September started off showing us what is possible and still existent within. It opened a Gateway for each to SEE and EXPERIENCE the "Result of Consciousness" "faster" now. Continual Convergence has expedited in a magnanimous way.
August was a huge month of integration, a POWERFUL month of activations, veil removal, clearing physical density, re-structuring cellularly & REALities like never before, and this will continue as the constructs of the old crumble, collapse, dissolve, dismantle (intentionally or unconsciously) - INSIDE - for any linear constructs to be replaced with non-linear, vibrational ones. The more unconscious, the more this appears to happen outside first, while in fact, inside is already doing this and outside is just reflecting this back.
What does this mean? Many things. Mostly that all is vibrational and dictated by feelings, beliefs and thoughts and the only "control" each has, is through inner-connection with/as PURE SOURCE LIGHT and by way of holding PURITY LOVE and UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS as our Core Existence, otherwise there is no "glue" to hold anything together, as the glue is Vibrational ENERGY and deep sacred love and respect now.
Polarities become more vast and extreme, yet how polarity presents is different, based upon the dimension physically occupied. The more unconscious, the more physical all of this is. An unconscious program will play out within a physical reality for as long as there is any energy that keeps it going. The more conscious, the less a physical experience is necessary, because the polarity is visible before the reality is created, therefore, through "Quantum Expanded Consciousness", it's never created to materialize or play out. If it does, then each has the opportUNITY to see it/realize it and stop it, immediately, and shift to a much higher vibration within self and with their whole body, to shift to a different timeline, concluding the old one immediately for activating and anchoring a new one in it's place.
On a grander scale, the greatest polarity is the vast difference between physical Heaven on Earth and physical Hell on Earth now, as these are polar opposites as well. Deep into "the Rapture" (Ascension is the same thing, just the 5th Dimensional word instead of the fear based 3rd dimensional word, yet I use it to make a point here). The lower timelines now play out what was inconceivable before, prophesied, spoken of as "what was to come", providing each an opportUNITY to intentionally choose Physical Body Ascension, which is the Embodiment of each's Soul and eventually OverSoul/Monad here.
Responsive Physical Realities:
To experience Heaven, each must hold PURITY as a way of existing, continually anchoring photonic light/encodements from within, hold the absolute highest state of consciousness and honor this vast evolutionary process of transitioning from all of the old unconscious matrix programs/programming to RETURN to an existence that is PURE. NEW Earth Heaven becomes visible differently along the way. First in dreams and visions, then holographically, then in all things physical.... for vibrational density-shifting processes are intricate ones, where every molecule, cell and particle of our StarDust/Earthly/Heavenly Bodies are completely re-worked/re-coded, de-densified and raised vibrationally through cosmic photonic frequencies bombarding daily so that each can fully become Conscious to REMEMBER again. Placing responsibility on anything outside for how any of this came to be created is an unconscious program as well.
Separation/Duality plays out in Extremes:
Heaven or Hell, awesome or not awesome, intense or immense, suffering or ease, hard or easy, aligned or not-aligned, flow or complicated, begin with mindsets and beliefs. Each now resides in their own Universe/Galaxy, connected through "like-vibrations" (collectives). Each must choose to EXIST AS LOVE and stop playing in the old games of unconsciousness again for the extremes to diminish. These extremes are the balancing of polarities within. You/we are returning to existences forgotten, as each holds realities in place according to NEW EARTH ENERGIES and no longer compromises or supports the old anymore. Realizations, in the beginning, are mind-blowing and beyond challenging, because a complete reversal of all unconsciousness is required.
August was a pre-cursor.
Emphasis: All will show you where your focus (energy) has been, where you place importance and how what you place your importance on creates your physical reality here. With the emphasis shifting to UNITY/CHRISTED CONSCIOUSNESS in very big ways, anything "not this" will become more visible/play out for you to see this and choose to shift vibrationally/expand your consciousness yourself. Many expansions are "spontaneous" for awhile and your human won't understand, try to go to fear/control/resist or "label" this as something else....
