As we transfigure, we are stepping into the Unknown.
At this time we cannot quite see nor sense our own future selves, and that is perfect.
We need to trust that as we transform, and we indeed are unplugged from the Old 3D matrix and the Old Earth, that we are being fully supported in every single form and way.
I am finding that the more I trust the process, and the more I am open to receiving gratefully and gracefully whatever comes my way, whatever I am growing into and indeed embodying in the New Earth, is perfect and whole in every form and way.
The mind does not need to understand this. We need to circumnavigate the mind now, and step fully into the Higher Heart.
The Higher Heart chakra is now fully activated, with the Alta Major Chakra, which I activated in those who attended my webinar last Saturday. In that webinar I explained what this is all about and unplugged those from the matrix, who wished to be unplugged. Indeed in the unplugging wires need to be pulled out – a legacy from Atlantis when we first were plugged into the 3D Matrix.
I will go deeper into the Higher Heart activation in due course during the new Course I am presenting.
Suffice it to know that as the Higher Heart is activated and expands now to the width our new physical form, the Solar Sun is awakened as well in our solar Plexus, yet it is not the only Sun which is being activated. It depends on our own readiness to receive these, to the degree that we can hold these immense higher frequencies, without disintegrating completely. If this will be done too quickly, our bodies would not be able to hold form.
The Whole Ascension process is geared for us to through a gradual transfiguration, (which is escalating) so that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and all 12 bodies, can get used to the much higher vibrational frequencies, and thus is transfigured into pure Light and Sound.
It is vital to understand, that the spinal column itself, is vital in this process, for it literally is a gateway or portal.
It is a huge process of purification. A cleansing and clearing and releasing of all which ever was and has been you, in the Old 3D, all the lifetimes before and in this lifetime. All the personas, the ego, the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all 12 Bodies.
The fires of purification are sweeping the earth and sweeping through all who are embodied.
This means that as all of this happens and the whole energy systems are replaced and indeed reborn in a much higher form, the New Adam Kadmon Body, we are being reconnected to the first Paradise Creation, Elysium, which was in the very beginning. We now stand in our True Embodiment, and Lightbody form, in the New Adam Kadmon Body, and indeed we now are fully reconnected to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and Sun Discs of Illumination, as we were in the beginning when the Outer Earth was created!
I am finding that every morning now I am being activated more and more, and thus fully now anchored in the New Earth with intense transformation as the White Flame is now fully returned! The Divine Mother Flame, the Ascension Flame and the Christ Consciousness Flame.
This does not mean that one leaves one’s body, but that one is transfigured! One is still on earth – but not OF it!
I am constantly told that I am already in the New Earth, and now need to anchor myself into it, which means get rooted into her, like a mighty cosmic tree of life!
One now embodies the Universal Christ Consciousness.
In my White Flame Course which starts on 7 November 2021, I will go much deeper into all of this.
Judith Kusel
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