martes, septiembre 18, 2018
Steve Rother - The Group - The Sexual Healing of Mankind - September 2018
Greetings, dear ones.
I am eM, and I join you this day with a very special intent. As you may know, I am a balanced entity. I do not have to separate into masculine or feminine. On this side of the veil no one does, but as I present myself in your world I do so as a balanced masculine and feminine entity. I bring that up today because we wish to speak about sexuality on your planet. What is sexuality? It begins as the pulling apart of the two facets of yourself. You may know a part of the group, as the Keeper calls it, is a beautiful, magical lady by the name of Merlia. She is the feminine aspect of Merlin who entered this dimension as a man, and as such he had to separate himself to play the game. Yes, we’re always talking about separation. Humans come in pretending to be separate and you are. You’re all pretending to be separate from each other, but you also must separate your different sides within yourself.
Now you’ve stepped into the fifth dimension and things are different. As we mentioned last time we came together, you have moved into spiral time. Spiral time and spiral thought are something that humans are simply not used to, yet. Dear ones, you are now starting to see it. That’s part of the reason that all these sexual misdeeds are being uncovered. Isn’t it interesting that just recently you found a new layer of sexual misconduct by people who, quite honestly,really should know better? Yet, what is that all about? It often shows up in those who pull themselves apart, trying very hard to play the game of pretending with only one part of themselves. Vows of celibacy are a perfect example of this. Of course, the challenge about sexual abuse in all forms is that it is passed down generations.
Generational Healing
Let us give an example of a man who abuses his young son. Well, that young man will generally grow up and abuse his own children is a similar way. But what if the son decides to change? He may very well grow up and say, “I will not abuse my children!” And if he does the work, he accomplishes incredible healing within himself. Yet it does not stop there, for that healing goes forward and backwards in the timeline. He not only heals his children who don’t have to experience abuse, but he also heals his father, grandfather, grandmother, great grandmother and all those who have passed this energy down. This destructive energy can be passed down in many ways; it can be acted out physically through physical harm, sexual acts,or even emotional abuse.
On the other hand, let’s say that this young man who was abused grows up and does not do the work. Instead he does something that we call “white knuckling,” holding back but still experiencing the anger even though he is not acting it out. If he has children that energy will still pass on to them in a similar way as if he had abused them. They in turn will pass it on to their children. And so, it goes from generation, to generation, to generation until somebody finally steps in and breaks the chain.
New Vision in Spiral Time-Space
Part of the problem is that humans have been experiencing everything in linear time. So, when something happens, it slips into the past and they say, “Oh, that’s the old me,” or “That happened a long time ago. I’ve forgotten about that!” But it doesn’t go away, dear ones, for its imprinted in the annals of time. That was the third dimensional way of dealing with these difficult imprints. As a result, the imprints were passed down generationally to be dealt with. Humans have now passed into the fifth dimension and you have spiral time instead of linear time. In spiral time-space the energies come back around, allowing you to see forward and backwards on the timeline with much more clarity. When it was just a circle in fourth dimensional time, you would tend to repeat things because you had very little forward or backward vision. In spiral time-space you can see as if it just happened, and that’s the reason that you have no more secrets. All these things that were hidden not so long ago are starting to be uncovered. That happened with what you call the “me too” movement. It is about being able to see in circular time, having a new vision, then calling into action what is right and what is wrong. We tell you, dear ones, there is more healing occurring on this planet right now than ever before particularly around sexual abuse issues.
Sexual Energy Will Not Be Denied
Sexuality is a significant part of your spirit and your experience on Earth. If denied, it will overreact and express in ways that are inappropriate. In your news media, you are seeing evidence of this in abundance. Many religions teach that sex is the base energy, the animalistic or physical part of you which is not spirit. We’re here to tell you that is the reverse of how we see it. Sexuality is actually your spiritual energy coming through the body. When you separate those two and play the role of being a good little boy or girl, the sexual energy pulls back and creates repercussions. What if healthy sexual energy was recognized and even taught in your religions? It is the denial of sexual energy which is erupting in some of your religions right now. The vows of abstinence go completely against the spiritual teachings that they are trying to convey. Guilt is taught as a proper response to sex, and because of this the spirit is restricted within a belief system. Sexual energy is too strong to be restricted in this manner and will erupt in other ways if it is denied.