Contemplation: Observe and decide what represents Heaven or Hell in your own reality world. Opening your heart/mind fully will allow you to sit with all and process easier, for new understandings/clarity to come through. Your physical reality is not going to be like you thought it was "supposed to be". Unconscious Earth was realities built on fake, pretend, selfishness, not caring, not respecting, not coming together, not sharing and perceptions that you were alone/the only one, which could not be furthest from the truth. Yes, it will be all up to you, to decide, because as long as you are avoiding, trying to "not do" what your higher self/Universe is trying to show you, trying to "not listen" to what you know is "right", holding out for yourself, not willing to come together, then you will suffer, for separation from your own SOURCE YOU is what creates your suffering here. The physical is not what you "think" it is....
FOCUS on what inspires, supports, unifies and and creates/anchors highest consciousness new. Shift your focus off of attachment to others/things, realize what you already have access to, the gifts you have/are, the gifts that you took for-granted, the opportunities that you turn down because the don't fit into your "way of thinking" or what you "thought" reality was supposed to look like. Connect DEEP on a SOUL Level with all that you come into contact with. No more hiding, fake, BS, pretending.... everything is visible vibrationally... hiding is from yourself.
Expand your heart & mind, open completely up. Observe where you still hold resistance to ease and keep struggling inside with what challenges your human. This is a huge sign that provides you the opportUNITY to dissolve resistance easily, for the Light of your Soul to integrate within you easier.
Love, Respect & No More BS: You, your body, each other. Kindness. Consideration. Support each other. Get over your chit. Move through things, process those emotions, get them out of your body, so that you can return to peace and love and to activate more Heaven New Earth to come forth faster again.
See your own divisiveness, see your own stuff. Stop judging, as this will keep you spinning in a loop cycle until you get tired/done.
Bring those walls down yourself. Dissolve anything you've still got going on. See the patterns in your own reality, your habits...
SEE what needs to be resolved, returned and merged back into/through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS LOVE in order to shift into a vibrational timeline of Our NEW Earth now.
Continual REALizations occur by observing all through our hearts/higher mind consciousness and the depths of our Soul. Much contemplation is necessary when observing and realizing that a choice must be made .... to keep struggling to hang onto/keep the old or move on/let it go to be ready for the next awesome thing that's been waiting for you.
When you realize that you are ready to be free, you will start to treat yourself with love and respect. As you do this, you gain the capacity to do this for all around you. Loving you comes first. Kindness for you comes first. Respecting you comes first. THEN you can share this love, this kindness, this self-respect through your FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS....
You are creating a new way of being and doing things. You are creating all new realities. You are anchoring realities through light. They come into fruition as you integrate this light within you and express it, share it, transmit it through your BEing and DOing... in everything that you are & do.
Dreams and Ideas: These higher realm "visions" and thoughts are your new realities floating around in your ethers (field) just waiting for you to grab them and do something with them. Your alchemist and you as a Divine Mother/Father will give birth, nurture and grow/raise these creations (your babies/Divine Children) to release them out into the ethers, out into the world, out into the hearts and souls of all that they touch to inspire, awaken and assist as love too. These dreams & ideas are important, yet cannot be if you continue to sit in fear, keep minimizing yourself, wasting what you already have, keep talking yourself out of all, keep making excuses for why you cannot yet. Your dreams are ACTIVATED as you open up, as you believe, as you dedicate your time/energy/money/reSOURCEs/things to bring these things into PHYSICAL REALITY here.
