Blessings Beloveds ~
Gratitude to all participating in the activation of collective Divine Neutrality this month.
Below are the fourth week’s written posts. Thank you for affecting collective outcomes by doing the good inner work in this Now.
Divine Neutrality is a core tool for Divine Perfection and Ascension: the proper qualification and use of life force energy.
Stay open, avoid the polarization game. Divine Neutrality probably isn’t what you think it is.
There are many aspects and applications of this practice, and we will be walking through them this month on my Instagram:
Embrace the Challenges without Embodying the Effects
The current realities ask us to align our hearts in Divine Neutrality, in order to make higher choices.
For some, this means unifying, standing up for all of HUmanity’s freedoms and choices which support right use of life force.
For others, it requires more focus on the inner journey, ending distortion within so the external may reflect coherence.
Some may be completely focused on the Ascension; the expansion of Light and pure Presence which dissolves distortion.
With heightened polarity out of the way, we embrace the whole, without embodying the transmutation of distortion.
It looks like one thing, while another larger operation is unfolding.
Don’t watch it burn. Get on with creating the New.
Support freedom of expression, even if you don’t fully agree with people’s choices right now.
Every moment is an opportunity to return to our Natural State of Divinity, and expand it.
The Universe supports exploration and creativity.
How can you be more supportive of your own Divinity, and others?
Where in your own lifestream do you need to apply the Freedom of Divine Neutrality?
Where can you walk away from creating distortion, without judgment of yourself or other’s choices?
From this inner wisdom of coherence, where would it be complimentary to the whole to speak up, express compassion, solutions, unity consciousness?
Let us amplify Freedom to create balance and Ascension in these realms, in this Now.
List three grounded expressions of Freedom in your personal journey.
What can you implement right now in your personal lifestream that would make you feel more free in your heart center.
Small or large creations. Simple or complex. Own it without limitation.
Light-ground these intentions – write them down, anchor and express them in the physical realm (paint, write, music, speak them aloud, whatever your creative heart enjoys, that qualifies the frequency).
Meditate on them and neutralize any distortion or limits.
Then take action. Small steps or HUge leaps?
How will you implement this infusion of Freedom. What needs to shift now?
What do you have to do to maintain these higher vibrational choices with ease and grace?
Engage in vibrational maintenance of peace, health, abundance, freedom. This amplifies Freedom across the realms, and dissolves limitation.
Visit these intentions and creations frequently during the day. Be patient yet diligent with your Freedom intentions. Don’t judge your own behavior or progress as you expand the Heart.
A Master sees the true light within all of creation.
I have been honored with the consistent Presence of many Masters.
They are in the natural, unified state of Divine Love and Divine Presence.
Open pure conduits of the natural state of pure consciousness.
None of them have ever judged my journey. They see my true Self beyond the veils.
Not what I AM becoming, not what I will be … they see who I AM right now as a fractal of the Infinite Creator.
When they respectfully bow in greeting, it’s not because I AM in service, or some grand being upstairs.
They respect everyone. Neutral. Free. Open to engage in the expansion of Divine Intent.
And they know all of us are a part of this.
Resolving the realms, so all may experience the freedom and splendor of unlimited Source Creation.
We use the Divine Neutrality practice to attune ourselves to this clear vision, clear direction.
To witness all of Creation from the Godhead perspective. To amplify the positive light to bring balance and Divine order.
To listen rather than react.
To allow others to see their own Divinity.
Thank you for receiving this #DivineNeutrality series in whatever way is applicable to your journey of Ascension in this Now.
In Love, Light and Service,