Nov 28, 2018
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Our collective trajectory shift is settling in – or rather, settling up. Sensations of the higher timeline and its accompanying opportunities and synchronicities are palpable. After a some wild energetic fluctuations last week, we enter the anticipated high-vibe support passage for the acceleration of our embodiment.
Unfoldments from this shift will present; pay attention to the renewal sensations and higher timelines available to all. This is fertile soil; plant your positive, highest intentions well – and often.
Create the miraculous through Divine Neutrality. Get clear, intend, pray, meditate and watch what presents as the New trajectory anchors in. This is an initiation into the sacred passage of December – January. Be in your Mastery of the Heart; Set your highest intent, then open as a conduit of Divine Love and let Source show you the new Self. Intend and create.
The more we release and create the New, the faster and easier the old fades out of our realities. Run with the positive energy of this trajectory shift. Take note of what areas of your lifestream are presenting Divine opportunities to change, rise, express, and create.
Primary Christed Timelines provide support for your heart-aligned choices right here, right now. Encourage your fellow Lightworkers to release the waiting game and jump to these higher timelines of co-creation in the Now.
The consistent rise of the Light quotient on Gaia allows for collective trajectory shifts. Our collective unification is co-creating these shifts with external cosmic factors, activating these accelerations of the Ascension itself. It also accelerates disclosure, global system dismantling, and energetic and elemental shifts within and upon Gaia. This is reflected on a personal level (collapse of the old template of Self.)
Spiritual Disclosure: The Gatekeeper Journal
Gratitude for the encouragement to make this a regular installment. By sharing our experiences, giving and receiving them in Divine Neutrality, we encourage Unity consciousness. I select journal entries which feel like they have codes for others: Confirmation, understanding, or expansion.
Saturday October 27: Hosted a DNA Master Class. The reaction to reconnecting with Source via DNA was overwhelming, and the effect on my own DNA is palpable. A timeline-influencer, similar to the New Earth Now events earlier this year but much stronger. Revealed another level of my service work as a conduit for multidimensional activations. Tapping into how the Masters did what they did. Clearly DNA will be a focus next year. Experimenting with new skills. Gatekeeping is evolving to another level.
SUNday November 11: The 11-11-11 Gateway. Very pure frequencies. Global Unity Meditations are sublime. Feeling all of the Lightworker ceremonies and intentions as one triumph of Light. I feel both exhausted and exhaulted. Beings with an octahedron-shaped vibrant crystal on their forehead are present during Gatework. Sasquatch watches from a distance. Starting to anchor Winter Gate points since snow is on the way. I have a different experience of the grids since the crystalline grid merged last year. Ley line grids and older creations faded out of my reality, and gridwork on the lower realm Gaia is completely absent. As the guidance has stated so often, get on with creating the New.
News item about strange seismic waves and a mysterious rumble rippling around the world on the 11-11. Article HERE
Monday November 12: Visions are active, running one long scene after another. My pineal is changing again; most visions are in vivid crystalline-diamond light, and often pearlescent. Bright SUNspot-type discs have appeared in my open-eye vision for years, as if I have been staring at the SUN. Sometimes they grow as wide as my vision, like a golden-white SUN. Now when I come out of meditation, bright discs of blue, gold, silver or white light will hang in my field of vision for a while. They are present even when I blink, seen in the same spot with eyes open or closed. The light is within, not external.
This is the passage when the next year’s unfoldments begin to present. DNA ladders are predominant in vision, a strong Ascension symbol. Also seeing rivers of rainbow light with crystalline HUmans flowing to New Earth by the thousands.
Tuesday November 13: Lightships active on the Mountain tonight. Feeling the impending timeline shift. It’s freezing at night again; a bit sad that we lost our long Summer nights to the fires. Brilliant how these changes and events push us into appreciating and unifying in the Now.
Guided to fine-tune and amplify the diamond-octahedron energy field around myself, Shasta, Gaia, Solaris. Strong rainbow bridge flows on Shasta. Dreams of levitating in lotus pose over a field of crystalline grass. I have lucid dreams of levitating often, and sometimes wake up to the sensation of my sheets sliding off my body as I float.
Wednesday November 14: Gold-crystalline being in a gold robe, 7 feet tall, appears in my room while I AM writing in bed. Transparent, shimmering. Stays for a long while, just watching, no messages or impressions. Feels similar to the 4 foot gold sphere that appeared in my space back in November 2012.
Seeing light shining through cracks in the realms again, as if the reality is cracking open. Fields of starlight in deep blue, gold, ruby and emerald flowing in as well. Orbs have been very active all week.
