Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ailia Mira (Meredith Murphy). Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ailia Mira (Meredith Murphy). Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, octubre 08, 2016

Ailia Mira - Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Se Abren Nuevas Realidades: Regresa la Pasión - 04-10-2016


Saludos Queridos Míos:, Es hora de que recuerden plenamente quiénes son ustedes.
Lo pueden hacer, si se lo permiten. Confíen simplemente en su saber y abran sus sentidos osada y libremente.
Hónrense y valórense, y vivan con esa conciencia – la de SU Santidad.
Ustedes tienen esta maestría en su interior, recuérdenlo, y luego elijan usarla.
A nuestro modo, estamos contentos por ustedes y excitados de ver lo que hacen con su maestría
Ha llegado el tiempo de que recuerden quiénes son ustedes a fin de que puedan ser ustedes mismos – a fin de que puedan celebrar y expresar su belleza.

jueves, octubre 06, 2016

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light and the Elohim of Grace - New Spectrums of Your Wholeness - October, 2016

New Spectrums of Your Wholeness

Dear Friends,

Deep within you, you are going again, to birth. New ways of being are opening up, and you are stepping into them, in your consciousness with a skillfulness that is accomplished. There is more clarity and more ability to receive now. There is more comfort with seeing the vision of your life, in ways that give you joy and feel good, without bringing to it the critic’s negative voice, or fear.

As you let yourself lift into a new sense of self, you create the consciousness of your identity in a way that allows more to come to you. You will discover this in your physical state, in your emotional responses and most of all in the ideas that come to you.

miércoles, septiembre 28, 2016

Ailia Mira - Council of Radiant Light - New Realities Open: Passion Returns - Sept 28, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones,

It is time for you to remember fully who you are. You can do this if you let yourselves. Simply trust your knowing and open up your senses with boldness and freedom. Honor and treasure yourself and live with that awareness - of the sacredness of YOU.

You have this mastery within you, you remember this, then choose it, dare to use it. We are, in our own way, happy for you and excited to see what you do with your mastery.

The time is here for you to remember who you are so that you can be you - so you can celebrate and express your beauty. You have within you frequencies that can gift each and every other human being with expanded wholeness. How do you do this? By expressing yourself without hesitation, by following your spirit which will guide you in each moment, and through your attention to your sensations and feeling you can tune yourself. Moment to moment you can tune yourself to the higher consciousness within you and to the higher potentials in each moment. Then you can seamlessly, live what you feel and know. You can do this without concern or fear, without the illusionary ideas that anything is not divine. You can cut yourself free from the illusion of perfection and the illusion of dark and light and step into truth. Truth as inner knowing. Truth as alignment. Truth as divine fulfillment and wholeness. Truth as love made manifest through divine will and trust in you.

jueves, septiembre 22, 2016

Ailia Mira - Arcángel Miguel - Aliento - 21-09-2016

7 Sept 2016 Exect Wonderful Ailia Mira_edited-1

Divinos Seres Encarnados Aquí En La Tierra….
Respiren profundo y dejen caer sus hombros. Respire profundo de nuevo y expiren el aire con fuerza.
Relájense un poquito.
Sacudan sus hombros ahora y luego déjenlos caer. Permitan que su vientre se eleve y luego caiga con otro profundo respiro.
Ahora eleven su frecuencia. Imaginen que están eligiendo elevar su vibración y sus partículas se están moviendo más aprisa.
Continúen incrementando su frecuencia y muevan sus labios para esbozar una sonrisa. A propósito.
Sosteniendo su sonrisa, abran su chakra de la coronilla.
Llamen a la Luz Divina en su interior (telepáticamente) y traigan esa conexión a relieve.

miércoles, septiembre 21, 2016

Ailia Mira - The Equinox, the Void & Letting Go - September 21, 2016

Hey Beautiful,

I'm in the VOID. 


