Higher Spiritual Significance of the Full Moon of October 2017 bringing forth the alliance of embracing the Feminine Essence to walk with the Masculine Self.
Full Moon of Aries with the Sun of Libra Festival of Lights occurred on October 5, 2017 at 11:41 AM Pacific, 2:41 PM Eastern, and 18:41 GMT, but the high impact of the energies continues for 3 days afterward.
This is a very intricate alignment as Aries represents Assertiveness, Leadership, Courage, and Independence whereas Libra brings forth Balance and Compromise while being very Compassionate. Aries works independently while Libra aligns with the Greater Whole.
If we look at this cycle in spiritual terms, the moon represents the Emotional Self while the sun reflects the Mental Self.
In a very dysfunctional world these two bodily systems can have a tendency to work against each other and not as one unit of the self. Through the Pathway of Mastery, as an Initiate, we learn to understand each side of the emotional issues within the realm of thought so that they will be able to work in unison instead of on separate sides. What happens is that the lower aspects can get in the way of bringing forth the marriage of the Divine Self.
If the Emotional Body is in a state of turmoil through this moon cycle, a person can have a tendency to be aggressive, combative, or desiring to be in control while exerting their independence. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Mental Body can exert an imbalanced state of thought processes by being fickle, biased in certain situations, and desiring to look at the outer form of life instead of the inner that can result in materialistic values in life.
The beauty of what we will be experiencing in this cycle is that the Moon in Aries brings to us the positive qualities of Courage, Will, Power, and Initiative by accessing the Feminine Divine of Love. The Feminine essence bring to us the balance that is needed in the Emotional Self to be fully balanced with the qualities of tolerance and patience.
The Sun in Libra elicits the qualities of the Alpha and Omega to be incorporated within the Mental Self by allowing the attributes of Justice and Understanding to be expressed through the thoughts that arise within the Mental Mind.
This allows for the Masculine Divine to bring forth the Balance that is necessary to hold the energies of the Feminine Divine. It is the line of Acceptance of allowing the Feminine Self to elicit the qualities of Strength and Courage while the Masculine Self brings forth a strong and secure foundation within the thought process that occurs. This relationship will assist an Initiate to be able to access their Higher Mind, of the Alpha and Omega to work in unison with the Lower Mind and the Lower Heart so that they become the Feminine and Masculine Divine. It truly is a powerful alliance of energies that are occurring presently.
So the important element to consider is how do we receive the Alliance of the Alpha and Omega presently?
As the moon is showing its fullness of light, we are all experiencing the Feminine essence that Grandmother Moon shares with us. It is the desire to stand in our own power with the love that is in our Higher Heart that Grandfather Sun is eliciting to us through this cycle. As the moon and the sun come together, each of us must initiate the power of Courage with Love, that will bring forth the Balance of our Spiritual Self to be more aligned within our Physical Self.
This alignment is very important at this time as it represents the Harvest energies of the Northern Hemisphere with New Beginnings of the Southern Hemisphere. It is a time of a new awareness to be birthed while allowing the old part of ourselves to die away so that there can be room for the initiation of new elements to arise in our world. But without the existence of the present alignments, it can be a very challenging pathway to step unto.
The only way that we can fully accept balance in our lives and allow the Spiritual Self (Higher Mind) to fully be within us is to surrender to the old memories of our multi-dimensional self that has been existing for eons of time. This cycle brings to us the movement of allowing the Feminine to be one with the Masculine instead of fighting with each other as has been the case upon this planet for eons of time.
Master Djwhal Khul suggests utilizing the Blue Flame of Will and Power to initiate the pathway of change as it brings forth the ability to step into the process of being Truthful to the Lower Self of what no longer applies to an individual’s life. This ray is the first flame that not only assists in accessing the positive energies of Aries but holds within it the beautiful qualities of Love through being tolerant and patient through each phase of the journey.
Master Djwhal Khul’s Message* for for October 2017:
Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,
I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service to reflect upon the present energies of this moon experience of Aries and Libra. As the earth is being challenged by the changes that are occurring, each of you are the reflection of what needs to occur at this time.
As you awaken unto your Spiritual Self, there comes a time in everyone’s pathway that they must learn within themselves what needs to change and how to embrace that movement within their consciousness first, and then by acting upon it in their life. This can be the greatest challenge of all as we can think we need to do something by taking action upon it before we stop to realize the challenge that can occur by acting before thinking first.
