New Stargates, Lion’s Gate and the August Shifts
Aug 2, 2019
Blessings Beloveds ~
August has always been a powerful month for Ascension upgrades. Some of my most expansive experiences have happened in the second half of August – and this year promises the same.
Many are unifying for the Lion’s Gate (8/8), an ancient Egyptian tradition, which can be a strong heart-opener. The new Sirian Gateway openings since June, and new grid/freedom code activations since July 4 make this a more refined and powerful activation of our hearts and DNA.
Over the next week, we collectively tune in and radiate the pure diamond-crystalline-golden frequencies of the Christed Rays to all of creation. We serve as conduits of that light in this Now, and our collective focus during the 8/8 meditations and gatherings is THE most powerful tool we have at this juncture. Our collective choice ALWAYS amplifies the activations to follow, like collective choice points. Our Unity Meditation will occur at 8:08AM PDT, however anytime on the 8/8 is fine to add your light and intention.
While the 2020 collective trajectory is unshakeable, we utilize the collective Lion’s Gate ceremonies to amplify what occurs in the second half of August.
New Stargates and the mid-August Shift
August 15 – 28 has been on the Gatekeeper radar as a strong alignment point for acceleration.
Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, you may have noticed the new gateways opening up – both within Gaia and through the cosmic stargates via Solaris and Sirius since the July 4 activation of the Lemurian/Inner Earth grids.
The activation on July 4 unified the grids and gates in their multidimensional expression.
It created a purer experience of our Ascension, and a brand new energy emerging from Gaia herself (hence the quakes). The standing gate activation is an ancient trigger point for polarity shifts (geomagnetic shifts). These new gate openings thread the light of star systems in service into ancient crystalline structures placed here for the Ascension. This allows Gaia to express her ascended self, thin the veils, release freedom codes (Unity consciousness/Christed codes) and ultimately in our DNA – so we may experience the Ascension in form.
This new energy is our 2020 Gate already in progress, doubling the Christed Timeline energies each month as we approach the December 26 eclipse. It is important to remember this is happening NOW, as the collective timeline shift was a *done deal* since June 4. Even with the attempt to turn the Crystalline Corridor activation into something else on July 4, we have shown the power of the freedom codes, our collective service, and the strength of our embodiment as a unified force of Love. Gratitude to all who continue to disperse those codes and energies through the global grids.
The merging of the Lemurian, New Earth Grids and Crystalline Grid created a zero point dynamic, in order to birth the New. This is the merging of past (Lemurian grids), present (New Earth grids) and future (Crystalline grids) to provide the NOW experience necessary for a pure experience of Ascension. It mirrors your own experience of merging past, present and future in zero point in order to create the pure embodiment of your Christed/crystalline self.
Your heart coherence turns on the crystalline DNA, which is your passkey to these new stargates. This is teaching us to remember our sovereign Creator State, and create from that state to resonate with the higher timelines.
Apply multidimensionality to all of this; you are the micro and the macro. As above, so below, as within, so without.
Photonic flows are powerful through these new gate openings.
You may notice stronger purging effects as the past timelines dissolve from your fields. Realities are either racing to rise up to the higher timeline, or falling away to the lower experience. It is what it is, do your best to choose heart-centered thought, word and service each moment. Many may find themselves unprepared for the acceleration; assist them with the inner work.
As always, the old stories of self must be released in order to experience the full breadth of this expansion. This becomes quite evident as the timelines divide; honor your sacred journey and let the light show you what needs to be shed, changed or loved up to speed. Emotional fields are getting upgraded to handle more LOVE.
Diamond-Photonic: Creating Divine Will
With your command, the Diamond-Photonic shining rays of the Christed heart can be amplified like never before. As we alight our crystalline hearts with this radiant gift from the Living Library of Gaia Sophia, our crystalline rainbow bridge DNA can become a conduit of this next level of light and Ascension. Visualize it, decree it, and feel it as often as possible.
Surrender to the altered states of consciousness which the organic photonic light is producing during this passage. Remember this is a very different state of BEingness. The 144 Crystalline DNA templates are activating in embodiers, which has global effects as they unlock the stargates within to align with strong cosmic currents of supportive and transformative light streams.
Balance and Surrender: Show HUmanity your New Self in progress
Just a reminder: we are walking in many worlds, not the dualistic two. Our Mastery is balance of all aspects of Self-as-Source across the parallel realities. Creativity, grounding in nature, meditation and service all assist the integration of this next level of light. Show the Way of the sacred heart, through your unique authentic expression.
Stronger as ONE
Join us on SUNday for the Global Unity Meditations to launch this next level of our Ascension at 5:11AM, 8:11AM, 11:11AM and 5:11PM Pacific Daylight Time. We will be calling in and forth the amplification of the Diamond-Photonic rays and codes for all willing hearts.
We unite again on Thursday, August 8 at 8:08AM PDT to honor the Lion’s Gate. Details and guided meditation downloads at
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,