Do you feel it? The Void is that empty space where it feels like nothing is happening. It can be frustrating if you resist it, wanting everything to start moving and shaking. Or if you don't recognize it.
The way to be with the void is to let go. Hang, and soften. Enjoy.
The Void is a natural part of upgrading and changing. As you continue to evolve, you'll experience the void again and again. Given the deep shifts many of us have felt happening in this Eclipse Cycle, it's not surprising to find yourself in this experience.
The void is a state of transformation and feeling it, indicates a specific location in the cycle of change. The void may feel like nothing it going on, or it can feel like a lot is happening, but you don't know what or what to do with it. In the Void, we're in a deep period of integration and emergence. Life is going again to birth.
The Void can make you want to hole up and withdraw. You may feel much less social than normal. You might feel over-energized, or more sleepy than normal, or both! You may feel confused and your moods may go up and down.

martes, septiembre 20, 2016

Ailia Mira - Arcángel Miguel - El Ciclo De Eclipses Y Tu Autoridad Innata - Agosto 31, 2016

Querida Mía: Es beneficioso para tí escuchar a tu corazón.

Tu corazón te habla y siempre te está orientando hacia aquello que hará que tu vida vaya adelante.
A veces no lo crees. Te sientes atraída a cosas que sientes te van a desviar. No te están llevando adonde deseas ir.
Pero te diremos claramente que tu corazón sabe el camino.
En el sentido que queremos decir, tu corazón es tu saber interior, tu conexión con tu propia vastedad.
Tú tienes esta luz fluyendo en tu interior todo el tiempo, y como resultado, siempre puedes decir qué se siente es lo correcto para tí.
Esto se debe a tu verdadera Esencia Divina que está dentro de tí y está informada.
Tu Fuente, la Esencia que tú eres, y que siempre está al corriente de todo en la Creación.

miércoles, septiembre 14, 2016

Ailia Mira - the Council of Radiant Light - Human Emotions & the September 16 Lunar Eclipse - 14 September 2016

Message from the Council of Radiant Light

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Greetings Divine Ones,

We greet you today and we begin to attune you to the energies of Friday’s Eclipse. This lunar eclipse will open up emotional insights for you, helping you see where you can release and upgrade your emotional structures to correspond more accurately to your vision of heaven on Earth. In this you will see more clearly and what you chose to make real and important and have the opportunity to upgrade these choices to align with the next level of your embodiment.

Changing your relationship to emotional states is something you are naturally empowered to do, but many human beings do not know or claim this. You, dear ones, can choose this as your birthright and we encourage you to do so.

miércoles, septiembre 07, 2016

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Encouragement - Sept 7, 2016

Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Beings Embodied Here on Earth...

Take a deep breath and let your shoulders sink in. Take another deep breath and blow the air out with force.

Let yourself relax a bit.

Shake your shoulders now and then let them fall. Let your belly rise and fall with one more deep breath.

Now, turn up your frequency. Imagine you are choosing to rise in vibrational frequency and your particles moving faster. Continue to turn up your frequency and move your lips into a smile. On purpose.

Holding your smile, open up your crown chakra. Call upon the Divine Light within you (telepathically) and bring that connection to the forefront. Lighting up your field. Inviting expanded flow. Calling for more connection and closeness and support. Notice what you feel. Do you feel warmth? Tingling? Call that energy in, until you feel the sensations which confirm your conscious connection.

Then let go. Let it all go.

miércoles, agosto 31, 2016

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael, The Council of Radiant Light - Divine Expression. Start Now - August 31, 2016

