viernes, febrero 16, 2018

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, February 16, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, February 16, 2018

What if grace was before you?

Would you be interested in receiving it?

Would you find that it is worth sticking around

for the instructions?

What we are sharing is that grace is available now.

For those that are willing to receive.

For those that are willing to go beyond their normal

understanding of life.

It will take some commitment and relearning

of what each moment is for.

It will take an understanding 

that a moment that seems hell-bent on your destruction

can easily become the portal to your new unfoldment.

Each moment serves with an opportunity to

go beyond what you believe is available

as you open up to receive the new answers.

Be ready to receive this new understanding.

Be ready to receive grace.

And so it is.