We continuously bring forth higher and higher frequencies; non-stop. We may feel them more strongly during eclipses and Moon cycles and yet, they continuously flow into us to help us rise in consciousness, which affects every area of our life. It is not for us to go to the higher places of high dimensional Light Codes; it is for us to have them descend into us; into all our cells, bodies, electrical system and DNA so we may truly rise to be who we truly are. There are no timelines; only beliefs and patterns that must transform so that we may integrate this Light.
There are many illusions we have believed in and these are deeply rooted within us. One is that we believe we get old and die, as well as creating a terrible disease with death following. Remember, all is our choice...whether that choice is conscious or unconscious. We need not get sick and we don't have to “die.” There is no death. We choose to be on Earth at this time. We choose when we leave our physical forms or we choose to stay in body, as well as choosing to step away from continual reincarnation. Many may disagree, so entrenched are we in these worldwide beliefs. Many will choose to decide that this is false information and I can see where this belief is strong within myself. It is not for me to tell you what to feel or think, so just be still and feel through all that I share, as you take what resonates and discard what does not. In time, you may resonate with what I am guided to share or not. That is not for me to say.
Another old belief is that we must work in order to “earn a living;” foregoing the Trust that is required that Source truly is our supply. This takes unwavering Faith that as we put all of our attention on Source, all else is added. Many have a belief in labels as well. Labeling yourself as anything creates a belief in separation. You may be empathic, yet you are not an empath. You may teach or heal, yet you are not a teacher or healer. You may mother others, yet you are not a mother, for you have chosen to hold a space for another to evolve, if that is your choice. In other lifetimes, you may have been a Cathar, a priestess, a priest, a nun and so forth...that was then when we did not have this New Awareness. Knowledge of past lives are not for us to necessarily continue that path, but to integrate the gifts and not the title.
Just today I was told that a few “truths” I had been told and bought into are untruths. I was shocked and yet I realized just how many lies we buy into and create beliefs from. First comes shock and then anger and then relief as a particular lie is revealed and more Freedom ensues. We get so attached to lies we buy into, when it is the attachment to the lie that creates the belief. I wonder if all of the history we have been told is all lies. Each of us comes to our own Awareness in Divine Time. One need not go searching for what untruths they have adopted; when it is time, all is revealed. Having this Awareness not only frees us; it helps us evolve to be more; to be who we are...Divine Sovereign Beings of Love.
Truly, the only way to Truth is to go within and by continuing to do the inner work, as you are called to do. Nothing happens without you taking full Responsibility. Your guides don't take care of things; they support your decisions in a detached and unconditional way. Folks in human bodies cannot help you; they can point the way, yet it is ultimately your Responsibility to do the work. You can intend for what you want in life and then take a step in that direction. Each time you take a step, you energize your intention. As we integrate the higher energies, we must also clear oursleves of all doubt, fear, unworthiness, separation, etc. Be clear on what it is you want and then take a step in that direction; as you do, much is wholed. All you desire is truly within you; make sure that what you want is based on essence and not on form. For instance, rather than asking for more money, see that Abundance is already within you. In this way, you begin to manifest what is within. If you find there is an energy of lack within, release it to empower your Abundance. Rather than wanting something in your life to be fixed, focus on Wholeness within. This allows your Soul to work with whatever vibration you carry and what is manifest is a much higher form than you can imagine and it has within it the essence you intend. You can ask, “How would I feel if I had more money?” “How would I feel if this particular issue was healed in my life?” When you have your answer, focus on that feeling, for the feeling is essence. Essence is feeling and it is Soul-based and of the Heart.
If you find fault in another, know that that very thing exists within you. With this Awareness, you can release and transform this old energy. You see, you cannot see something in another that isn't within yourself, including all the wonderful things you see in another. It is important to love oneself as you love others...unconditionally and in full Acceptance. Even if another's actions are heinous to you, love that one, for that being may very well be in service to Love and the unspeakable act is a way to help clear others of judgment, anger and anything that comes up in them that is not Love. To love another so completely takes a person who is nothing but Love, with all hatred transformed. To love another unconditionally means to fully love without exception. You are still in duality if you love this one, but not that one. Realize that your Love does not necessarily change another, for that is for them to do; yet it does expand you.
So much is shifting that it is essential to rest. When it feels like you simply cannot do a thing, that is your Soul telling you to rest; tomorrow (or whenever) is another day. Follow your Guidance always without judgment or guilt. When you follow your own Guidance and rhythm, you integrate more Love and this Love moves out from you even when you think you are doing nothing This is a huge shift for many, so attached to doing that being seems to be wasted time. It is not! Being is actually more powerful than doing, as much of your doing has to do with old rules and beliefs. Being is Heart-centered and experienced in the Moment. Much of this transition calls for quiet, so do not be concerned if you feel you are not doing enough and know that you are more; much more; than enough. You see, if you sense you are not doing enough, it is a message to you that you have a belief that you are not enough. Let go and Be.
We are moving very fast; not in doing, but in ascending. Let go of focusing on proof that this is so by outer appearances. Rather, feel within you and trust that so much is evolving deep within you Things may look different outside of yourself as well; it all depends on what is for your highest evolution. Certainly, you very well may experience Light in different forms and others may react or respond to you in a different way. However it occurs is just for you. Do not compare yourself to another's experience; trust in your own.
High energy awakens more of you and you may have visions of the future as well as Aha! Breakthroughs. Act if you're guided to or simply observe without a need to do anything about what you experience. Spend time pondering or journaling about your experiences. Do not be discouraged if you share with someone and they look at you with a blind stare. Much of what you experience simply cannot be shared with another. Much of what we experience is for ourselves alone.
Be very gentle with yourself. Do not push or have expectations about yourself. When you are gentle and accepting of self, you anchor more Love as you. We are all adjusting to this new space we're in. As we continue to rise in consciousness and Awareness, our perceptions and perspectives shift; nothing remains the same. You may receive an Awareness of why a particular event happened or not. Whatever you experience is specifically for your own evolution. You may be drawn to explore past actions in this life or in others, you may see the dynamic behind someone's behavior, you may have sudden moments of absolute Clarity...all is in Divine Order and there is no stopping place. We contually evolve to be more without seeking, yet we are being gently pushed to be more.
In the old, you may have needed confirmation, validation and support from those around you. Sometimes it came; sometimes it didn't. In the New, you validate yourself. You don't look for approval from someone else. As this becomes stronger in you, much of the old is transformed...the need for approval from others, having to prove yourself, people-pleasing in order to be accepted and loved, disappointment when someone did not treat you the way you think they should have (expectations) and many “outer and old matrix” patterns. Be gentle and supportive of you; pushing through, making something happen and being critical is all of the old. Be gentle, kind and loving to you. This is the way of the New.
Be grateful for all in your life without striving for what you believe you do not have. Acknowledge yourself for the many gifts you have and share. Intend that all your actions are spiritually guided and for the benefit of all. You are so very loved and loveable.
Something I wrote in 2005 (it just fell by my feet):
Passion: when one has Passion they are unwavering in their Devotion; their Faith.
When one is continally striving, they move themselves out of the Acceptance of the Moment. By moving into the future, it's as if one is saying they don't trust the Divine Plan.
Faithing: the action of being in Faith continuously...in all they think, feel and do.
To have radical Faith, one must know that there is a Divine Plan. It is also a call to release judgment and let it be O.K. to not have solution; there is a field beyond right and wrong. Move beyond.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!