Freedom is the way home.
Freedom is how you know yourself to be in alignment with who you truly are.
When you are feeling free, you are feeling yourself as you are at your essence.
This is divine light and truth. Let it guide you into more clarity and the experience of your own wholeness and inherent capacity.
The realignments that you seek are activated by your own wholeness. We work, always, in accord with your own wholeness. For you are a sovereign being and in our function, supporting and participating in planetary ascension, we serve your divine essence.
As you live letting your essence guide you, you come into accord with you in ways that make your life easier, better, more open, more alive and ultimately freer.
In this realm of focus, you have access to tremendous freedom. This is not the case in all time/space locations in which you can be or are, actively participating. It is one of the reasons that Earth has so much magnetism as a location to create. Everyone who enters here knows that there will be spectacular diversity and challenges to remembering and yet the promise of that spectrum of opportunity coupled with freedom is a powerful lure.
The reason for this is that you find out more about who you are when you create in a material setting from a pure perspective of consciousness. You get to experience the discovery of you. This is thrilling and all of you know what we mean. You’ve all had moments in your life when you discovered something truly wonderful about yourself. Something you could do, or love, something you didn’t see before and was reflected back to you and gave you a jolt of joy. There is nothing more fabulous in embodiment than discovering your capacities and the things that call to you point out the path to open up your capacities.
As you follow your spirit increasingly, without hesitation, you come into a unity of spirit in which you know what to do and what matters in each and every moment. You then can create without inhibition for all that you are inspired to create is coming from a higher will, a vast clarity that is attuned with everything. With this awareness, divine timing becomes prevalent in your experience and you enjoy an ease and grace-filled unfolding of your life.
This is a wonderful experience to create for yourself. We encourage you as you enter the eclipse cycle and this powerful month of expanding potentials to create a way of being in your experience that allows you to discover yourself more and feel freer. All of this can easily be opened up as you learn to follow your spirit.
When we say, “follow your spirit” we mean - follow your inner knowing. The light within you that is experienced as knowing is your essence, present within you and lighting up your way. Showing you through feelings and clarity that is present within you, through resonance and affinity with things you encounter, what furthers you and what doesn’t. This is what we would call, “the spiritual signature.” When there is a signature for you, then what you are encountering will feel exquisite and your energy will be high. This is the kind of thing where you feel immense enthusiasm. For the signature is clear and present. When you are feeling that something doesn’t feel right to you, it’s because there is no signature; meaning it’s not a fit for you now. It may be a fit for you later. It may not. But learning to pay attention to where there is a signature and where there isn’t is how you learn to follow your spirit. You also can learn by listening to what feels right to you and acting on it. The more you take action on your inner knowing the more you amplify your inner knowing. You know that when you pay attention to something, you amplify it. By paying attention to your inner knowing you increase that signal, its communicative powers. By taking action on your inner knowing, in accord with your inner knowing, you bring forth a fuller expression of you, in the material.
The leading edge, the life possibilities for ascending humans at this time, have many pathways. One common theme among the leading edge way showers is a strong and unremitting call to authenticity. The ability to persist with things that do not fit you is diminishing, if not already seeming to be unavailable to you. This is a good thing. We know it’s scary sometimes, because as it fades, you don’t know how to carry on with things you are living which don’t fit you, but which you think you need. You’re sometimes afraid to lose the things that don’t fit you because you’re afraid the things that do won’t work, or you don’t deserve them, or you don’t know yet, how to make them real and alive for you.
We understand this, but this is part of stepping into your truth - to dare to live what calls out to you. It is a way of allowing the light within you to gift you, guide you show you and open up your life to more aliveness and joy. You will need to take action and possibly learn and grow in new ways to express that which calls out to you and create a life that fits you better. Why not begin to do that now? For the call to your own inner truth is only going to intensify as the path of awakening continues.
Life on Earth is shifting from an experience of duality and separation, from feeling you are broken and in need of healing, into a state of DIVINE EXPRESSION. This is a profound expansion of potentials for humanity and with this, each of you will feel the increasing need, and we mean literally a need, to be transparent and true to yourself.
The energy required to sustain things that are not a genuine expression of your natural state will only increase. For in actuality, what you are doing is standing in resistance to an increasing flow of immense incoming energy from all that is and all that you are, when you stand in opposition, refusing to live your truth.
There is no way around this for the light is growing in your world and your planet is blazing a trail into different dimensional expressions and qualities.
We suggest that it’s time to get on board with this if you’ve not already. It’s time to get on board with freeing yourself up and handling the bumps that may arise as you readjust your life to fit who you actually are and stop trying to be someone else in order to make other people happy or because you’re afraid.
Choosing things out of fear never works and they never make you happy. They cannot last and they will not help you to feel alive and joyous. Fear based choices simply generate more fear and amplify the fear-based beliefs and thought-forms you so desperately wish to be liberated from.
How then, do you do this?
Begin now, on this day, with this ripening new moon, with this solar eclipse, to reset your attitudes and orientation to being human. Consider embracing the idea that you are here simply to express the divine as you, and to do so to the hilt! For your joy! For your expansion! To discover more about yourself in the way you can in an embodied experience. To share and light up the lives of others with your presence and your uniqueness. But most of all, beloved friends, to fulfill yourself in form. To know the joy of creating here, with freedom and naturalness, bringing the mastery of your innate wholeness into the realm of human expression. Divine light, as LOVE. For this is a love-planet. This is a love-realm. And you, being you here, fully and freely, is articulating the divine light, as love, through you.
We are with you always and we love to co-create and support your intentions and desires for experiencing your own wholeness. We are here in part, to hold the vision of you being you. Do remember to ask for what you need and to believe you can have it and to take action on what feels right to you and calls to you. Even if it’s new. Even if it seems far-fetched and unfamiliar. Just begin. Start fresh.
Start now.
You are love.
We know you as divine light. We offer you these truths, in love.

