Today I wanted to share a couple of strange things that have been occurring around me.
Before I turn out the lights for sleep, I usually read a novel. I use a bookmark that I made from a Valentines card my Mother (who is no longer with us) sent in 2003. I was able to cut the card so the word Love and a happy heart were center stage. This is very precious for me. I placed the bookmark next to me as I do every night. When I went to put it in the book to hold my place, I couldn't find the bookmark. I tore my bed completely apart. No bookmark. I looked under the bed, inside the pillow case (don't know how it would have gotten there but I was desperate), looked everywhere. I finally gave up and used a different bookmark and went to sleep. The next morning I searched high and low again. No luck. THREE days later, I fetched my book and there was my cherished bookmark on top of the replacement bookmark. I cried tears of joy and wonder. Where was it for three days? A mystery for sure.
Here is another thing that some of you may also be experiencing. For many, many months now when I open my mouth wide and close it I hear and feel a click. Saturday, April 4, after participating in several global meditations, I was in bed ready for sleep when I felt hands on my neck and jaw bone. I felt the repositioning of my jaw. It hurt for a second then gone. I silently sent my gratitude as I opened my mouth wide and closed it ~~ no more clicking. The alignment was corrected. So grateful.
Another time, I have feet problems and I tried on a different pair of shoes which tweaked my knee and was painful to walk up the stairs. That night I was in bed just about asleep when I felt hands lift up my leg and push it toward my chest then gently brings it back and twists my ankle inward toward my other foot. Amazing. I was conscious of the movements but I was not the one doing the movements. It was awesome. This maneuver cleared the misalignment with my knee. Again, I thanked those that were invisible to my eyes but whose Love I felt abundantly.
The energy from the many global meditations on Saturday (April 4) were palpable. So much Love. The massive energy influx further awakened, activated and anchored our new paradigm into this time and space. As Lori Spagna said:
"April is the fire that burns off the old and provides for the resurrection of the new."
Glory Be! Keep your vibrations HIGH! We are here to eradicate fear and bring in our new galactic society based on UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS.
Selamat Ja!
(Sirian for "Be in Joy")