2022

Part of the Live Your Truth Soar Fest

Hello Beautiful Beings,

We are very happy to be with you today. I am the energy that you think of as Mother Mary. I have come today to speak to you about this intention to live authentically and fully. And about the changes happening in your world.

First I would like to share an energy attunement with you. If you would welcome this, simply say, “Yes.”

miércoles, diciembre 29, 2021

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - the Mystery of a New Creation - Fields & Energy Organizing in New Ways - Dec 29, 2021

Divine One --

The planetary field now is different. You may feel like your own field is different as you are noticing it. This is also true as the planetary field and your own are in unity. Earth is opening up to vaster frequencies and energies that are organized in new ways. This is a new beginning.

The light within you is expanding as the vastness of your being arises within, spreading out and becoming you, as you allow this.

domingo, octubre 24, 2021

Ailia Mira - The Galactic Dragons with Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light - New Harmonics Emerging - Oct 19, 2021

Hello, Divine Ones,

It's us, the Galactic Dragons. It's wonderful for us to have an opportunity to convene here with you. We see you energetically, always, and we want to reflect back to you that we see alterations to your energy field after as you focus on inner exploration and connection with the vaster you. When you participate in life in these ways, what we notice is more spaciousness.

There is more spaciousness within your field and also some aspects of what you would perhaps call refinement.

lunes, octubre 04, 2021

Ailia Mira - The Joy of Unity with All Things - October 1, 2021

October 1, 2021
by Ailia Mira

Hi Beautiful Being,

In the beauty and quiet of this moment, take a little time to tune into yourself, and commune with the Divine Presence.

Remember that you are ONE with All Life. Feel into this.

Look around you and allow yourself, invite yourself to become saturated in this awareness:

lunes, septiembre 20, 2021

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Be alive to it all - September 18, 2021

Dear Ones --

We greet you in love. We greet you as old souls, as souls newly awakening to new levels of your embodiment. We greet you as friends.

The time you are living in now, is one that is wonderful and long anticipated. Your world is in the early stages of new life. Much is up in the air, and therefore, there is tremendous power in your creative choices. In the way you choose to participate.