I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light and the Galactic Dragons
Copyright © 2009-2016, Ailia Mira | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.

miércoles, agosto 24, 2016

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Eclipse Cycle, and Your Innate Authority - 24 August 2016

Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Dear One,

It benefits you to listen to your heart. Your heart speaks to you and it is always orienting you to that which will move your life forward. At times you don’t trust this. You feel drawn to things you feel are a detour. Are not taking you into what you want. But we tell you clearly: your heart knows the way. Your heart in the way we mean it, is your inner knowing, your connection to your own vastness. You have this light flowing within you all the time and as a result, you can always tell what feels right to you. This is because of the true divine essence which is in you and is informed. Your Source; the essence that is you, is always up to speed with everything in Creation. So when you orient within, in any moment in time, what feels true to you, what feels right, what you can think with enthusiasm, what you can focus upon with flow and no resistance, is what will work.

Isn’t this a relief?

You don’t have to plan or figure it all out. You don’t have to have someone else tell you their way because their way is not your way.

jueves, agosto 18, 2016

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Time is Now - Be You, and Thrive - August 17, 2016

Divine Beings of Light, We greet you in love.

You are refining your energy fields in ways that benefit you enormously. This may feel exceptionally challenging to you and we want you to know that if this is the case, it is no indication of a back-slide or veering off course. You are right on track in unfolding the pure line of your own spirit, into form and it is this acceleration in frequency and capacity for light, within your embodiment, that is manifesting as dramatic sensations and demands on your body, now.

The light within you is intelligent and coordinated with all of Creation. You are becoming free-er then you knew you could ever be. You are initiating the expression of your Christ Consciousness in form and this is opening up new avenues within your own wholeness.

Ailia is wondering if everyone is experiencing this and the answer is no, but we know who will read this message and we speak to that communion of light. So if you find yourself here, now, we affirm that you are coming into vibrational accord with that which you might think of as your higher wholeness. When we speak to you of the Christ Consciousness, we are speaking of your wholeness in the 7th dimension inclusive of all frequencies below that and in truth. We are speaking of a consciousness as frequency that is knowingly divine and references self as confident creator, as fully aware aspect of divine light and love. A presence as consciousness expressing light purely and true.

So you are opening up this capacity within human form and that is a big deal, indeed. Thus what you may be noticing as unusually demanding physical changes and strong feeling energetic downloads.

The easiest way for you to participate in this co-creation is to let yourself become aware of the vision of your higher expression and then, in any way you can, right now, step into that, and, in all ways, claim that as what you are choosing to unfold.

You see dear ones, it is up to you to decide, within your knowing and your consciousness, what gets your attention. By virtue of your attention you make something real. When you include anything in your awareness, and ponder it, reflect upon, use it as reference in making decisions and living your life, you have said, “this is what I choose as real." You then act as if you know it’s real and you make it important by focusing upon it. This is your sovereignty in action, creating your life. You set the standards for what you are available for consciously or unconsciously simply with your frequency and your choice of focus.

You can change your energy state in any moment and you can change what you're thinking or paying attention to, looking at, thinking about, the story within your mind and how you're oriented. You know this. You know that you can turn up the vibration and align with higher levels within your own wholeness. If you simply pay attention to something that makes you feel lighter, freer, happier, more whole and alive, your energy changes. If you chose that which gives you peace, your field smoothes out and your frequency rises. Any and all of these are ways to alter your vibration in ways that benefit you in that they shift you into higher frequencies.

You live your life on timelines, on pathways unfolding from the frequency of your field and you act upon ideas and beliefs about who you are, based on the frequency generated state of consciousness you are in.

