StarGate activity does many things. It aligns the physical FASTER, bringing all in harmonic alignment instantly, so that all can materialize easier through balancing harmonics and creating the appearance of "collapse". While in the physical, this will seem to be what is occurring, in essence the structures of the old have restructured and the SPACE IN BETWEEN where that physical matter could hold form is no longer....
Right now, again, we have CONTINUED STARGATE ACTIVITY (RUMBLINGS AS I CALL THEM) as all "prepares" and "aligns" with each's SOUL SIGNATURE/CODES, as realities re-shape/re-form continually.... the OLD DELAYS between these "periods" are dissolving even more.
One key when all speeds up is to SLOW DOWN, BREATHE AND FOCUS YOUR ENERGY and come back to ZERO POINT. Don't think, get caught up in the details of the old.... you can process easier from this space. Deal, move through it and open your heart-mind more..... This SPEEDING UP is a CONVERGENCE of multiple dimensional timelines all trying to "fit" into the same space and as you move through them as your highest aspect of you, all will slow down "out there" and align quickly in response/for you......
It takes awhile to MASTER THE LANDINGS of STARGATE JUMPS, that often occur while we sleep. Collapsing/clearing timelines, when awakening, things "seem" to be getting faster... YOU DICTATE TIME..... with your PRESENCE, awareness and the speed at which you move INSIDE of you.... the outside (linear time) is a response as well. If your higher mind is not engaged (able to maneuver multiple realities simultaneously, which is Quantum), then you must slow down and deal one thing at a time.... breathe... and let go of distractions, reconnect and MOVE through SPACE.... It's a part of our natural abilities to be in many simultaneous realities all at the same time.
Happy Quantum Timeline Jumping! At first, appearing as abrupt landings into physical realities, as we integrate/hold photonic light within us, the more traveling we do on a regular basis, in our fully conscious waking state and conscious inneractive real sleep state too. The landings get easier and then the "gaps" are no longer noticeable, as each MASTERS EVERY REALITY fully from within. ♥ ♥