It is the year of 2018 and we are coming upon the opening of the Doorway of 11:11 (as 11:11:11) on November 11, 2018. This year marks a very special moment in time as numerologically the year “2018” adds up to 11 so it truly brings forth the Divine dispensation of Mastery in a new and different way that is much more powerful for individuals than was the date of November 11, 2011, as this month it is a direct pure translation of the frequency.
I was very privileged and honored to enjoy these energies since 1992 through the messages of Solara and continuing into our present timeline. As we stand in the year of Mastery, we have seen duality occur in many different ways, but we are also seen progress little-by-little to become part of our reality.
As we step into this powerful awakening of light, it is important to reflect upon the pathway that we have walked upon that got us to this moment in time.
Mastery can be defined in many ways; those of us that are walking the Ascension Mastery Pathway know that there can be many moments of upheaval with great rewards to be experienced in various ways.
It is during the moments of great acceleration that helps each of us to grow and be better; to realize the road we have been traveling is not for naught, that we have the ability to allow the higher forces of light to assist us to feel the Divine Presence of Oneness.
This is what this 11:11 Doorway represents for each of us and humanity in 2018.
It is a time to connect to the Divine Consciousness, to bring forth the energetics of the Higher Realms of Light to become One within each of us. The power of these energies cannot be measured by the physical mind, only by the Spiritual Self of the Higher Mind and Heart.
It is a time to rejoice with Helios and Vesta of the Solar Light Energies, Melchoir of the Galactic dimensions, Lord Melchizedek of the Universal and Multi-Universal Levels, and the Office of the Christ, Lord Buddha, and Divine Mother/Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Cosmic Forces. We specially connect with the Councils of Light, the forces of the Angelic Realms bringing forth the 144th Dimensional Vibrations of the Source of Oneness into Gaia’s Crystalline Heart.
This time can be very transforming as the light energies become so strongly intertwined within the earth’s atmospheric pull. Each of us that are able to hold this light will assist the planet tremendously assisted by all others that are not yet able to do so within their consciousness.
Of course, it is not without its challenges, so the time is now to rid yourself of your old elements and habits; utilize the light energies to assist you to go deeper into yourself. We have a great gift at this time as the New Moon in Scorpio arrived on November 7th, 2018.
This moon helps us to get deeper into the core of our emotions, to clear away the debris and find the pathway to make the necessary changes that we may have been struggling with previously. It is a time of great passion while learning to be resourceful. Change is bound to occur during this cycle. It is a powerful time to see what is missing in our lives and allow the light energies to assist us to become more self-aware in our mastery pathway of light.
The Elohim Council of Light ~ The True Doorway of 11:11
Greetings My Fellow Light Angels,
We are so honored to be sharing our essence with each of you. We are the Elohim Council of Light representing the Cosmic Light Forces within the Seven Rays of God.
This 11:11 is more grounding than it has ever been previously. There are opportunities to allow the light energies to adjust your internal systems through your Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental bodies to allow them to adjust into the angelic presence that is deeply hidden within your Etheric Self.
We like to call this cycle an awakening of the angels on the earth. There are aspects that can occur for you if you allow them to become an integral part of your reality. It is important to allow the energies of this cycle to become YOU and not allow them to just go through your four-body system and then dissipate.
It is also important to realize within yourself what is your walk upon this life presently. Allow yourself to ponder before November 11th exactly what you desire to achieve and what doorway are you walking through? It is always crucial to understand physically what you desire to achieve spiritually so the two bodies can become ONE within you.
CHANGE IS OCCURRING, but you must allow yourself to FEEL it within and not so much THINKING ABOUT IT.
The Feminine Divine is very transparent and is bringing forth that essence through the exchange of energies. Become the Angel that you were – feel the flowing essence coming into you and around you. Dance with it in your heart and allow it to heal the elements that you think are too hard for you to accept or understand.
There is no reasoning through this light exchange. It is a moment in time to allow your physical essence to feel your spiritual essence and allow them to become ONE PURIFICATION OF LIGHT.
As your transformation occurs, then it is going to help you in all aspects of your existence upon this earth. Call upon your Higher Essence to help you. Walk the earth with the strength, courage, and Divine Love that you are becoming.
We are about to work together more fully than ever before. Allow your essence to feel ours walking the lands of Gaia to bring more fruition of light into this planet of transformation.
We are the Elohim of Light walking with you.
Blessings and Love in the Creative Source of Oneness!
Walking Terra Christa is holding a special ceremony on Saturday, November 10th at 10 AM Pacific with the Elohim Masters and Angelic Realm energies. This is a free online global gathering. For those who are unable to make a donation of support, do not allow that to stop you from accepting these higher energies of light.
We urge everyone to join us to ground this energy. Please click the link for access to the conference (via phone or online):
The ANGELIC LIGHT OF MASTERY – The True Doorway of 11:11.
(We do request donations by anyone who can do so to support these energies for Gaia and Humanity, use the form below or our website). The audio recording will be available within 24 hours to listen and download.
Other important resources:
ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.
Sharing our blog articles on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please connect with us and repost our content: ♥ FACEBOOK ♥ TWITTER ♥ YOUTUBE ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥
Just as important to demonstrate your appreciation and support of this high energy work for the Christed Ascension of Earth brought to you by Walking Terra Christa, please consider making or setting up a regular donation today. Your support is very much needed!
Original Material © Copyright 2003-2018 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled "Meleriessee". PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!