Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The thick wildfire smoke in Northern California became too intense for constant exposure while camping on the mountain. I migrated South and am enjoying my Incarnate Anniversary in Sedona! I AM blessed with a lovely place to stay for a few weeks. Feel free to connect with me for co-creations while I AM here.
Tonight's Full Moon (peak at 12:04 am PT Wednesday) marks a further integration opportunity for the Trinity Stargate activation of the eclipse. Geomagnetic storms from a very large CME are already affecting Gaia's energy fields, and will intensify as the week unfolds.
Get outside and receive, receive, receive. These are DNA-amplifying frequencies which open your internal stargates. All Gatework is focused on opening the New Earth Gateways, now that the Crystalline Grid has received it's activation codes. Meditate on it and witness the changes occurring; this is a powerful month for the planetary consciousness.
A side note for fun: When I returned online, I saw a photo of the crop circle which appeared before the eclipse. The image - to my consciousness - shows the unification of the three streams of Stargate flows merging during the eclipse. It even has the ring of our Solar system border, which is something the *steering committees* see when we shift the position on a Galactic level. Interesting image.
Listen to the new conversation, the Higher Light emerging through the Heart. All has shifted - again. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
Have a beautiful week and take advantage of the New Light!
In Love, Light and Service,
Photo at top: My annual birthday SUNrise photo, from Cathedral Rock, Sedona.