All of this is quite fluid. The plasticity of this is an aspect of your freedom. You are entirely capable of inventing and recreating your state of being, continually and for your benefit, of course, if you choose. In order to attend to your frequency you have to care about it and treat it - the state of your energy - as real and important. If you want to have more energy, which is a typical request of human beings, you have to make that a priority and turn up your vibration and get into more alignment so that you might have greater energy flow. You also will notice that what you call alignment is inextricably intertwined with your frequency. You can leverage this if you understand how to come into alignment with you, and we know that you do.

The question is - are you doing it?

Most of you have these insights and have been aware of these principles for some time now…the threshold of mastery is traversed by ever-expanding elevation of your frequency. 
We are speaking recently of knowing - the ability to act upon insight. To live from what you know as truth, for this integration of what has become clear is essential to move into the potentials opening up for you now.

If you want to embody the highest potentials in your human life, if you want to be an instrument of your own Soul and the awakening, you then must master your capacity to be in accord with the higher levels of your own consciousness.  This is not about perfection, it's about devotion. Repeated attention to your energy state with care and love.

If you wish to embody your highest potentials then your energy state must be the priority...for your capacity to be you, here and now is all about your energy state. Your capacity to be in increasingly beneficial frequencies as often as possible and for as sustained a period as possible is expanded as you choose these states of being; tempering your energy field to higher light expression.

This means you will have to pay attention to you. Paying attention to you, is an act of love and the insights and capacities linked to paying attention to yourself are immense. This is why self-love is often discussed as a key to ascension. Loving yourself is essential because loving yourself is treating as real and important how you feel and what’s going on within you!

Once you chose to make your alignment, and your frequency your priority, and as you chose to notice how you feel and attend to your state of being, as a priority, you build accord with the higher levels within your own wholeness. This is the way to ascend with increasing joy and clarity, vitality and grace.

The Eclipse Cycle has begun. This sequence of transmissions can be aligned with and used for your benefit. Frequencies are pouring into your realm to support you in activating a fuller expression of your soul, your essence. The frequencies which can help you distinguish what is real and essential to you and what is distraction and supplemental, chosen because of lack and limitation, are available. The more you are in a higher state of consciousness, the more insight and knowing you will have about all of this and the more available you are to the fuller spectrum of these galactic and universal transmissions of light.

Life, Creation, is ushering you into a fuller expression of the truth of your being.

This development is a pathways you have built into, not leapt onto. Meaning - you are ready for this! You are poised to claim the fruits of your devotion to love and wholeness as you unfold in frequency along this timeline of pure awareness and clarity in accord with the vastness of your being.

The light within you is guiding you, offering the transmissions that will help you along and you can telepathically speak to this light.
It is beneficial to communicate with your own vaster consciousness and even to learn to channel your own higher levels - both telepathically in terms of understanding and receiving insight and elevated guidance, and in terms of the expression of your life.
You are here to enjoy your life and joy is alignment. They really cannot be understood separate from one another because when you are in joy you are in alignment. It is the same thing.

The truth of your being is beneficial to the harmonics of this world.
There is a vast and exquisite expression of the Creator in play here and the more fully you are here, as you and follow the truth of your being, in expression, in being, in communication, in knowing, the more the light of God is revealed!

You are showing the world aspects of the divine, that you epitomize.

You are making the Divine known, available, approachable and present, through the seemingly smallest moments of your choosing and in all ways that you are in authentic expression. This is how it is - you are an elaboration of LOVE as Divine Light and that is how you are here and so it is true, of course, that as you collapse all the distortions of your being, choosing alignment and openness, you become a pure flow of divine light and love as you; this is the truth of your being.
As you let yourself be you, fully and freely, trusting that you are innately capable of mastering the expression of that which you love and which calls to you, you enact the Creator Prophecies in Light; you become, as Christ said you would, capable of all that was expressed by other divine lights, and more. You become a Creator God in form, a divine being, expressing as truth all that you are.
It is exquisite to live this way and entirely natural and yet here? It's new! Still, there is nothing special or superlative about it - it’s who you are. You're uncovering your light and letting it shine. You’re building the physical, mental and emotional capacities to be you, here and now, fully and freely, integrating spirit with matter in profoundly expanded ways and changing the capacity for human consciousness. This is ascension and you in your embodiment are filling out the promise of ascension. The Oneness of God will be and is being revealed as the Divine flow of your light, is reinstated and reflected here.

You are bridging heaven and earth in a very literal way; as flow.
The Eclipse Cycle and the Equinox is a time frame, a series of galactic and universal transmission. These arrangements are propelling you into this fuller expression. Know that all around you and within you, intelligent light is supporting you and helping you, emanating and transmitting the frequencies and coordinating the correspondences in form, to help you line up and flow your essence, pure and clear.

We are here too, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters the Council of Radiant Light, the Star Beings and of course your own divine wholeness. We are One and the truth of all that you are, is known by us and as your sun shines into your world, as you read this transmission, as you center and come into your own inner knowing as truth, we are united again and again, through the light within us that connects us with one another and with all that is, infinitely, endlessly and beyond all time and space.

This eternalness is you too and it is always accessible within you. Your eternal nature can elevate you beyond any challenge or any sense of lack or limitation, in fact it is your eternalness which is empowering your divine embodiment.

Always remember that not only are you a divine being of love...but this game, here? You’re made for it and you’re playing it, in a very beautiful and most perfect way.

Dear friends, do let yourself soak up all we have spoken of and transmitted to you, today.

Let yourself feel the light within you and the light all around you.
Let yourself align with your knowing. Know from within that this intelligent light is present as everything before you and all that arises within you and the two know how to meet! The absolute and the distinct are intrinsically connected. The world before you and the drive within you are meant to play themselves out in endless moments of connection and amplification. Your desires are showing you the way to be you and the draw you into action that unfolds these connections along the pure line of spirit expressing infinitely. 

We encourage you, beloved ones, to finally, give up the game of being anyone other than who you know yourself to easily, authentically, genuinely be. It is natural for you to be you and thrive. Let yourself be you! It's a relief and it's the way to open up all that you are and let it flow here...and the time for that is NOW. 

I AM Archangel Michael 

miércoles, agosto 17, 2016

Ailia Mira - Opening of the Eclipse Cycle - 17 August, 2016

The Eclipse Cycle is underway and you may already be noticing very different and generally strong downloads.
The reason we're feeling this already is that there is a near-eclipse this month, with the full moon on August 18th! So even though the "actual" eclipse occur in September, to think it's on the horizon and not here yet, is a bit deceptive, energetically.

The September Eclipse Cycle precedes the September Equinox and plays out like this:
  • September 1 - New Moon & Annular Solar Eclipse at 2:04 am
  • September 16 - Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 12:07 pm
  • September 22, The Equinox
*times are pacific standard time.

sábado, agosto 13, 2016

Ailia Mira - Consejo de la Luz Radiante - La Promesa de la Ascensiòn - 10-08-2016

Promise of Ascension_edited-1

Los Saludamos Con Amor,

Está ocurriendo un tremendo cambio en sus vidas y en las vidas de los demás en su planeta.
Hoy les deseamos recordar de la promesa de la ascensión.
Primero, vamos a empezar ofreciéndoles unos puntos de vista para calmarlos y ayudarlos a cambiar a un estado de calma.
Deseamos reconocer que estamos conscientes de que muchos de ustedes están batallando últimamente, y continuamos alentándolos y asegurándoles que todo está bien.
Sabemos que quizá se estén sintiendo retados y deseamos afirmar que lo que están experimentando no es un paso atrás.
Lo que está sucediendo ahora, y lo que siempre es, es el mejoramiento de su encarnación divina.
Lo que están experimentando en el mundo y todo lo que está sucediendo en él en estos momentos tampoco es un paso atrás.
Hay progreso todo a su alrededor. Es la expresión y transformación visible de la energía.
Hay creaciones todo a su entorno en las que la vasta Unidad verdadera está infundiendo y organizando la materia, refinándola y recreándola.

miércoles, agosto 10, 2016

Ailia Mira - Passé Energy Structures are Clearing - 10 August 2016

Notes from the Ascending Energy Arc
by Ailia Mira

There are big changes happening energetically right now in many levels of reality, in the planetary matrix and in our lives and forms/human energy systems. You are probably feeling this!