It is difficult to move forward when your mistakes are hidden or covered over. That is what has happened as humans have looked the other way and said, “Oh, that was in the past.” Or “Oh, he’s better now. He’s okay. Let’s move him to a different place where he won’t experience those problems.” That was the way it has been done before. Yet today, in spiral time, it is finally coming into focus. You’re looking back into the spiral of time spotting all the inconsistencies and challenges, and you’re bringing them forward for healing. That is incredible, and we applaud you all for this.
Judgment Has No Place in the Fifth Dimension
We also tell you that it’s important to understand how this belief has been passed down. And what of the perpetrators of sexual abuse? Just because someone was responsible for acting this out does not mean that they are a bad person. That is an important part, for these are people just like you. Many had to deal with generational abuse and have been playing that out in their own lives. Re-member, dear ones, there are no good or bad people. Yes, there are people who are sick; there are people that have caused great harm to others, and they will have a price to pay for that. Yet, to sweep this problem under the rug by saying that these perpetrators are somehow less than you does nothing to solve the overall problem. In a fifth dimensional reality with spiral time-thought, this will no longer work to hide the problem. It is for each of you to place yourself in that person’s life for a moment to try to understand how this could happen. Only then can the collective of humanity heal.
Your jails are filled with people who have been abused, yet you have very few ways of working with it. You don’t have special classes for them or healing modalities to help. This problem is much more prevalent than most people think. We will tell you right now that 27% of all people walking on your planet have had a sexual abuse issue of some sort that they carry. That is a huge percentage, and yet the problem has mostly remained hidden. Modern societies have hidden it from view and made it improper to discuss openly. However, that approach will no longer suffice in the fifth dimension and spiral time-thought. We applaud those of you who work in these areas and carry an open mindset for daring to step forward.
Even if you have been taught to be repulsed by it, the reality is that you all have sexual energy, desires and needs. As you age it takes a slightly different form in some, yet it still remains. Can you imagine what it would be like to be raised in a society where one could exercise that sexual energy safely and comfortably, unleashing the spirit without guilt? That’s the creative energy within you. That’s what I, as a balanced entity, can bring out without having to separate myself into masculine or feminine. I can lean over here and play into the masculine. I can go over there being soft and gentle in the feminine, for I have no restrictions of that. As you move further into the fifth dimension, this can happen to everyone. That is why you’re doing so much clearing right now. Now that you’re moved into spiral time-thought, you’re starting to be able to think in a different way.
It’s a New World
We tell you, dear ones, that this is a wonderful time to be on Earth. You have reserved your seat to be here for exactly this moment. We celebrated tremendously when you stepped into the fifth dimension. We told you all about it exclaiming, “It’s so exciting!” Yet at that moment many were convinced that all of your problems on Earth would soon end. We do not measure success by the ending of resistance. In truth, many new problems have surfaced as people wake up everyday attempting to put on their old third dimensional realities and try to make them work in the fifth dimension. Many of the systemic problems that were before hidden are now being uncovered and brought up to examine closely. That’s wonderful, celebrate it! Don’t judge it, rejoice in the healing that can now start taking place in so many areas. Celebrate that collectively, as human beings,you are starting to decide how your world is going to be. That’s exciting!Celebrate your sexuality because hiding it or covering it up, trying to be prim and proper, can kill your spirit within.
