Concluded from Part 1
Something strong and pure was once here, and we can resurrect it. Our society’s been lost in darkness and self-service for what seems like millennia, but we’re being offered an opportunity to change things; to heal and restore them, and in doing so, heal and restore ourselves.
Whatever powerful, loving energy can be felt in nature will help us restore our planet. I think this energy was once common, but it’s since depleted as humanity sought to control the earth instead of living in harmony with it and its creatures.
An ancient power once roamed this land, and it was right out in the open. I don’t think it was hidden or suppressed in any way, and in fact, we might’ve celebrated it. We might’ve seen it as the greatest creative and spiritual source we could attain, and we might’ve guarded it closely.
We might’ve taken any measure we could to make sure this power was never disrupted or depleted, but we faltered somewhere along the way. At some point, we made a mistake and depleted this energy as we fell into unawareness and abandoned harmony in favor of using our earth selfishly.
It’s clear to anyone who looks at the past couple hundred years of our history that humanity’s been almost comically greedy with our resources. We treat plants and animals like useless commodities that we can do whatever we want with instead of respecting and loving them, and we basically do the same thing with everything else.
Our disregard for our planet and its sentient creatures has caused a lot of environmental destruction, which could do us in if we aren’t careful, but as strange or naïve as it sounds, I think all of that’s starting to dissipate.
I think this spiritual power will have a lot to do with the dissipation of our selfishness and unawareness, and I think it’ll subtly lead everyone to consider that we can embrace new way of life – a way of life we willingly embraced when the earth was rooted in a higher vibration.
I get the increasing feeling that utopia once existed here on earth and will again, and I think this power will eventually reach the minds and hearts of those who’ve hurt the earth without any remorse or any thought of what their selfishness could cause down the line.
Most belief systems preach that a major planetary change of some sort will occur, and some religions are a little softer about it than others. Some religions tell us the earth will be destroyed as ‘saints’ ascend to heaven and ‘sinners’ experience hell on earth, and some tell us that something big will happen that’ll cause us to create heaven for ourselves.
Rastafarians believe Africa is heaven, for example, and those who’ve maintained love and righteousness will return to Africa one day and enjoy eternal life and heaven on earth. The ‘new age’ movement is based on the idea that dramatic shifts in consciousness will lead everyone to ascend into the fifth dimension and experience an earthly heaven.
No matter what belief system you look at, there seems to be a mutual belief that life as we currently know it won’t continue. Depending on the religion, it’ll either be replaced with destruction and an ascension on the part of people who’ve behaved, a gaining of consciousness and a collective creation of heaven on earth, or a range of other scenarios.
Personally, the idea that the ‘good’ religious people will leave earth and go to heaven and the ‘sinners’ will leave earth for hell (or experience hell on earth) doesn’t resonate with me at all. I think the earth is and has always been heavenly, but the actions of man have turned it hellish.
I resonate much more with the idea that all of humanity – not a specific group of people – will respond to this powerful energy and construct a utopian society, all the while living in alignment with certain philosophies.
I don’t refer to philosophies that are taught in some church or written in some book, but philosophies that are based in love, unity and, most importantly, common sense. Keeping the earth healthy and refusing to pollute it (especially for personal gain) should seem like common sense, but unfortunately, selfish interests have ravaged it for centuries.
I don’t think this’ll continue as this energy starts to influence more and more people, and even the wickedest among us will be given an opportunity to see the light and work toward healing the earth of the destruction we’ve caused.
Major changes are inevitable, and when they finally start to happen, I’d imagine this powerful force will have something to do with it. Our response to this force will determine what’s done to heal this planet, and this is why it’s important for those of us who feel it to act on it.
I wish I could outline what I’m feeling in a clearer or more sophisticated way, but nothing I say will do justice to exactly what this feels like.
The best and simplest thing I can say is that it’s time to create earthly heaven, and I think our motivation to create it will grow as more people open up and respond to this force with the same inspiration and enthusiasm as the seekers who are ready to make some changes.
I can only hope this happens, at least, because the alternative to utopia is most certainly destruction. I only say this because of how badly we’ve hurt the environment, and like I’ve said before, there are only two directions we can take from here: up or down.
We can’t continue to hurt the earth and expect to sustain ourselves for much longer, and I support the idea that we’re here to use awareness and common sense to bring our planet back into the heavenly states of consciousness we all inhabited at one time.
I’m ready to do whatever I can to contribute to our earthly heaven, and more people will hopefully say the same in a time when consciousness has grown and everyone recognizes how malevolent the environmental destruction our greed has caused truly is.
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I’m a twenty-one year old writer, musician and blogger, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.
I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter.