jueves, enero 03, 2019
Emmanuel Dagher -The Year of Joy - Jan 4, 2019
The Year of Joy
2019, which numerically represents a 3 Year, will be the year our Spirit lovingly nudges us to make our long-term joy and fulfillment a top priority in our lives once and for all.
If you’re reading this Forecast, you may already know you are an empath.
Most empaths naturally have a tendency to allow the needs of others to eclipse their own.
This year will help those of us who still tend to sacrifice our own joy in order to fulfill the needs and expectations of others.
It will support us in refining ourselves out of these old patterns of self-neglect, so we can open ourselves up to receiving complete joy and fulfillment.
This will be the year in which we discover what helps us create real joy.
As we decide to get clear on aligning with joy, often we’re guided to take inventory of all the things we’ve allowed to disrupt our joy.
The first part of this year will serve as an excellent time for this, so that we can heal and move past anything we’ve allowed to distract us from creating real joy.
The healing begins when we allow ourselves to acknowledge, honor, and feel all of our emotions.
Our emotions are like our children, who just desire to receive our attention and affection.
Rather than hiding, blaming, or brushing our emotions aside, we can allow ourselves to feel them in a way that is authentic to who we are.
When we do that, we remove the feelings of shame and the pressure we’ve placed on ourselves to not feel or experience them.
By removing that pressure, we give our emotions the chance to heal. This creates the space for authentic joy and peace to be fully realized.
Just as we have the ability to offer this healing for ourselves, we also have the opportunity to offer this to others, simply by letting go of the need to blame, judge, and have personal expectations about how we “think” they should be.
The state of our personal lives (if we are not experiencing joy very often) and the state of humanity right now is just an indicator that we are all asking to receive more Love and compassion.
We begin by first offering this Love and compassion to all aspects of ourselves—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
Then, for those who are unable to offer us compassion, we offer them compassion, so that they can learn how to give that to themselves and others. It creates a domino effect.
We are the only ones responsible for our own personal joy and well-being. Knowing this, we can become empowered, realizing that our authentic joy can only come from within ourselves.
This year will provide us with many opportunities to awaken lasting joy, in ways we may not have given ourselves before now!
All that’s asked of us, is to allow ourselves to feel all of our emotions, and to notice and pay attention to the opportunities that present themselves.
Since 2019 is the Year of Joy, there’s a great deal of extra lightness, ease, peace, creativity, laughter, beauty, community, clarity, and magic available to us now.
To receive and experience more of these qualities, it will serve us significantly to make ourselves and our well-being the top priority in our lives.
Waking Up from a Dream
Towards the beginning of 2019, it will feel to many of us that we have awakened from a dream.
It will feel as if we are being more ourselves than ever before.
2018 was a very challenging year, probably one of the hardest for many, even though it was also one of the most spiritually expansive years we’ve experienced in our lifetime.
So many people’s worlds were turned upside down and inside out. Yet it all happened to bring us back to being the purest, most authentic version of ourselves.
For those who have been doing the inner work, 2019 will feel like a welcome relief.
Of course, there will always be intense cycles that take place in each year.
Yet 2019 will bring a renewed sense of vitality and optimism that will help us feel we’re back, and feeling better than we’ve ever felt before.
The Spotlight is on You
The world we see around us is simply a reflection of how we are treating ourselves.
Those who decide to release the pattern of putting other people’s needs before their own will see the world around them mirror that decision.
When we nurture and love ourselves completely, the world around us will show up in the same exact way. Naturally as we do things for ourselves first, our lives then expand in ways that support us in that.
When others enter the presence of someone who makes themselves a top priority in their life, it can be felt instantly. There is nothing more attractive then someone who loves themselves, and we’re not speaking of a love that only comes from an egoic space.
When someone loves themselves and makes themselves their top priority, they no longer need anything outside themselves.
They are no longer desperate and attached to making people, places, experiences, and outcomes behave in a certain way.
Because of this, other people gravitate toward them, wanting to support, help, and be around someone who operates from this way of being.
As you continue to expand into deep and nourishing self-Love this year, you will notice that the spotlight will be shining on you. You will see doors opening for you, and new blessings showing up in your life.
Overall, this is going to be one of the most magical years we’ve ever experienced.
All that’s asked of us, is to make our own joy and well-being our top priority, and everything else will take care of itself.
May this new year of 2019 bring you the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest blessings you’ve ever experienced!
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal
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Emmanuel Dagher,
Reporte de Energías