Aloha Beautiful Light Family,
When one exists in Separation Consciousness, their world is focused on the external first... Identities, attachment, things and what they can get out of everything.... what they can achieve for themselves and there is a lack of unity, peace, love, consideration and all things sacred from within.
When one exists as and through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, their focus is inward first, taking care of what is transmitted out through intentional and a natural higher consciousness vibrational existence of inner love, inner unity, inner peace, inner integrity, inner honor, inner respect, inner beauty, inner magnificence, inner magic, inner bliss, inner gratitude and appreciation... the list of inner awesomeness, brilliance and abundance never ends. All is as unlimited as we are from within.
When we hold these energetic feelings and mindsets, they are felt throughout our entire BEING. WE are lighter, more vibrant, alive, conscious, intentional and contributing to the whole of all things...
WE RETURN to the frequencies of HOME from inside, so no matter where we go, we are always home, as WE take HOME with us. WE return to love, return to light, return to that which WE forgot... when WE "entered unconsciousness" and "fell beneath the veils".
When one exists in separation consciousness, they are are oblivious to higher consciousness and how important it is for all. WE are energy and when WE are fully conscious, WE are conscious energy. When one is unconscious (separated), they are are unconscious energy in physical form.
Conscious energy focuses and acts with purposeful intention and utilizes higher self/inner wisdom to function again. Unconscious energy is scattered, wastes, lacks intention, lacks care, lacks that which is pure and sacred, and "thinks/believes" everything is as it sees everything in the physical reality. Conscious energy is in-tune energetically and pays attention to everything. It utilizes energy to transform, switches frequencies intentionally to re-tune a reality and create a timeline it desires to exist in here.
Unconscious energy "gets" realities to have to experience to understand. Conscious energy observes all and understands according to expanding views and perspectives from other dimensions and through review our previous timeline experience, as well as the ones we currently experience as we go through them.
BEing Multi-Dimensional means you exist in more than one dimension consciously and intentionally and you choose everything in every moment, manage everything as it occurs and dictate your realities through your unified heart-mind from within. You are walking in unison, as your higher-self you's, as the Universe... fully re-empowered and REMEMBERED again.
Every physical reality is a response to ones own separation or unification held within. Choosing to be conscious and make you/your consciousness a priority, means that you are stepping into your purposes/roles/missions that you came to fulfill here.
Everyone has access to unlimited gifts, abundance, information/wisdom/knowledge, by going within. Your higher dimensional existence means that you've made you/this your priority and things are simple, easier and there's no suffering anymore/here.
Easy and in-flow as the Universe is how we exist here. WE is our connection as all things again. "I" separates off.... I AM claims your power for Embodiment again. When you are done claiming you are it... this is a very natural and organic exquisite experience when you actually become interactive and choose to open up to ANCIENT WISDOM that activates your soul and self as higher consciousness here.
Limits are our own and only exist in SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS. These go as the veils of amnesia go and all RETURN to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS again. ♥
Here we are interactive with/as the Universe again. It is a much easier existence and a whole lot of fun and amazingness too! Continue to open your hearts and minds loves! We've got a whole lot of awesomeness to share, experience and anchor in here! ♥
Thank you everyone for all that you do on your own journey, whether sleeping to upgrade/anchor or in your day to day exchanges and your intentionally holding the higher consciousness gridwork of NEW Earth in place.
I love you and have the most magical and amazing everything! ♥
~ Mahalo Nui Loa from Kauai ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.
Author, WayShower, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness, Mastery & NEW Earth Existence, Physical Ascension & Light Embodiment Guide EmPOWERing all through Remembering from Within