We are all experiencing ascension symptoms ~ some more than others. Lately, I've heard from people about their diets being changed. This is true for me too. I'm craving fruit. I don't want to eat in the morning. I only want my special morning drink which is packed with nutritious goodness. Follow your guidance even though it is difficult to change your food habits. You will feel better.
Another symptom many are experiencing is severe itching ~ usually concentrated on one area of your body. Remember your body is clearing old energies and readjusting to new frequency patterns.
Many are finding ourselves speaking in an "alien" or "ancient" language. I'll be cooking dinner and drop something on the floor ~ then I spontaneously start speaking some language. I don't know what I'm saying and neither does Sheldan. In fact, Sheldan gets a giggle watching me do this. One day I will be able to decipher what I'm saying. LOL
Telepathy is also on the rise. Some days it feels like my mouth can't keep up with my brain. I'll be speaking and then I can't remember where I was in the conversation because speaking is too slow. With telepathy one relays information in packets/bundles. I have always been able to read people's moods and decipher what the mood is about but lately I'm picking up on so much more. Sometimes I think I'm exaggerating or making it up. Then I get confirmation and I'm about 99% right. Sheldan doesn't question me anymore. He says I have always amazed him with this ability. I have to consciously tune it out sometimes because it becomes too much about other people and their feelings. I'm a Pisces so it is easy for me to merge with other people's emotional bodies and not always know my own. When I was younger this was more of a problem but now I understand when I'm doing this.
As we connect more and more with our I AM Presence, our ability to receive their advice is activated. You don't have to hear it in voices, many simply intuitively receive their communications. I also find that some days when I wake up in morning, I simply know things about what's happening in the world that I didn't know the day before. I feel that I have been in a "briefing" session during sleep time. Days later I find information on the news that substantiates my briefing. Fun!
Another recent symptom many are experiencing is sudden breakouts of acne or other skin conditions. You may also feel your face flushed or feeling heat or sudden hot flashes. These hot flashes are different than menopause hot flashes ~ I call these spiritual flashes. For me, this is happening a lot lately. Also, being clumsy or walking into walls will happen one day, gone the next only to return the following day. Shel and I laugh as we both go through periods where we can't walk straight.
Hope this helps in some small way to alleviate your concerns about these ascension symptoms. However, remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process at an accelerated rate. For treating ascension symptoms, more holistic healing methods and natural remedies are always encouraged.
Here's to your Ascension!
Selamat Ja!