Some time ago, the Keeper asked the question, “Is there sex on the other side of the veil?” We laughed hysterically because of the question and we said, “No, not really.” We do not need that type of an interaction because we’re all connected already. We are all an integral part of each other. But the energy that you experience during moments of sexual pleasure is the same energy that we live in all the time. So, when you understand a little bit more about that, you’ll start to understand more of your sexual energy and the natural curiosities about it. Furthermore, you’ve stepped into a fifth dimensional reality. You’re starting to re-unite the multidimensional aspects of yourselves. That will be interesting to see, because in one aspect you may have a person who’s well-balanced in their sexual energy. Yet in another aspect, you may be an abuser yourself having been abused.
By Contract
As you play the game of pretending to be human, you jump into one of these bodies in a timeline, a generational line or even in a genetic line. You jump in by contract. Some of you chose to have an experience where you intentionally place yourself in a position to be abused as a child. Now that the walls are starting to dissolve between dimensions, you can draw on that strength from the other parts of yourself in other dimensions. You see, dear ones, you are perfect beings. But here on Earth perfection cannot exist, so it’s necessary for you to divide your perfection up into these 11 dimensions. And as the walls that divide those dimensions are starting to thin, multidimensional healing within yourself is now possible because you have all the parts to the puzzle. Your spirit is perfect, pretending to be imperfect. If you start bringing those parts back together you will heal yourself and the world.
So, what does that feel like? How do you do it? Should you sit with your arms crossed in a certain way or is there a mantra to hold in your mind? No, dear ones, there is none of that. There is no set procedure, but you’re going to feel it constantly. Every once in a while, you’ll have an idea come into your head from another dimension of time and space. Sometimes you may feel an excitement in your heart or possibly the lack of love, which is fear, for no obvious reason because you don’t know why you’re afraid. Suddenly, it’s simply a wave coming from another one of your dimensions. Open to that possibility, open that connection, and you start to reintegrate yourself in a new way allowing sexual energy to shine brightly. No one’s afraid of it. You don’t have to hide it, because it’s exciting and something wonderful to be shared. Yes, that is where you’re going.
Does it mean that you will have to blend your sexism, or become a neutral sex in your next incarnation? No, dear ones, that’s not the idea. You are moving into bioluminescence very quickly, much faster than you may imagine. Because of that, you’re not going to need the divisions in the same way that you do now. Yes, you’ll still experience sex but not in quite the same way. The move into Bioluminescence means that you will no longer need the physical expression of sex. Just wait, dear ones, until you experience your first multidimensional orgasm.
Humans have separated so much. Not only in your spiritual experience, but also in your societal experience and the way societies are built. Society has expectations of how a young boy or a young girl should be, and you’re imprinted with these ideas. In the fifth dimension, many of those ideas don’t fit anymore. We ask that you dare to look at this openly and honestly. Dare to be who you truly are and let the spirit shine through openly.
Imagine that there’s a teenage girl who has strong sexual energy and she becomes aware that people look at her in a certain way. Not knowing what it is or what to do, she tries to hide and learns to negate something beautiful. Although she intended for the opposite to happen, she becomes more attractive to those who look upon her. Open to it, dear ones. Humanity has nothing to lose as it steps further into the fifth dimension. Evolving humans will soon find out a lot more about sexual energy, as well as how it can be safely and effectively utilized. Then you’ll be able to use it more on command, rather than having it command you, and that’s a big piece.
When you start working with your new societies, which you will soon begin building, keep that in mind. Don’t place expectations on people so that they must abstain from sex in any way, because that creates a negative vortex which draws in all sorts of energies. We hope that you can see that on your planet right now, for it’s happening in an incredible way. It is almost unbelievable the numbers involved with this, and we tell you, you’ve only uncovered less than a third of it so far in that one area. Spiral time means no more secrets, and you’re still acclimating to it. As you’re jumping into it and getting used to it, there’s more coming.
No More Secrets
There’s no more hiding. That’s the idea, especially about things that you might be afraid of. There will come a time when you go Home, dear ones, that if you had an abuser in your experience you will thank them for that because it allowed you to grow in a way that you could not have otherwise.
