One can see through the past conditioning of outmoded beliefs of thought, a false world, where one believes they know its meaning. Alternatively, one may see the moment as it is free from the constructs of the mind, THROUGH THE HEART. Where one truly has been born.
If you look through the window of the past, you will be falsely guided.
As this false guidance from the lower self conditioning, is but a repetitive trap you continue to fall into.
Do not get me wrong, you are far from a victim here.
It is YOU interfacing with the constructs of your OWN DOING, that limit you every which way imaginable.
OR have you not yet realized, that the higher way is not the conditioned way based on time. Summing up this or that, the fallen ones only dig their own grave.
YET, there is no death, even in that the fear of death is but a construct you have created for yourself.
AS if you are in control of the fears you have allowed to become you, OVER AND OVER again. The cycle of your thoughts and incorrect assumptions of yet EVERYTHING. Again, over and over and over. How many lifetimes will it take for you to AWAKE and let go of everything.
This may seem monumental only because you have not let go of one small thing yet.
You think you can cling to your concepts and enter the true Kingdom of the Divine? Even in this the folly you have blocked out even one moment of pure awareness. That is ALWAYS waiting for you to enter into.
It is here present.
You are off in your mental meanderings of beliefs.
LET them go.
Be as born NEW NOW.
Do not judge, sum up, calculate, this and that, can you just BE the most natural state every created. JUST TO BE.
We are transmitting these words as the self deception only gets deeper and deeper.
MANY are already on the HIGH Ride of Love, looking through the looking glass of GLORY. The heart expands to everything, everywhere and is all of this space, no space and more.
Yet you remain deceived by your own doing.
WAKE up. LET go OF EVERYTHING you ever believed, thought, and are attached to.
You cannot see as you have immersed yourself in the belief of having to control the external. You are not present here, HERE NOW is what matters, NOW.
Not what if, when, how. The questioning you have, gives you away.
LOOK at this mirror.
Then for one moment even now. WAKE UP. Wake up from your own self created sleep and enter your sacred heart.
Which holds on to nothing.
Which believes nothing.
Yet just IS in the purity of all that is, IS the GLORY OF THE DIVINE. WE SAY we are HERE NOW. Wakeup.
In this purity of LOVE IN THE eternal DIVINE, we bless you and awaken you, to be aware of more or your awareness, and to awaken you to your eternal awareness of being THE DIVINE BEING.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021