You can, shall and must stand up and rise! Not for this or that, but for YOU and YOUR humanity.
photo credit: Andrea Percht
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
You are called upon!
God is establishing the new order and bestowing higher consciousness upon humanity!
Which means: Everything is starting to change. Which means: Everything is about to transform for the better!
Beloved human beings,
I am Venus Kumara, logos from logos, logos from this world. I am amongst you now.
Now it is up to you, each individual is called upon now! Each individual is important and precious now, and each individual is accompanied by an immeasurable number of angels and beings of light.
You can now realize what you came here for, because everything changes for the better now THROUGH YOU!
This is why now you need to bring to this shift all your good qualities, your love, your courage, your capacity to discern and your perseverance.
You can, shall and must stand up and rise! Not for this or that, but for YOU and YOUR humanity.
The greatest battle is roaring between the powers that try to anchor you deeper in the material world and the powers that want to free you from the material world. Do you see what it is about now?
It is about YOU, and about YOU staying human. Will you soar from humanity to the divine, our will you – for a long time – dive into the non-human-state-of-consciousness that is full of entanglements?
All is changing for the better – that is certain. What it still takes is YOUR contribution!
Beyond fear there is you!
Nothing happens on its own! It all happens through the many human beings who have recognized their Self. And in order for things to change for the better it is necessary that you now accept who and what you truly are.
You are pure divine consciousness and you exist beyond fear.
I repeat: You exist beyond fear.
It’s the many different fears that make you believe that you are a victim instead of the creator of your life and your future.
This matrix is a cobweb made of fine threads of fear. Tightly woven, you face worry and fear every step you take. And now you can free yourself from it.
This happens by gathering all your courage and starting to swim against the current, against the absurdity of this time.
Listen to your heart and stand in for your inner impulses, and whenever necessary also advocate them! And it will become increasingly necessary!
The game of hide-and-seek or the spiritual dry run is over. Live practice awaits you now.
You will only be oppressed for as long as you allow it. You are only the cue ball of this time for as long as you play along.
„Sounds good”, you might say, “but it isn’t easy …?!”
Were you born to live a simple, flat life without adventures? Hardly, because if this were the case, you wouldn’t be here.
How self-confidence grows
This shift is not for inexperienced souls, but it is the final act where you can reach enlightenment.
For that you need two things:
1.) courage with dedication
2.) unconditional faith in God
First jump, then swim; first decide, then the gain in awareness.
You wait for God to turn mountains in front of you into plains. But then where would your gain in awareness and your experience be?
Self-confidence grows by managing the tasks of life on your own, and by growing with each challenge you overcome by yourself. There is no way around it and no shortcut.
Beloved human,
let God confirm your bright and good decisions. God guides you through this time, but you must walk on your own. Grow into your missions and you will see how everything changes – through YOU.
Nobody will come to free you from the unconsciousness that you yourself have chosen, but the entire heaven will stand by you once you live according to your soul’s and heart’s plan.
Everything is undergoing change. The greatest change however is happening within YOU, through YOU and from YOU!
As soon as you don’t have the time anymore to complain about the current events, you have understood what this message was about.
In perfect love.