That’s a beautiful step, dear ones, and you’re moving at an incredible pace with this evolution. The rise of the feminine energy is very powerful on planet earth right now, and it is reaching a balance although it’s going to take some time. It’s a rather quiet energy, which is perfect, but it’s very strong. Support it, stand in it, and dare to let your own sexuality be proud. That’s who you are as a spirit, not a human. So,it is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in this way, giving you some reminders about Home, helping you to step into this new reality. Yes, you have adjustments to make. Yes, you have new thoughts and new ideas that you must grasp to integrate into your reality. But you’ve done an incredible job so far and we have the greatest hope for all of humanity. You see, we have the best people on the job. As these next steps begin, think of the integration that you can use and how you can bring it all back together into one perfect being. Treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together.
I am eM.
Greetings, dear ones.
I am Merlia and I have come to help you understand your reflection in the universe around you. There is a change taking place throughout all of humanity and we are so excited to watch this take place: advancement of every human being. You now have the opportunity to step up to the next level and live a higher existence. You’re starting to ground much more of the fifth dimension, which few thought possible in such a short time. You’ve only been here for a few years, but it’s starting to become part of your lifestyle and that is so exciting for us to watch. You’re right on schedule. As we told you there is a rise of the feminine, but at the same time there must be a balancing of the masculine. Yes, that’s happening as well and in a very quiet way for the most part. It’s also changing the societal views of everything that is taking place, which is just amazing for us to watch. You’re starting to step into a whole new reality very quickly now. eM brought you the information about sexuality and all the beautiful parts of it. Please understand that this is a base of power for all of you. No matter where you are, no matter what your history is. That is the energy and the essence from Home that you have brought through, which you can shine through your physical body at any moment that you wish. Many of you are getting good at that, gaining a confidence with it. That’s interesting because most of you have felt vulnerable at times with your sexual energy, so you wanted to cover yourself up to keep the energy from seeing expression.
Welcome Time Travelers
“Don’t look into their eyes!” But what truly happens when you look into their eyes? It is amazing what takes place, for the spirits start to begin a dance. Can it be misconstrued? Of course it can, but in time that will change and that’s what you’re working on right now. You’re in the midst of a huge change on planet Earth that you planned before you arrived. Now, many of you have been here longer than you think. Many reading or listening to this right now have traveled backwards in time to be here at this exact moment, this exact junction of time and space. You hold critical pieces for your next level of advancement, your next level of existence, and you wanted to be here for it. Well, you’ve made it and now the energy is up to you. It will be your job to take that and ground it somehow, to find a way to make it work for each one of you. We tell you, dear ones, that one thing you will discover in spiral time-thought is that vulnerability is at the base of your power.
Do not think that you always have to overcome it or master it in some way. In truth, if you feel vulnerable about something, you have an opportunity to convert that vulnerability into your power. That’s one of the beautiful parts of the rising feminine energy, and soon you will gain confidence in what used to feel vulnerable to you.
You’ve made it into the fifth dimension and that took a lot of work. Now you’re grounding the energy slowly, because the entire collective is having a hard time finding that base. But you’re moving forward and we’re very excited about that. Know that you returned with some very important pieces. Some of you came back with as little as five words that you would utter, at just the perfect time to make a difference, while other brought new ideas, concepts, or ways of thinking. Perhaps you arrived with ways of uncovering and standing in your truth, bringing through your own sexual energy through this dense physical body.
We’re here to help, not to show you which way to go or open doors for you. Dear ones, you don’t need that anymore. We’re here to re-mind you who you truly are. We are here to help you re-member that which you brought, whether it came from years in the future or from Home. We’re calling upon each one of you to find and hold your power. You may even feel it within your own vulnerabilities, so claim your truth and your power in a whole new way. It is time.
Watch as the feminine continues to rise on your planet and the balances take place. Well done, dear ones. So it is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another. Play well together.
I am Merlia. I hold my sexual energy proud and strong. Come up and see me sometime.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Grupo,
Steve Rother