viernes, septiembre 01, 2017

Diane Canfield - Two Days Of Solar Winds Increasing Bringing GeoMagnetic Storms With DNA Activations- Eclipse Energy Continues - Sept 1, 2017

By Diane Canfield


Two Days of solar winds are increasing bringing Geomagnetic Storms upgrading our DNA activations to our Light Body. Some of the symptoms you may be feeling are difficulty sleeping, headaches, extreme thirst and extreme hunger. I have noticed some on edge and this always comes with the upgrades. I felt nausea and an out of body feeling last night when these storms started. Since I do not get nausea from out of no where, I will always know these energy sensations and symptoms are coming from an outside


Just after the eclipse we had a period of days of Geo Storms mixed with the Eclipse Energy. When this happens it can be difficult for many to tell which energy is coming from which source. Most of the energy during that time came from the Geo storms with an overlay of Eclipse Energy.

The Eclipse Energy has been one of Extreme insights into all aspects of our lives and since this was centered on the USA, this will also factor in as I discussed in my Eclipse interview with Charlotte View. This energy has been very powerful even after the eclipse and will continue as an overlay. The eclipse has made us take a closer look at ourselves and the others we surround ourselves with. It has made us review our life choices many times over. All of this continues through the Equinox.

The Eclipse Gateway continues until the Equinox of September 22 and these energies will again be mixed. If geo storms continue or occur during this time, this energy will also factor in. The Energy of the Equinox can occur 10 days before and 10 days after the event has taken place. Please tune into my interview with Charlotte View on September 11 where I will be discussing the current energy and Ascension process and how these energies are affecting us. The link is here

As always grounding, drinking plenty of water and not resisting these energies when they come in helps to move through them faster. Realize they are helping us to evolve and attune even more acutely to our Light Body resonance.

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included