Prepare for Equinox
-New Moon Process-
by Selacia
With Equinox arriving Friday and the New Moon of September 19-20, here is a helpful process you can do now to benefit fully from both celestial events. Continue reading for the process and a few suggestions to help you use the energies of this week in the highest way.
We have a Virgo New Moon this week that signals new potentials while also inviting us to contemplate the path ahead. It is useful at this juncture, for example, to consider what may be preventing forward movement now that we are sitting in new, more fluid energies since the August 21 Solar Eclipse. We had an energy upgrade then, helping us to connect with our quantum nature - which is limitless and vast. The beneficial effects are unfolding over time, and can be accelerated with inner work and contemplating conditioning that continues to block the way forward.
One focus of our Equinox meditation Saturday is addressing this conundrum - already existing as a quantum being, now having the energy upgrade, yet continuing to be influenced by our linear fear-based conditioning.
One of the most visible signs of the gap between quantum and linear is in relationships. When they are dysfunctional, there is something to learn. It is through relating to others that we express ourselves and evolve. Approached in the highest way, each relationship teaches us something about ourselves and this reality. As we are open to learning, and apply what we learn, we are renewed and can go forward with more lightness of being.
Our current energies are catalyzing a deeper look at the dance of relationships. They are the jewel that helps us to see ourselves clearly. Use this process to help you clarify a relationship - as you do that, you can prepare for Equinox and set in motion some nice breakthroughs this week.
New Moon Process
Since the theme of Equinox is balance and new starts, use this New Moon process to identify where you are out of balance, especially in relationships. Include the relationship you have with yourself and any other key relationship that comes to mind.
Invite your inner wisdom to speak to you as you consider the following questions - trust the first responses that come to you. Allow each response to show you imbalances and potential corrections or new starts.
FIRST, when you consider the concept that you indeed are a quantum being with limitless potential, what part of you doubts this and what is it saying?
SECOND, when you consider the key people who you surround yourself with regularly, how is being with them supporting your vision of how you want to live and evolve?
THIRD, when you think about the key person who pushes your buttons and gets you off track, what is the main thing that he or she is currently teaching you?
FOURTH, when you have a conflict with someone, to what extent do you feel comfortable setting boundaries and addressing the issue in a direct and authentic heart-centered way?
FIFTH, who in your circles are your key role models and supporters, helping you to grow and take smart, intuitively-guided steps forward?
Follow-Up on Process
I suggest that you work with this process at the New Moon, then come back to it during the week or on the weekend. The purpose of the return visit is to gather additional insights likely to come to you when you do the process a second time.
For now, trust that with this process you have set in motion a fruitful transformation that prepares you for Equinox and new adventures with quantum manifestation potentials.
Remind yourself daily that you are an eternal being with boundless options to shine your light and make a difference.
Copyright 2017 by Selacia
- a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.