I’ve been very curious about what the incoming NEW December 2020 codes for 2021 and beyond would look and feel like.
In December of 2018, I first began clairvoyantly Seeing the incoming NEW Triality based frequency codes for 2019 as endless fields of beautiful pastel, iridescent and also darker gemstone colored triangle shapes and triangle patterns.
In December of 2019, I started Seeing the incoming NEW Triality
frequency codes for 2020 and beyond as endless fields of brilliant,
multifaceted Radiant Diamonds. These were and are not individual
“diamonds” but a solid frequency field of exquisite different faceted
Radiant Diamond facets. Many of these are triangle shaped like the
previous years crystalline pastel Trinity codes, but they also contain other more complex shapes, facets and facet patterns.
Based on this it’s clear we’ve been living in and further embodying these NEW higher frequency Triality based codes which are energy, consciousness and physical reality templates and blueprints since December 2018. With the start of Phase 2 of the Ascension Process in January 2020, and everything that every one of us on Earth now have gone through all year, I have been very curious about what the December 2020 NEW Triality codes would look and feel like when they arrived and manifested in the physical.
Much to my surprise, what I’ve Seen so far before December 12, 2020 of the next stairstep level of Triality based codes have not been individual codes and code patterns like what arrived in December 2018 and December 2019 but a MASSIVE, intricate, stunningly beautiful entire template code complex that are beyond words, and vector images! Nevertheless I’m going to include some images here just to give you a sense and feel of what I’m talking about and how profoundly different and complete they are compared to what arrived in December 2018 and December 2019.
Say it with me everyone — stairsteps, energetic stairsteps always. We and Earth and everything else wouldn’t physically survive these massive, giant evolutionary upgrades and shifts otherwise.
Because what I’ve Seen of the December 2020 into 2021 next higher level Triality based code complex so far, it’s looking and feeling like a very large evolved being recently threw a MASSIVE, totally NEW and much more sophisticated and elaborate energy template “blanket” if you will over the entire physical Earth and all of us on it. It could be called the latest NEW Earth and NEW Humans energy template code complex.
This December 2020 massive planetary energy template complex “blanket” contains the 2018 Triality based crystalline pastel codes of December 2018, and the Radiant Diamond codes of December 2019. Based on this latest energy addition upgrade to the entire planet, I’d say that NEW Earth just became an energetic and physical reality in the first week of December 2020. And, if you’ve been feeling rather strange this month—more so than usual I mean—this is most likely why. We have an entire NEW higher frequency more elegant code template complex that’s just recently been laid on and embodied by ascending Earth.
All the other energy events, astrological sign changes, Solstice and planetary conjunctions that are and will be happening the rest of December 2020 could be thought of as brand NEW matching frequency dipping sauces that go along with this NEW planetary energy template code complex.
There’s much more to come so be flexible and willing to change even more than you have throughout Phase 2 2020 so far. We’ve just gotten started. Vibrationally, stay above the “crazies” because once the AIR energies of Aquarius become even more activated this month in this NEW template, more people will become even more mentally imbalanced and unstable than they’ve been. These are massive energy changes humanity has and will continue to undergo and not everyone will deal with all of them with grace, ease, honesty, sanity or stability.
December 14, 2020