Message from Archangel Michael
We greet you in love. We are here to open up an invitation for us coming together during these amazing times, to co-create, to expand and for you to flow into your own next level expression. For now is a time of new beginnings.
The Eclipse this past Saturday and the second one happening on May 15/16 are activating within each of you your highest potential for being human at this time. Each of you are evolving in consciousness and form and the energy emanating from the planetary alignments during the eclipse is integrating into your bodies and energy fields, changing and activating new templates of energy and light.
Information is being liberated as these templates are activated and begin to develop and evolve within you. Much like a baby being conceived, when innate energy templates are activated, they then have inner momentum, a self-sustaining life force and are developing and unfolding, fed by the incoming streams of higher light and creating new structures within your form and your consciousness. You participate in this new creation by how you’re living, what you allow and align with. As you flow and continue to notice what choices foster inner harmony, and a sense of rightness within yourself, you allow these templates to develop.The information that is contained in these templates is informing each of you of your unique opportunities for contribution and expression at this time, based on who you are, as a soul.
Each of you as Divine Souls have a huge spectrum of capacities and sensibilities for expression and being. As the energy of your human form and your world is lifted, new aspect of your being become available to you. This is very exciting and the shifts occurring now, are beyond anything you have been experiencing collectively in the past. The potentials for new inventions, new ways of being, ways of working and co-creating and being together are coming online now that fit the emerging consciousness of humanity. These wonderful and very inclusive and loving ways of being will be part of how you work together to create a new world.
These structures and templates open up first of all in your etheric energy body. We, the Angelic Realm and your Soul Self work with you as you ask and allow it, at a cellular level, using light and color to support this evolutionary development by activating new potentials within your existing cellular structure which support these new ways of being. And which also optimize and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Do what you can, Beloved Friends, to realize, and frequently remind yourself that you do not know yet how this all unfold. That you do not know what you can and are becoming as you open to more and more of who you truly are being embodied here.
Realize that you are in a phase of your human experience where you are not what you were and are not yet what you are becoming.
Take that to heart, and let yourself lean into your inner knowing and also? Honor your heart felt desires. Set intentions, and ask for what you sense you need and want.
Learn to believe in yourself and your innate belonging. Learn to believe in yourself and that what calls to you, is for you — that it can be created, given, supported and that you are able to allow it to come forth, to be received.
You have so much more capacity and potential opening up for you! More than you have ever yet experienced. In order to recognize and receive the emerging new creations, do what you can each do to open up to the day, in a state of willingness to see things anew and with a conscious acknowledgement that this is, indeed, a new day!
The more you can do to not project the past onto today, or your future, the more opportunities you will begin to sense and see.
Opportunities to live differently, to move into ways of being, relationships, expressions and more, that speak to your deeper, truer nature. The things that matter most to you and which you need to be who you truly are, fully, are being given.
Each of you are far more supported than you’ve yet to allow or expect. Now is the time to change that. For it is through Angelic, and Divine Self support that you can truly step into new and higher potentials for your Life and that beginning is here, now.
We’d like to come together with any who wish to co-create and open up together, to the emerging potentials of this new beginning. We offer to support you in accessing your inner guidance, show you ways to let go, and be more fluid. We’d like to support you with ideas and perspectives that gives you ways of experimenting with your days and opening up to your life, anew.
If you would welcome more support, love, encouragement, practical ways to live with more ease and experience unconditional joy…
We invite you to join us, for a series of transmissions including:
Practical guidance and suggested experiments to help you to open and allow more support, more resources in your life;
Attunements to help you acclimate to expecting and allowing what will foster ease and believing you deserve to live in grace;
Assist you in releasing the past and opening to the present without limiting expectations and by learning to believe in new possibilities;
And, to infuse you each time we share, with the energy and information that is most beneficial for you and your evolutionary unfolding at this time, and more!
This will be a wonderful way to work with the Eclipse Energies and give you new ways of being and creating, which you can use as you continue to evolve and expand, especially, supporting yourself over the next three to six months, when the Eclipse Energies will develop further.
Your Soul’s Highest Path is being activated. We’d love to support you in opening up to these new possibilities.We hope you’ll join us!