SUNday November 18: Opening of the Trajectory Shift Gateway. Hiked up the closed road to Panther Meadows for ceremony. Nice to have the meadow to myself, especially since I rarely go there. I feel zero connection to the old stories of Panther, or the mountain legends for that matter. Resonating with Gaia’s message about the clean-slate consciousness of New Earth.
Vibrant rainbow-crystalline light shimmering during the Gate opening. Nighttime is busy, which is typical after a day on the mountain. Bright lights continue to wake me (like someone shining a very bright flashlight in your face) and pinpoints of light appear in my room all night; not a lot of sleep.
Interesting Spaceweather report from that day: On November 18th a rare wave hit the magnetic field. Solar wind hit Earth and produced a pure, almost-musical sine wave. A very stable magnetic oscillation commenced and persisted for several hours. The magnetic field was swinging back and forth, with the regularity of a metronome. This was a rare incident indeed. Article HERE.
Same day, from Spaceweather: A Sunspot from the next Solar cycle: Over the weekend, a small sunspot materialized in the sun’s northern hemisphere, then, hours later, vanished again. Such an occurrence is hardly unusual during solar minimum when sunspots are naturally small and short-lived. However, this ephemeral spot was noteworthy because its magnetic field was reversed–marking it as a member of the next solar cycle. Article HERE
Tuesday November 20: Hiked up the closed road to Ski Bowl (8,000 ft), last day before Winter snows begin. Cloudship appears at SUNrise and lingers by the mountain all day long. Time-stop sensations intensifying. Magnetosphere is fluctuating and emotional clearing is widespread. Deep clearings noted – physical, emotional and subconscious – in the Tribe. Many surrendering old timelines and attachments to those stories. Veils are thin, many faces popping in while meditating or before sleep. Multidimensional Self is busy with the collective this day, releasing old creations and prepping for the timeline shift.
Wednesday November 21: Feeling the timeline shift strongly. Staying peaceful, aligned and in the heart zone, holding the gates open for the higher trajectory. Weeping tears of gratitude often. 12:12 has presented every day this month. Noting the much larger amount of Souls involved in this collective shift, as compared to the shift in May. Quantum resonance is working.
Thursday November 22: Thanksgiving in the USA & Full Moon. Focus point for timeline shift. Gate crystals go outside to recode with the cosmic influx. Solar Beings, the collective consciousness of the SUNs which have given us the Solar activity since 2013, keep connecting with me. Their presence in my field feels comforting, familiar. Guided to tap into the Steering Committee level (the team responsible for guiding the Solar system into the photonic hot spots) and assist with the gentle adjustments. Hard to describe that activity; it just happens. Feeling immensely blessed to spend the holiday evening with fellow Lightworkers.
Saturday November 24: After being tired and wired all day Friday, I sleep for twelve hours. Wake up at 1 PM after a constant stream of lucid dream experiences which felt wonderful. Timeline collapse dream themes: both closure on the old and precognitive scenarios; watching future moments play out and fade. Busy upstairs (Higher Selves), with much support for the collective choice of acceleration. Open the drapes and see huge cloudships around the mountain, which linger all day and night.
SUNday November 25: Global Unity Meditations intensely beautiful. Overwhelming flow of higher light. This is true Unity Consciousness emerging; the unconditional love overriding and overwriting everything else. Quantum lifting and glow-ray-us sensation of collective accomplishment.
Tuesday November 27: Awoke this morning surrounded by the familiar magenta fields of light. This began in 2011; the swirling rose-magenta light that appears with my eyes open or closed. I wrote about it a few years ago in Vision Sketches. The center can spin like a Gate, slow and rhythmic. It is comforting to me; it comes with a strong Mastery presence and feels like home. Dreamy, fading out of density sensations all day. Feeling transparent, more out of body than in. Lower reality running like a memory. Sensing the embodiment focus for December-January will be strong.
Changes Abound: Some subtle, some vibrant.
Collective trajectory shifts will be more frequent, more consistent, in 2019. Let this be your training ground as the High-Vibe Tribe begins to embody more positive photonic light within the DNA.
Review what you felt last week, and how you feel Now. Learn these sensations, know how your consciousness recognizes time-stops and time-shifts, so you can work with them like a Master.
Embodiment requires a sacred space within the heart. The higher light level stimulates creativity; that is where we are going. Be sure to pause for self-care and balance often.
We hold the New Earth experience in this Now. Intend, expect, express and create the miraculous levels of Love which each Soul deserves. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,