Diverse experiences of ascension are in play and this is happening simultaneously.

It's important to remember that after the shift in 2012, the energies of our planet opened up. The reason I mention this now is that there is not one way to have an ascension experience. There are diverse ascension timelines in play and that includes timelines for those still living largely in lower frequency states of awareness and that is perfectly fine. It's not impairing your experience or slowing down what is unfolding in perfect divine timing.

As we are all different and in different states of expression energetically, we are all having our own experience of these changes. We become increasingly empowered as we discover how to honor our own unique experience. Each of us have different paths. We can choose to know it's all moving in the same direction and in that awareness, we can focus on optimizing our energy and experience.

jueves, julio 28, 2016

Ailia Mira - Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Consuelo en tiempos difíciles - 15-07-2016

Escucha en tu interior ahora. No hay razón para no permitirte ser como eres.
Sin importar qué esté ocurriendo en este vasto y complejo juego, puedes seguir siendo tú misma.
Eres perfecta como eres, y eres fundamental para la Creación.
Tú, en tu integridad, eres esencial. Al tiempo que escuchas esto la energía dentro de tí se reorganiza, la Luz irrumpe en tu interior de nuevas maneras.
Tú, cuando oyes esto, tienes un profundo saber interior de la verdad de lo que compartimos, y este saber se amplifica a medida que nos comunicamos contigo transmitiendo este mensaje.
Este momento, el hecho de nuestra cocreación, es abundantemente presente. Puedes accesarlo en tiempos difíciles.
Puedes accesarlo como una forma de recordar y de regresar a la verdad de la existencia y la verdad de tu ser.
El Vivir en reinos diferentes de creación nunca es una experiencia solitaria.

jueves, julio 21, 2016

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - The Promise of Ascension - July 21, 2016

We Greet You in Love, 

Tremendous change is occurring in your lives and in the lives of others on your planet. We wish today to remind you of the promise of ascension. 
First, we will begin by offering some soothing views to help you shift into a state of peace.
We wish to acknowledge that we know many of you are struggling of late, and we continue to offer you encouragement and reassurance that all is well. We know that you may feel challenged and we wish to affirm that what you are experiencing is not a step backward. What is taking place now, and always is afurthering of your divine embodiment
What you are experiencing in the world, and all that is taking place in the world, right now, is also, not a step backward. All around you is progress. The visible expression and transformation of energy. All around you are creations in which the true vast Oneness is infusing and organizing matter, refining and recreating.
Ascension is ripe with promise and this promise is abundantly available within you. You can tap it, know it and live from it. 

viernes, junio 17, 2016

Ailia Mira - The Great Invitation - June 17, 2016

The way you are living reflects who you think you are.
Each of you have an idea of who you are. This is informed by many different sources. The idea of who you are creates your vibration. The idea of who you are, is what you think of as you. Yet it is an idea; a though form, perpetuated through living and practiced and written down and stated to others. It feels very solid and real.
Your identity will create the opportunities in your life. It will define you. It allows you to interact with others with a sense of who you are; as a means of perpetuating the separation between you and others. This identity is largely unconscious. Although you sometimes focus upon it as you consider career options, or other ways in which stating who you are becomes front of mind, in general you do not consider, or reconsider your identity.

jueves, mayo 05, 2016

Ailia Mira (Meredith Murphy) - Desplegando La Línea Pura de Espíritu - 24-04-2016



Hola: Soy yo, Ailia, la anfitriona de la fiesta aquí, en Expect Wonderful.(Espera Lo Maravilloso)

¡Espero que ésta los encuentre relajándose de un fin de semana excepcional!

¿Qué tal un postre energético? Un poquito de dulce para ustedes, algo ligero y fresco para finalizar este día?

Me encantaría compartir con ustedes un nuevo mensaje canalizado del Consejo de la Luz Radiante. Los aliento a que lo lean lentamente. Sientan su ritmo.

AHORA es tiempo. Se quien eres.

AHORA es tiempo. Permítete ser libre.

AHORA es tiempo. Aléjate de todo lo que has conocido y permítete descubrir lo que ES.

Lo que ES es lo que es AHORA. Lo que es AHORA es relevante para ti.