miércoles, enero 09, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Your Activated Original Divine Blueprint - Jan 9, 2019

The superimposed aspects of your Divine Being, through the Earth program are held in your Original Blueprint, throughout all existences.

The Original Blueprints were created fully sealed in the awareness that their full activation would take place, through the Earth system, in form.

As Light Beings you incarnated and took this journey and knew you would unite in consciousness with your Original Coding of The Divine Blueprint.

Each Divine Blueprint designed with its own unique frequency, that is, what defines your uniqueness as you.

The overlapping of dimensional awareness, may create what appears as a gap in memory, to what your Original Blueprint is.

The overlapping, is the non activated DNA in your Original Blueprint, waking up to the activation of the fullness of your Original Divine Blueprint.

Your Blueprint, holding these dimensions, as activated and non Activated DNA ~ were designed to be fully ~ fool proof, in its inherent frequency ~ coding and instructions.

These signalling devices, awaken and close off; what may appear as time, dimensions and memory, yet IT STILL is the Original Blueprint, that you are functioning through.

So now, as all awaken to the truth of their Divine Presence as Light Beings here and everywhere, we witness a multitude of Light Codes, activating Original Blueprints. This catapults awareness into the higher dimensions.

As Divine Beings, flowing as Presence, we live existence as perfection, free of suffering, free of resistance and attachment, living in the moment, the Blueprints are anointed now.

This unmistakable Presence is present and revealing itself, through the original Light Bodies and Blueprints, as the awakened Ones ~ are revealed.

Step into the Presence, all those who have waited, as the moment is now.

The Original Design and Blueprint was and is perfect, in all of its multifaceted beauty of creation.

WE are inherent in the Blueprints themselves. Activated and Activating, Now. In love and forever Glory, eternally.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.