sábado, julio 17, 2021

Celia Fenn - It has been one heck of a week for our planet - July 17. 2021

It has been one heck of a week for our planet as the transformation process engages gear and moves forward. We can expect more powerful energies this week.

On Friday 23rd July the Sun moves into powerful Leo, opening the way for the Lions Gate (8/8). Saturday the 24th will be the Full Moon in Aquarius, with some powerful energies flowing around that.

Sunday the 25th will be the Day out Time and Monday the 26th will be the Planetary New Year.

The Lions Gate is that powerful moment when we can take a leap upward and "land" on a new and higher timeline.

Can we make the shift into a higher consciousness despite what is happening on Earth?

We can.

We got this!

We are here for this!

Stay focussed and keep your vibes high!

New Earth...here we come!

Have a great week-end everyone!