Every soul upon the planet at this time is going through this process whether they realize it or not.
It first starts within the consciousness of allowing the physical self to be able to think about their life and how it relates to their convictions of what they desire themselves to be.
As each of you, as initiates, go through a growth process, you will experience many bridges that you must walk across in order to elicit the change that you desire to have in your life.
What happens is that the information is sent through the Higher Self either in your dreams or meditation. It then comes into your subconscious mind for you to start to feel the energies within you. You may have an experience that is a direct correlation of the element that you need to change or create. That then gives you the reflection of desiring to make that change through an action in your life. You cannot step into the actual movement of the change before you go through all of these thought processes within your Mental Self which is actually initiated within the Emotional Self first and foremost.
The important part of this journey is how do you bring forth the relative course of action within your consciousness?
The answer would relate to how your emotional body reacts to the change and the thoughts that occur within your Mental Self.
If I was to ask you in this moment to take a deep breath into your Emotional Body and give me an emotion that you are feeling presently, then I can tell whether you are fully allowing your Higher Self to help you to understand yourself more completely. The thought that comes afterwards would be how your Mental Body processes the emotion that you are experiencing.
Is this your Inner Truth of who you feel about yourself or is it an element that needs to be healed?
This is a very important question as each Initiate must ask themselves these questions every day in order to see how well they are accepting their Higher Self within the Physical Self. I give this exercise as a test to yourself and no one else.
The cycle of Aries and Libra can be very conflicting unless you know within yourself the truth of what you are feeling and thinking. Then, it can help you to change in a different direction than you were experiencing previously.
This is a very powerful cycle; so powerful that it is going to change the way that many people think about themselves. Every soul is walking across a bridge of their immediate future but if they are not prepared for the outcome, then there will be some very challenging moments they will experience.
I want each of you to know within yourself your subconscious thoughts and how well you hold the higher vibrational thought forms within yourself as it is probably the most powerful time that Gaia will experience this year. The changes that have been happening bring forth a movement of acceleration. Some of them are being controlled but not all of them.
Are you going to sit in question of what is happening around you or look within yourself to see how you can accelerate yourself into a new level of Beingness?
Every one of you as a species of the human race has a grand opportunity to help make changes occur upon the earth, but the choice is yours and this moon cycle is a grand beginning to allow that movement to happen.
We talk about New Beginnings and the Harvest during this moon cycle. Do you know what that means for you presently?
All manifestations first occur through the Higher Mind as it settles into the Lower Self. If the purification of the light does not enter the physical self, then that change cannot happen.
It is imperative at this time to realize the potential you have within yourself to acquire the change you are desiring, but each of you must realize that you will have to sacrifice a portion of your Old Self in order for the new essence to be received and grounded within your physical self.
Take time during this full moon cycle to realize that you have Strength and Courage of the Aries Moon to take you deeper into your Emotional Body so that you can become more of the Feminine Divine. Don’t allow the old energies to kick you off balance and fall back into habits of your lower mental thoughts or the ego to surface. Continue the process by allowing the Sun of Libra to give you the balance that you desire through accessing your Higher Mind and not the Lower Mind. Concentrate on the movement of allowing your physical self to experience the most beautiful manifestation of light as you walk across the Bridge arriving into your New Self that is awaiting your arrival.
Take time to remove the elements that no longer fit so that you can fully embrace the new essence that you are desiring to hold within your consciousness and your life.
Embrace this moon as it can change many things for you and for Gaia.
In Blessings of Love,
I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
*Walking Terra Christa’s spiritual leaders have been designated by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul as his official spokesbeings upon earth at the current time of great change. He foretold of making such a selection in the Alice Bailey material.
To assist in bringing in the higher spiritual frequencies to ground these September Full Moon and Sun Sign energies properly, please listen to our Free Public Global Online audio gathering for the Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony (approximately 1.5 hours). The audio includes channeling and blessings from Master Djwhal Khul, the 1st Ray Masters of the Blue Flame, the Native Elders, and Lady No Eyes:
If you enjoy these accurate and pure Ascension Higher Frequency of Light meditation energies, we suggest to also listen to the Walking Terra Christa Entranceway of Light Guided Meditation (linked here) each week, or as frequently as you can, until the next Equinox. For those special individuals who truly desire to co-create a New Earth, we invite you to please view our Ascension training program options.
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