To walk in beauty and with beauty, with love and in love, and with and in joy cocreating in Oneness and Unity, is the New Golden Age.
Yes, some are already living this and being this and cocreating the New Golden Age.
The Old way of life in the 3D has become redundant. The pushing and shoving for success, the shouting and clamoring to be seen as bigger or greater or more successful than others, will cease.
Ruthlessness and an eye-for-an-eye mentality wars etc. will cease to be, for there is no-thing to fight about.
Yet all of this needs to be first left behind within us as we cannot carry any of the old baggage with us into the New Age.
Once we rest in the knowing that all is whole and complete, all is ever provided and abundantly present, we learn to live fully in here and now, taking responsibility for what we are creating, and thus when we are in harmony and unity within, it reflects outside of you.
You thus lovingly create from the heart and soul and within the Law of One, and find joy in doing so. With it inner peace and inner beauty, inner joy.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Aeoliah