January is not really over, nor is 2020 because we still have the remnants of that energy signature playing in the background, like that annoying song you hear on the radio and then you hum it to yourself all day long. February does bring in a welcome rush of Aquarian energy which means it is bold, brash, and daring us to embrace our highest potential. And interestingly enough it’s a repeat of the energy of February 1962 which had the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius, at nearly the same degrees they are today. History does repeat itself but with free will and energetic sovereignty, the outcome can be different today.
You are your past but your future does not have to become a mirror of the past. That’s one theme of February’s energy. Your past is part of you and you cannot escape it but you can avoid repeating it and this month gives us that opportunity. Not just this month though, the entire year because the Saturn/Uranus square is active all year.
This aspect is going to play out as the past in a tug of war with the present and we have the final choice over which energy will win out. Aquarius is the sign of community, it’s also the sign of social conscience, collaboration, and working together to improve the global condition. What are we going to do differently today than we did in the past and how are we going to implement those changes?
We’re seeing that happening now as vast communities are coming together to change the workings of government, the financial system, and corruption not by revolting, which is a 3D dense energy, but by rewriting the rules of engagement. This is the new paradigm for humanity and it’s going to have a stronger presence in the coming months as we see the unfolding of 5D and its energies of connection, community, collaboration, co-operation, and creativity.
As we enter February we’re still hearing the echoes of the January 28 full moon that we all felt as a call to start making changes in our individual and collective reality. Now we can answer that call as we are feeling more empowered and less overwhelmed. Saturn/Pluto conjunctions are like the tuba in the orchestra – they provide a great emphasis but they aren’t as compelling, interesting, or pleasant when they’re drowning out the rest of the instruments.
February opens with a Mercury retrograde which would be a limiting factor in most cases except it’s in Aquarius so it’s highlighting the energy of the other planets in that sign. While we think of Mercury and its 3 or 4 retrogrades as being inconveniences that interfere with communications and travel, Mercury rules karma and our place in the world so it has a greater and farther reaching effect on us and our daily lives than we give it credit for. The normal Mercury retro warnings apply – double check communications and travel times, watch where you put important items like your keys, and don’t start important projects as they will probably have to be re-done.
This is not the time to be a rebel or a revolutionary. We’re in the throes of the full 3D/5D ascension integration so everything we do will have a 5D signature and those energies are creativity, collaboration, community, connection, and co-operation. We can still create the transformation, but not by opposing the dark side because that isn’t necessary. All we have to do is shine our lights to make the darkness irrelevant.
While looking for a complementary energy cycle I noticed that in February 1962 we had the same Aquarius alignment that included Mars in Aquarius – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were all in Aquarius then. And there was a revolution then – it was called Camelot and John and Jacqueline Kennedy were at the helm.
It was not to last though, and President Kennedy’s brutal and very public assassination brought forward a host of dark energies that have wreaked havoc on the world for nearly 60 years.
Now we have the same Aquarius cycle and it’s a whole different world, one where we are connected in many more ways and we have built strong energetic communities. Where we were in the darkness of 3D density in 1962 because we didn’t know any better, we are now fully aware of the 5D light and we have a new multi-dimensional capability that allows us to be present and active in different planes of being – we can co-exist in 3D and in 5D – we sure have made a lot of progress since 1962. Now we have a repeat of that energy cycle along with many different potentials for changing the outcome.
We can bring back the hopeful vision of Camelot and ground it in the reality of the Light Age, the 3D/5D ascension integration that is being anchored in more awakening hearts and souls every day.
February’s second theme is transcension – the bridge between density and ascension. I refer to it as the 4D bridge and it’s the passageway that takes us from 3D into 5D. This is not just a movement from one dimension to another, we are actually moving into a new plane of existence (you’ll hear more about this on the podcast) which explains why it can be so challenging.
Remember this transcension aspect when you’re facing a difficult choice, decision, or challenge in February. We do not make huge leaps into transformation. Every transformation is achieved via a series of smaller steps. These smaller steps are each important because as we go through them we’re doing the energy work, releases, and shifts in our own energy paradigms to be able to achieve a larger transformation.
February 11 is the Aquarius new moon and the Chinese new year of the Ox and it really sets off the Aquarius energy right before Valentine’s Day on the 14th. If you’re celebrating alone, do take time to celebrate yourself. Be self indulgent – do not wait for someone to do something nice for you or get depressed because no one acknowledges how wonderful you are. Be your own valentine this year, it is important to your self esteem and to your energy empowerment. It is also important to set the energy for all of your relationships, including romantic ones. When you’re confident of your own value, you attract people who mirror that confidence back to you.
And on the 27th we have a full moon in Virgo which seems a little out of place with all of this exciting Aquarius energy this month. But do not be fooled. First of all Virgo is ruled by Mercury (although I think it should be ruled by Chiron) and it’s going to expand Mercury’s energy and its Aquarius placement, further enhancing that energy into March. Mercury is the first personal planet and it rules our place in the world. It is our first experience of community, the beginning of our life journey as expressed through our individual karma. Aquarius is where we find a connected community and seek out like-spirited travelers.
Second, Virgo is the sign of the healer and we can express it as the Martyred Healer or the Empowered Master, another choice we have to make this month. Do we martyr ourselves, dim our light, limit our power, and stay in the dark corners of our pain, regret, and suffering or do we embrace or Empowered Mastery and transcend our suffering to embrace 5D living?
One final aspect is in play all month and in fact all year and that’s Saturn/Uranus square. This aspect doesn’t have the destructive or transformation power that Saturn/Pluto had in 2020 but it does bring in social change. In 1962 Uranus was in Leo, Aquarius opposite sign. Now it is in the more altruistic, less self centered, more socially aware and community minded sign of Aquarius.
This is the energy of the past in a tug of war with the present. This is going to bring Aquarius’ lofty ideals to the earth and ensure that they are logical and practical, while shedding light on Saturn’s often secretive power plays (think of big government and corporate corruption). It’s going to bring balance to the changes that are occurring while also expanding opportunities for transformation. This prepares us for more expansion in March and the equinox, when our new solar year begins. Have a great month.
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