You/WE are the one that opens/closes portals: These are abound in every moment, yet your human is not ready, makes excuses, turns all away. Everything just floats around in your field until you expand your consciousness into all to activate it as an actual reality here. There are many things that cannot come into fruition until all the pieces & parts have occurred. Sacred Geometrics are made up of pieces and parts. When you do the first piece, the next piece activates. When you do that one, the next one does... each piece you do/activate, creates a bigger part of the picture, the bigger piece of the puzzle, until every piece has been activated/done. Each part comes together (converges) in the physical, as you achieve the vibration inside for materialization to occur. If you are not doing any of the "pieces" then the whole picture cannot come together for you. The whole reality is like this. Every piece of reality is constructed as you activate/DO it. Realities are constructed geometrically, by way of Quantum Creation, where each thing creates the whole. A reality is this. The conclusion/conversion of all of the pieces. Change the vibration of the piece, the picture/reality changes. This is how vibrational realities work. The ENERGY that you CREATE WITH dictates the vibrational reality that takes form. Your Quantum Energy transmits across all dimensions/timelines to activate ENTIRE REALITIES. Your ability to expand your own consciousness gives you the ability to "look across dimensional timelines" (galaxies/universes) and activate realities at will. You do this vibrationally, through your own abilities that you gain as you transcend unconsciousness from within. Where you are not ready yet, where you let your limited human dictate, then those portals/doors/opportUNITIES can close and you'll have to wait until you achieve the vibration fully before another portal/door/gateway opens back up. You can also close portals yourself, as you see that things cannot fully align. You can close out realities that no longer serve highest purposes and represent an old timeline that's collapsed because something was not ready.... and what this is, shifts/changes in every moment, when we exist as Quantum BEings. (Humans don't do well with this, as they want to "think" first. Here, there is no "thinking". There is observing, seeing, knowing & doing. This collapses timelines instantly as we do!
Our Heaven on Earth will change all along the way. What brings us joy, happy, peace and inspires will be different as we step further into fulfilling our own Soul's Purposes/Galactic Missions, while enriching all of our own lives by RECEIVING in RESPONSE to how much we are willing to do whatever is necessary to anchor our highest timelines in the physical here. Once we have achieved "that", then that will be easy and the next thing will become our focus. Stepping stones, building blocks of a whole new "future" (vibrational reality)... from within this ZERO POINT FIELD NOW here.
Immense Instant Integration is required for ease "after" to occur. This ultra-high frequency light (waves & particles) will re-code your the DNA of your body & your physical reality (yes your Physical Reality has DNA too). Integration is challenging to our human aspect, yet our bodies require this to function with greater ease, to continually ascend in the physical and clear the dense/unconscious programs held deep within our physical body structures keeping us from experiencing our highest timeline and purest existences together here.
The rest of 2017 (and into 2018) is dedicated to anchoring these unity frequencies & new timelines in. Gauge all based upon higher consciousness awareness, instead of lower consciousness judgments, re-actions, limits and fixed beliefs. Listen to your feelings, keep opening up fully to communicate, to support, to share, to step-up and into those shoes that allow you to walk on NEW Earth with greater ease. Embrace what you might not understand yet, yet somewhere inside already know. Release those things you held onto out of fear, cut those cords of attachment, let go of expectations, making promises or committing to things you can't fulfill, as the way you feel & what you see continually changes here. Your capabilities will also change constantly, as your Universal Body works very different than your human body did. Let go of the need to save, protect and convince anyone else of anything (because it's you you are trying to convince). Let go of what other's think/say, for this is their reality, not yours, unless you take it on as your own/have an emotional reaction. REALize that a higher dimensional reality means you are going to do the INNER WORK and whatever contributes in the physical, you are going to have to do this too. Understand that you will receive VIBRATIONALLY, non-linearly, however is appropriate as a RESPONSE TO ALL OF THE VIBRATIONS you are transmitting out continually and that if everything you hold/be/do is fully aligned, then the reality you receive will be too!
Get ready for more magic, see all not love and intentionally shift this yourself. Maintaining your Ascended Christed/God/Source Self means that your reality is always aligned, and where it is not, you decide what is appropriate in each moment based upon the presence of love, which often means standing in your POWER and saying "not acceptable" and letting all outside resolve itself/go figure it out (often somewhere else). This is YOUR reality.... September is to anchor more of your highest everything here... for all of us... it takes us all.... REMEMBER... ♥
I love you! Happy September... this powerful Equinox Gateway is another huge transition for us all! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