Ascended Master Spiritual Channeling Message with Lord Saint Germain, Lady Master Nada and Lord Sananda representing the 6th Flame of Inner Devotion, share their expertise on The Art of Forgiveness Within the Etheric Self, transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden – Integrative Channel of Walking Terra Christa.
Dearest Friends,
It is Lord Saint Germain here to speak about how to step into your role of being an Initiate within a physical being while realizing the multi-dimensional energies that are arising out of your Etheric Self. This process can be very overwhelming and confusing to the structure within your four-body system.
The first element that needs to be addressed is to realize within yourself that you are no longer just your Personality within your physical body.
Every Initiate must come to realize this fact. It is a challenge, as what occurs is the Lower Ego within the Physical Self wants things to occur as they should, in the right order, and not to be interfered with by the Higher Mind. But yet, as this Initiate, you desire to hold as much light energy as possible as that is your role as a Lightworker, correct? In fact, you may even think it is why you came to Earth, and it should all fall into place naturally without worrying about the Old Self dying within you.
The misconception occurs as the Physical Ego is fighting with the Spiritual Ego for equality instead of allowing the blending of the two worlds to come together. It happens within each awakened person, and many individuals stay stuck in this concept of themselves which can be a big issue when trying to accelerate through the higher initiations.
This is when the State of Forgiveness must come into play as without it you will not be able to get past the subconscious thoughts from your Etheric Self that are lodged within you to be the same person that you have been before. There needs to be a complete adjustment and realignment of the Etheric Body as the higher frequency of light becomes infused within your consciousness.
Your Etheric Self is the key to all the healing that you need to receive, but many times it is not even thought about when an individual goes through the process of transformation.
It can occur automatically but there are many lifetimes in which you, as the soul, have gone through tremendous challenges that are still lodged within the consciousness of your Etheric Self. This is where the true work needs to occur; many times it is not considered when an Initiate is going through the movement of changing their lower thoughts into the higher thoughts.
The Etheric Body is very complex has it holds the key to everything that you desire in your world. It is where the consciousness of your Inner Child is held as it represents all of your lifetimes as a child. It is also where the deep, dark secrets are held as your experiences in other lifetimes that have not always been in God’s Light, but it is also where your Divine Wisdom is held along with the gifts that you as a soul, as a Being of Light, as an Angelic Presence, as a Christed Self is held within you.
The important element is to realize that when you walk the Mastery Pathway of learning about your initiations and lessons, you start to see that what you are experiencing is taking you deeper into a space of growth that can show you a pathway that is aligned with the most beautiful essence that you have ever experienced in any lifetime.
The Mastery Pathway upon the Earth is the most exquisite journey that you could ever embark upon but you must realize that it takes great responsibility to look at all aspects of your Inner Self, or the Etheric Soul Body of Light.
This is when the State of Self Forgiveness comes into creation as learning how to work with the elements of Grace, Love, Expression of the Divine within you, allows you to fully embrace the totality of who you are and see that you are becoming a part of that creation. It is a beautiful step to see the movement of a soul to travel from the depths of despair to see that they believe they are a pure creation of God within their heart.
It is important to realize that this Journey of the Self is not an easy one, but is guided by your Spiritual Self, first through the Solar Angel that you are, then the Higher Self, walking with your Monad (11 other Soul Existences of your Light), and finally with your I Am Presence.
Earth is the grandest place to learn these lessons as all can be remembered from your past into the present allowing for the future to unfold. This is what each of you will be able to experience by walking the Mastery Pathway through the Planetary level.
As the Lower Ego becomes challenged through this healing process, elements arise within your consciousness that may seem not particularly pleasant. You must remember that what you are experiencing presently comes from the ability to be multi-dimensional and not just a third dimensional Planetary Being upon Earth. All the old rules no longer apply which means this process can be extremely difficult and challenging to the Heart and the Personality of your Physical Self.
It is your responsibility to realize that this is just part of the process of finding your True Self and that you must walk through the world of Duality in order to find the Oneness within yourself.
The only way that you can get through this process is to have the Flames of God’s Rays to walk within you by utilizing their energies as each one on the first seven levels gives a true understanding of what it is like to be a Master within the Body. Without them you will falter and want to go back to your Old Self which is the biggest mistake any Initiate can make in their journey.
Let’s look at those flames:
Blue – Gives Strength and Power, the Will and Courage to move through any adversity;
Golden Yellow – Allows for the Illumination of your Higher Mind to work in your Physical Mind as it is the first step towards integrating the Christ Consciousness;
Pink – Brings forth Love and Adoration of the Self feeling compassion and Love through Creation of Actions to become manifest;
Crystalline – Is the flame of Resurrection; allowing the old energies to be removed so that the Rebirth can occur within the Self and brings with it the flow of creativity and love;
Green-Golden-White – Allows for the Harmony of the Spheres to be experienced as the Higher Mind becomes more integrated within the Lower Mind; great ideas have been created within this ray;
Violet-Purple – is the Ray of Transmutation to create Transformation of the Physical Self as the exchange of energies becomes more grounded within the structure of the Initiate to become their own Personal Alchemist;
Ruby Red-Gold – is shown as the last flame because it is the movement of being immersed in the Light of God through the journey of Mastery to be realized; it gives forth the elements of peace and serenity of what has been achieved by literally allowing Spiritual Idealism of the Ascended Master Teachings to be your guide.
