lunes, junio 15, 2020

Judith Kusel - So many doors of opportunity are opening now, in the next few weeks - June 15, 2020

So many doors of opportunity are opening now, in the next few weeks, for those souls who wish to make step into a much higher frequency life and living.

Get crystal clear clarity about what you truly wish to manifest at this time, knowing that life is changing drastically and that a totally new way of life is now starting to shift into form and function.

Once you get crystal clear, then write it down in the present tense, as if it already has come into form and being. Visiualize it until the tiniest detail is drawn, as much as you can do that right now.

Connect deeply to your heart center and then feel into it, as if you already are living this and then ask that this vision will be in highest alignment with the Divine Will, and in highest aligment with all-that-is, and add, or something even better and more amazing than this!

You may wish to make this into a daily affirmative prayer, which you read aloud, for you are then programming your subconscious mind into higher alignment with your conscious self and your highest soul self, like the Huna Prayer, which I am constanly using and which I shared with those who attended my Abundance Webinar last month. It is the most powerful manifesting prayer I know it, and I use it all the time.

The next step is to be diligent about your own own thoughts, and feelings and do not allow yourself to be pulled into the quagmire of the seeming chaos which is now happening. Rather rise above it all, for the minute you allow yourself to be drawn in, emotional or mentally, you will get pulled right back into the 3D and that is what you do not wish to happen now.

Remember that in truth, life is what you make it - especially at this time!

Judith Kusel