As you can see, utilizing each of these flames will assist you, as the Initiate, to walk through the doorways that can be overwhelming. It brings forth the ability to truly accept Divine Love within your Heart and allows the state of Self Forgiveness to be so integrated within you that it becomes the main element appearing in your consciousness.
There is no other way to get through the process of opening up your Etheric Self to become integrated within your Physical Self as the transition of your Light Body is very detailed and intricate within you. Your Etheric Self holds the key to all that you are, all that you have been, and will be for your future moment.
Do not be fearful of who you have been, we all have experienced the dark places of life upon this earth. Allow yourself to realize you have the potential to be more developed within your physical being than you ever thought you could be.
Allow the State of Forgiveness that is within your Heart to be expressed in each moment allowing you to heal through the depths of your soul so that you can be the Higher Being of Light that you came to this Earth to embody.
I now ask Lady Nada and Lord Sananda to share their thoughts.
I Am Lord Saint Germain
Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God
Greetings and Love,
We come to you as the consciousness of Lady Nada and Lord Sananda. We want to talk about how important it is to allow the Devotional Light of the Sixth Flame to work through your Emotional and Mental Bodies.
We bring forth the Divine Feminine and Masculine to assist in helping you to understand the true concept of Forgiveness within your own Self. How many times have you been able to accept the fact that you need forgiving light as much as another person especially one that you may feel you have hurt?
This is a very important question that needs to be pondered within your consciousness.
Your Emotional Body along with your Mental Body are trying desperately to bring forth the integration of the Divine Self.
Many moments ,you as the Initiate, may be so involved in your own agenda that you do not realize the potential you have within you to create the ability to Love yourself so completely that it will appear in your outside world as the Blessing you have desired to have in your life. Individuals can get caught up in the process that they forget to stop and reflect within themselves of what they are feeling.
The Emotional body is truly a gift to the Divine Self.
But yet, are you able to step into that role of nurturance and love to your eternal self? It is in those moments that a doorway opens to allow for the true issuance of Grace to be experienced in all that you are feeling.
Think of yourself being immersed in the most beautiful light of the Ruby Red with Gold as it travels into your Heart allowing you to take a moment of being very calm, like watching a beautiful lake in its stillness, feeling the wind across your face ever so slightly, while hearing a songbird chirping in sheer delight. Your Heart is fluttering with complete joy of the moment.
As you allow yourself to experience this moment, your Feminine Divine is expressing the pure love within your Heart as the Masculine Divine is in a state of love holding the energy for the Feminine Self.
Take this a little deeper and move the energy into your Heart Center to a place that feels like it needs more of this movement of Grace into the space that has not been aligned with this pure essence.
As you go through this process, your entire bodily structure is feeling the freedom of being calm and peaceful. This means that your Physical is allowing the transference of energies, the Etheric is receiving the blessing, while the Emotional becomes the Feminine Divine and the Mental allows for the Masculine Divine to all work together in unison.
It is a state of bliss that can be achieved by taking the time to feel the Movement of Grace within you.
As this moment goes deeper within your consciousness, the ill thoughts or feelings may arise. Let us help you remove them. Is it about a person or a situation? Can you write down the details of that moment? Take another moment and send this energy you have been able to focus upon that may be uncomfortable, the essence of the Ruby Red-Gold Flame. Concentrate on the blessing you received and allow it to go to the memory within your subconscious.
Take some time with this exercise.
Then again, sit and write about your feelings and thoughts in the moment. Has it changed or dissipated in any way. Feel the energies going upwards from this dimensional level into the higher realms of light. Send it to the Source of Oneness, the 144th dimension and feel it dissipating within you.
Now go back to the same moment of Peace and Serenity you experienced. Breathe it into your four-body system as you allow your Etheric Body to heal deeply and fill it up with the most Divine Love and Light you can imagine.
This is allowing the Art of Self Forgiveness to be embraced within your full-body system.
Each of us walks with you to help you acknowledge all parts that need to be in Oneness, to be healed as your Etheric Self becomes integrated within your Physical Self, your subconscious thoughts are healed by your super-conscious of your Higher Mind and your Higher Ego blends within the physical to assist the Lower Ego to heal through the depths of your Soul.
Blessings and Love,
We are Lady Nada and Lord Sananda at your service.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
RELATED: “The Art of Forgiveness Within the Etheric Self: Moving from the Ego Duality into the Oneness of the True Self ” is a public seminar being given by Lord Saint Germain, Lady Master Nada and Lord Sananda and Lord Metatron by Walking Terra Christa and accessible worldwide online. Attend LIVE or via RECORDED AUDIO (available for download after the teaching concludes). Live class: Saturday September 16th at 12:30 PM Pacific. The teaching (with channeled lectures and energetic attunement) is structured to bring forth a new understanding in learning how to embrace the Higher Ego to break the patterns of the physical self ego to move into the Grace and Peace of the Divine Self using the higher frequencies of the Ruby Red and Gold Flame. Lord Metatron brings forth his wisdom of the Metatronic Seals for this teaching as part of the 2017 Series Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul. Click the button for series details and class enrollment: